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Dimanche, 12 juin 2022

Thor: Ragnarok

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Marvel ]



Thor defeats the demon Surtur in order to prevent it from destroying Asgard during the prophesied Ragnarok, takes its crown and places in Odin's vault. Back in Asgard, he finds Loki posing as Odin, and soon after takes him to Earth to find their father Loki had abducted. Thanks do Dr. Strange they find him, only to see him reveal that his first born daughter Hela will be released upon his death and die immediately after. Hela appears and chases them, causing the Bifrost Bridge to malfunction and sending them to the garbage planet Sakaar, while Hela raises her past wariors from the dead and starts a reign of terror on Asgard, wanting to regain her place in the History from which Odin had erased her, while Heimdal organises the resistance to hide the inhabitants of Asgard. On Sakaar, Thor is taken prisoner by the last of the Varkyries, now working as a thief catcher and sold as gladiator, forced to fight the Hulk (who for some reason is the grand champion) in the Grandmaster's Contest of Champions; in the meanwhile Loki becomes friend with the Grandmaster. Thor almost wins his first fight and eventually manages to convince the Hulk and the Valkyrie to help him escape and leave for Asgard in a ship stolen from the Grandmaster, after having freed the other gladiators and started a revolt. On Asgard, they fight Hela and try to but soon realize they have no chance of winning. When Loki arrives with the gladiators and a huge ship, Thor realizes that Asgard is the people, not the place, so he summons Surtur to destroy the place and Hela with it while the people escape on the ship. Thor is now king of Asgard, reconciles with Loki and takes a course to Earth.

[ Posté le 12 juin 2022 à 16:15 | pas de commentaire | ]

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