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Vendredi, 9 juillet 2010

The A-Team

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]


© Filmofilia.com

A team of Special Forces soldiers in Iraq manages to recover counterfeit dollars made by rogue Iraqui. The operation is unofficial, and the general Morisson, who officially did not order it got murdered just after the team delivered the money and the plates used for printing it. The team is thus accused of attempting to steal the money in collaboration with Pike, the leader of a team of mercenaries who then disappeared. They are convicted of murder and sentenced to ten years in prison. Lynch, a CIA agent, however helps them to escape and asks them to recover the plates once again. Pike has been spotted at a bank in Stuttgart accompanied with an undidentified Arab. The team successfuly recovers the plates and kidnap the Arab, who happens to actually be Morisson, who had teamed with Pike to double-cross Lynch. Lynch then tries to kill them all and quietly recover the plates. Morisson is killed but the team escapes and lets Lynch believe that the general is still alive. The team then lures Pike and Lynch into a trap. Pike is killed and Lynch is arrested, but soon recovered by the CIA. The team is again arrested but manages to escape and they become soldiers of fortune.

See the Wikipedia article on The A-Team (film).

[ Posté le 9 juillet 2010 à 23:40 | 1 commentaire | ]

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watched it again.

Commentaire N° 1, Matthieu Weber (Finlande) le 5 juillet 2015 à 20:16

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