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Lundi, 14 octobre 2024

Ocean's Thirteen

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Daniel's friend Reuben gets swindled by his partner Willy Bank while building a new hotel-casino in Las Vegas and suffers a heart attack. Daniel decides to Willy's hotel on its opening night by preventing it from getting the Five Diamond award all Willy's other hotels have (by making the stay of the Five Diamonds' reviewer a nightmare) and rigging the casino games to pay out millions in winnings, preventing it from earning enough money in its first quarter to remain open. The casino's games are controlled by a totally secure AI system that they have to disable so that the payout would happen while it reboots. They achieve this by getting Willy a mobile phone containing a magnetron. They also use a tunnel drill on the hotel's foundation to simulate an earthquake and force the customers to evacuation with their winnings. They infiltrate the factory in Mexico that produces the casino's dice to make rigged ones. Unfortunately, the drill breaks down and, to replace it, they have to ask a loan from Terry Benedict, who demands in exchange the diamond necklaces that Willy has bought every time his hotel has won a Five Diamond award. On the day of the opening, Daniel get's a fake FBI agent arrest one of his accomplices for rigging the card shufflers, prompting the casino to replace all of them with actually rigged ones. While Linus is seducing Willy's head of security in order to access the top-floor vault where the diamonds are, the same FBI agent (in reality his father, a con artist) arrests him for having switched the diamonds with fakes and takes him to the roof. There Toulour (sent by Terry) is robbing at gunpoint Linus from the diamonds, not knowing they are fakes. The explosive charges set by Linus free the vault, which is then lifted by a helicopter. At the same time, the AI is rebooting and the customers win loads of money just before being evacuated due to the fake earthquake. With their own winnings, Daniel's crew buys land for Reuben to build his own hotel. Daniel also donates Terry's share to charity, making it impossible for him to get his money.

[ Posté le 14 octobre 2024 à 10:46 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Le trône du dahu

Catégories : [ Livres ]

ISBN: 9782253243731

© Amazon.fr

Une pythie nosferati se présente au château du père d'Ulser et annonce qu'à cause du chamboulement que ce dernier cause dans la trame du destin, la famille régnante actuelle vient de disparaitre et l'ainé de la famille d'Ulser deviendra roi. Pour ce faire, la tradition impose impose aux prétendats de rapporter dans un temps limité les quatre matériaux permettant construire un nouveau trône : un énorme bloc de pierre de Comblemort, des peaux de salamandre géantes du volcan Llardinaflarge, des perles venant de coquillages, et des plumes de dahu, un oiseau disparu depuis des siècles. En allant s'enregistrer comme candidat auprès des druides, Ulser découvre qu'il est en compétition avec son voisin et ennemi juré Rohand, le magicien charmeur d'animaux Boggus et un mystérieux quatrième candidat (qui n'est autre que son compagnon Fimosis). Ils vont d'abord chercher les perles sur une île située au centre d'un lac maudit mais finalement inoffensif, où ils sont harcelés par Rohand. Ils se rendent ensuite sur le volcan où Boggus, allié de circonstance contre Rohand leur apprend qu'on peut éviter de tuer des salamandres en allant prendre leurs mues dans une caverne ; Rohand ne prend pas cette précaution et la colère des animaux provoque une éruption dont ils échappent de peu. Ils se rendent ensuite à Comblemort, pays de lutins qui s'est enfoncé dans un puits profond. Ulser et ses compagnons trouvent une galerie menant au fond et des champignons rares dont les spores réduisent la taille des choses qu'ils recouvrent, ce qui leur permet d'emporter un énorme rocher. Ils se rendent ensuite dans dans les collines où vivaient les dahus et sont faits prisonnier par Rohand qui utilise la nécromancie pour transformer temporairement sa complice en dahu afin de lui prendre ses plumes de queue. La magie a pour effet imprévu de faire réapparaitre de vrais dahus, permettant à Ulser et se amis de prendre des plumes. Les quatre candidats étant parvenus à rapporter des quatre éléments à temps, les druides décident de les départager par une course en sac (une tradition dans le royaume). Malgré les tricheries de Rohand, Ulser gagne la course et reçoit donc les attributs royaux. Le fantôme de son ancêtre qui hantait le château apparait alors et par une entourloupe légale devient le nouveau roi.

[ Posté le 14 octobre 2024 à 09:26 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 6 octobre 2024

Fuller's Vintage Ale 2014

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Fuller's ]


“Goldings, from England, has been used for subtle bitterness and American varieties Liberty and Cascade were used in dry hopping to give a zesty, grapefruit aroma.”

Quite sweet and strong, with dried fruit flavours. I didn't notice the grapefruit aroma. Contains malted barley.

