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Vendredi, 7 avril 2023

The Illusionist

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



As a teenager, Eduard, son of a cabinet maker, fell in love with Sophie. As she was of noble birth, they were forcibly separated soon after Eduard gave Sophie a locket with his picture. Fifteen years later in 1889, Eduard comes to Vienna after having traveled the world and becomes famous as an illusionist named Eisenheim. He is noticed by Crown Prince Leopold who attends a performance and volunteers his fiancée Sophie for a trick. Eisenheim recognizes Sophie, and after a private performance where he humiliates the prince, they become lovers. Sophie reveals Leopold's plan to marry her soon, in order to get support from the Hungarian side of the empire during his future attempt at overthrowing his father. When Chief Inspector Uhl tells the prince of Sophie's relationship with Eisenheim, Leopold shuts down the theatre where he is performing. The two lovers then plan to flee by train, but on the evening before, a drunk Leopold mortally wounds Sophie as she flees on horse, and her body is found the next day by Eisenheim and a party of policemen. Eisenheim then buys a small theatre and starts a new show where he sits alone on the stage and makes talking images of dead people appear. He soon attracts a loud crowd of people who hope to speak with lost loved ones, and when he makes Sophie appear and the audience starts asking whether she was killed by Leopold, the latter demands that Uhl arrests Eisenheim for necromancy. From the police headquarters, the illusionist tells his assembled followers that it is all an illusion, and Uhl releases him. During the next performance, Sophie's image appears again and says that someone in the audience is her murderer. A bunch of policemen attempts to arrest him on stage, but this time Eisenheim himself is an illusion. Uhl then reports to Leopold and reveals that he has found gems from the prince's ceremonial sword in the stable where Sophie was wounded, as well as her locket. He also says that he wrote a letter to the emperor, revealing the conspiracy to seize the throne. Leopold commit suicide as officers of the army arrive to arrest him. As Uhl, no longer a police officer, leaves the place he is approached by a boy how gives him a parcel from Eisenheim (the plans to one if his illusions) and notices that the adult who just jostled him took the locket from his pocket. Uhl chases the man to the train station, but arrives too to catch the man. He then realizes that Sophie's death was staged so that she could be free of Leopold. Somewhere far away in the mountains, Sophie and Leopold start a new life together.

[ Posté le 7 avril 2023 à 13:07 | pas de commentaire | ]

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