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Jeudi, 25 novembre 2021

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



During the Cold War, Napoleon Solo extracts Gaby Teller from East Berlin, evading KGB agent Illya Kuryakin. Gaby is the daughter of a nuclear scientist working for the United States and who has recently disappeared. The kidnapper is likely the Vinciguerra couple, Nazi sympathizers who want to build a nuclear weapon. Solo and Kuryakin are forced by their superiors to cooperate in order to retrieve the weapon and the new technology that has been used for building it. As Gaby's uncle Rudi works for a shipping company belonging to Vinciguerra in Rome, the trio travels there under cover and discover that the Vinciguerra couple has been recently exposed to radiation. Solo and Kuryakin break into a shipyard, where they find traces of uranium. The barely escape after setting of the alarm and being chased by the guards. The next day Gaby meets with Rudi and Vinciguerra in order to gather intelligence, but she betrays the two agents. Solo is captured and tortured by Rudi (who is a war criminal), but Kuryakin saves him in the nick of time, forcing Rudi to reveal that the weapons is being built on an island fortress where Gaby has been reunited with her father, who is killed as soon as the weapon is completed. Solo and Kuryakin team up with British intelligence's Waverly to organize an assault on the fortress, and discover that Gaby is actually an MI6 agent. After a long chase after the weapon, they discover it is a decoy. The however manage to locate Vinciguerra on the sea and destroy the real weapon with a homing missile. Both Solo and Kuryakin are ordered to kill their partner, but they refuse. They are are then reunited with Gaby and Waverly in a new international organization, U.N.C.L.E.

[ Posté le 25 novembre 2021 à 18:10 | pas de commentaire | ]

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