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Dimanche, 29 janvier 2023

Austin Powers: The Spy who Shagged Me

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



After having escaped, Dr. Evil comes back and goes back in time to 1969 to steal his mojo, which Austin suddenly notices in his present 1999. MOD sends Austin back to 1969 where he meets CIA agent Felicity Shagwell. Together they interrogate an assassin hired by Dr. Evil who reveals the existence of the super-villain volcano lair. They then identify Evil's agent who stole Austin's mojo, Fat Bastard. Felicity is tasked by MOD to implant a tracking device in Fat Bastard by any means necessary, but that device only lead them to a public toilet where they can take a stool sample revealing the presence of a plant that exists only on a single volcano island. Austin and Felicity arrive on the island and are made prisoner. Evil leaves for the moon where he has built a giant laser that he uses to extort money from the US government under threat of destroying Washington. Austin and Felicity then fly to the Moon on an Apollo rocket where Austin fights Mini-Me, Evil's miniature clone, and throws him into space. Austen then has to chose between saving Felicity or the world. She tells Austin to save the world, but is killed. Evil suggests that Austin could use the time machine to go back in time 10 minutes and save Felicity, but as there are now two Austins, they manage to save both Felicity and the world. Evil initiates the base's self-destruct and destroys Austin's mojo, but Felicity points out that all the things he succeeded in doing prove that he had never actually lost it. They travel back to 1999, where Fat Bastard reappears and fails to kill Austin. Dr. Evil's rocket recovers Mini-Me.

[ Posté le 29 janvier 2023 à 15:22 | pas de commentaire | ]

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