Bottle N° 87767. Fuller, Smith & Turner, London, England. 8.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 6 octobre 2024 à 11:11 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Samedi, 5 octobre 2024

La théorie du bouclier

Catégories : [ Livres ]

ISBN: 9782253243731

© Amazon.fr

Le chevalier Ulser cherche à accomplir un quête pour impressionner Migrene et la demander en mariage. Il demande conseil à la sorcière Mercédes, qui lui explique que la prochaine quête ne peut être entreprise que dans treize ans. Ulser accepte cependant d'aller voler la clé de la ceinture de chasteté dont l'ex-mari de Mercédes, Roméo, refuse de la libérer. Par maladresse, Ulser laisse échapper le lutin qui donne l'essentiel de son pouvoir à Roméo. Ulser promet de capturer le lutin après avoir accompli sa quête, même si la faire en avance est très dangereux. Tous trois partent alors à la ville de Carnavalum afin de rassembler une équipe. Ils s'associent à Maline, guerrière amazone du Nord et à Escar, voleur très peu doué mais ayant passé le test d'entrée dans la guilde par chance et dont les dirigeants sont content de se débarrasser. Roméo les mène dans un endroit où un écho magique répond aux questions, et qui les enjoint à aller voir un devin au beau milieu du pays des trollaks. En chemin, ils sont attaqués plusieurs fois par des assassins portant avec eux des statuettes à leur effigie, mais réussissent à se faufiler parmi les trollaks et à parler au devin Mausaurus. Ce dernier leur révèle qu'Ulser est le Prophétionnel et qu'à partir de ce moment, plus aucune prophétie n'est fiable et que le futur du monde est bouleversé. En ce qui concerne la Prophétie du Barde Nécromant qu'Ulser tente d'arrêter, Ulser doit trouver l'épée de Maroale et fabriquer un bouclier en écailles de la dépouille du dragon Na'faras et les donner à Darian, le garçon de ferme qui tuera le barde nécromant. L'endroit où se trouve l'épée est connu mais tous ceux qui ont tenté de la sortir du trou d'eau où elle se trouve ont été estropié. Ulser y parvient cependant, avec l'aide de Maline. Ils visitent ensuite l'antre du vieux Na'faras qui n'est pas encore mort, mais qui meurt de peur après avoir été réveille en sursaut par Ulser. Comme Darian n'est même pas encore né, Ulser décide de se confronter à Fimosis le barde qui deviendra plus tard un nécromant. Il parvient à convaincre ce dernier d'utiliser le joyau qui lui aurait donné des pouvoirs magiques pour plutôt libérer Mercédes de sa ceinture. Tous repartent alors accompagnés de Fimosis en direction du château de Rohand, seigneur voisin d'Ulser qui a enlevé Migrene (et leur a aussi envoyé les assassins). Après un duel avec Rohand se terminant sur un ex æquo, Ulser se rend compte que sa fiancée aime en réalité Rohand et se résigne à rentrer dans son propre château en compagnie de ses amis.

[ Posté le 5 octobre 2024 à 19:22 | 1 commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 4 octobre 2024

Ocean's Twelve

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Terry Benedict threatens individually each member of Daniel Ocean's crew, giving them 2 weeks to return his money, with interests. Wondering who leaked their names to Terry but in need to raise cash quickly, they travel to Amsterdam where a local crook tasks them, as a test, with stealing a precious antique from a collector' very secure home. They succeed to open the safe, only to find a note from the Night Fox, a famous thief who had stolen the artifact before them. Europol detective Isabel Lahiri, former lover of Daniel friend's Rusty, investigates the theft and surprises the team at their hotel. Daniel discovers that the Fox is François Tourlour, a gentleman thief who studied under famous thief LeMarc. François reveals he's the one who exposed the identity of Daniel's team to Terry. As François was outraged at LeMarc's suggestion that Danny is a better thief than he is, he decided to force Danny into a competition to steal a Fabergé egg; he will pay off Terry if Danny manages to steal the egg. The crew elaborates a plan to replace the egg with a hologram at the museum in Rome where it is going to be exhibited, but François leaks the identities of Daniel's crew to Isabel, who arrests them little by little. In the end only three of them remain and Linus decides to ask Daniel's wife Tess to pose as a pregnant Julia Roberts causing a disturbance at the museum, allowing to steal the egg. But the unexpected appearance of Bruce Willis blows her cover, and the remaining members of the crew end up in a Roman prison. They are extradited to the USA thanks to the political influence of Linus parents. As Isabel has forged a signature on a document to get a crew and arrest Daniel's team, she does not dare making an official complaint. Daniel and Tess visit François some time later, and the French thief gloats about having won. Daniel reveals that he had actually stolen a fake and that thanks to LeMarc's information they had replaced the real one with the fake when it was inconspicuously in transit to the museum by train from Paris. Danny delivered the real egg to LeMarc, who had stolen the egg years ago but had returned it on his wife's request. François pays the crew who pays back Terry, and Rusty takes Isabel to visit LeMarc, who she recognizes as being her father whom she believed was dead.

