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Lundi, 30 septembre 2019

Week numbers

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Science ]

Given a week number, it's not easy to know when it is located in the calendar. And to add to the confusion, there are three definitions of the week number (ISO-8601; Middle Eastern; North-American and Islamic). The EU and most European countries use the ISO-8601 definition, according to Wikipedia.

The following method is quite approximative so the actual definition does not matter so much, but it should help placing a week number in the calendar without having to look it up:

  1. Divide by 4
  2. Subtract 10%
  3. Add 1

The integer part (before the decimal separator) of the result is the number of the month, and the fractional part (after the decimal separator) times three tells you near what day of the month it is located.

For example:

  • Week 1: 1/4 is 0.25, minus 10% is about 0.2, plus 1 is 1.2; 2 times 3 is 6: it's around January 6th (Jan. 1-5, 2019 actually).
  • Week 7: 7/4 is 1.75, minus 10% is about 1.6, plus 1 is 2.6; 6 times 3 is 18: it's around February 18th (Feb. 10-16, 2019 actually).
  • Week 14: 14/4 is 3.5, minus 10% is about 3.2, plus 1 is 4.2; 2 times 3 is 6: it's around April 6th (Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 2019 actually).
  • Week 42: 42/4 is 10.5, minus 10% is about 9.5, plus 1 is 10.5; 5 times 3 is 15: it's around October 15th (Oct. 13-19, 2019 actually).
  • Week 35: 35/4 is 8.75, minus 10% is about 7.9, plus 1 is 8.9; 9 times 3 is 27: it's around August 27th (Aug. 25-31, 2019 actually).
  • Week 52: 52/4 is 13, minus 10% is about 11.7, plus 1 is 12.7; 7 times 3 is 21: it's around December 21st (Dec. 22-28, 2019 actually).

[ Posté le 30 septembre 2019 à 18:13 | pas de commentaire | ]

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