[ Posté le 4 octobre 2024 à 18:43 | 1 commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 29 septembre 2024

El buen patrón

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Julio Blanco, propriétaire d'une entreprise de balances industrielles, considère son personnel comme faisant partie de sa famille et est ravi de pouvoir les aider dans leurs problèmes. Alors qu'il apprend la visite imminente d'une commission devant décerner un prix local d'excellence en affaires, il congédie José, un comptable. Ce dernier, pour protester contre la perte de son emploi qui le conduira à perdre sa maison et sa famille, s'installe sur un terrain vague en face de l'usine avec des banderoles pour protester et insulte Julio avec un mégaphone à chaque fois qu'il entre et sort de l'usine. Julio utilise aussi de son influence pour faire libérer Salva, le fils de Fortuna, arrêté pour agression. Miralles, directeur de la production de l'usine, accumule les erreurs parce qu'il déprime depuis que sa femme parle de le quitter. Julio parle à cette dernière pour la convaincre de changer d'avis, mais elle lui apprend que son mari a eu une liaison avec Ines, la secrétaire de Julio, et l'envoie se faire voir. Il découvre alors que la femme de Mirallese entretient une relation avec Khaled, le subordonné de ce dernier. Julio a aussi une liaison avec Liliana, une jeune et jolie stagiaire en marketing et apprend juste après de sa femme qu'elle est la fille d'amis de la famille mais qu'il ne doit pas lui donner de traitement de faveur. Quand Liliana annonce à Julio qu'elle a rompu avec son petit ami pour poursuivre leur liaison, il décide d'ignorer la jeune femme et de ne pas l'embaucher après son stage. Pour se débarrasser de José qui nuit à ses chances de recevoir le prix d'excellence, il embauche la bande de Salva pour agresser son ex-employé ; José tue cependant Salva en se défendant pendant l'attaque. Liliana annonce alors à la femme de Julio que ce dernier l'a nommée cheffe du marketing et ce dernier ne peut pas nier la chose sans qu'elle ne révèle leur liaison à sa femme. Julio décide aussi de licencier Miralles et de le remplacer par Khaled. Le jour de la visite de la commission, l'entreprise donne la meilleure image d'elle-même et Julio est fier de recevoir le prix.

[ Posté le 29 septembre 2024 à 11:31 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Hiisi Noppa

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Hiisi ]


“suklainen ja pehmeän kahvipaahteinen… ruusuvettä, kaakaota ja vaniljaa.”

Ainka makea, tuoksuu ruusulle, suklaalle, vaniljalle ja vähän kahville. Sisältää ohramallasta.

Panimoyhtiö Hiisi, Jyväskylä, Suomi. 9.0% alkoholia.

[ Posté le 29 septembre 2024 à 11:00 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Lundi, 23 septembre 2024

A Dark and Hungry God Arises

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Gap Cycle ]

ISBN: 9781473225534

© Amazon.fr

Morn has prevented her son Davies from being delivered to the Amnion by Nick, but Davies is now a prisoner of the Bill, the ruler of Billingate, a station in forbidden space that caters to the needs of illegals. Nick needs his ship repaired but has no money and resorts to selling Morn to the Amnion who have an outpost in Billingate. Morn has however stolen Nick's anti-mutagen drug, so she is not affected by the Amnion's experiments to transform her into a human-looking Amnion. Some of Nick's crew has been kicked out after opposing selling Davies to the Amnion and are now stranded on Billingate. Angus, now a cyborg forced to work for UMCP is sent to Billingate to rescue Morn. The Amnion still demand Davies from Nick as they want to study him, so he deals with Angus, promising him Morn (whom Angus does not know is already in the hands of the Amnion) in exchange for Davies. Angus manages to rescue Davies' from the Bill's prison, but Nick then admit now having Morn anymore. Angus then meets with with Nick's former crew members; together they enter the Amnion's outpost and rescue Morn. Angus, Nick and his former crew then escape in the nick of time, thanks to Nick's remaining crew sacrificing his ship. Billingate is destroyed by Angus having tampered with its fusion reactor. Meanwhile, Warden Dios, director of UMC Police, is scheming against his boss, Holt Fasner, CEO of the UMC, to make UMCP independent from UMC and put it at the service of all people in space and not only serving Fasner's greed. He publicly admits having used Nick's pirates for covert work in the past and having used Morn as a payment to Nick. UMCP sent Nick to Billingate to start a rumor about an anti-mutagen drug that would render the Amnion suspicious of the Bill and render Billingate less useful to them. The revelation is followed by an attack on the ruling council of Earth and a freeze of its communication with the UMC.

[ Posté le 23 septembre 2024 à 11:02 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 15 septembre 2024

Cloudwater Forever Chubbles

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière ]


“Cloudwater x The Veil Brewing Co.”

Tropical fruits, with somethins else I cannot describe. Contains barley, oats and wheat.

Cloudwater Brew, Manchester, England. 8% alcohol.

[ Posté le 15 septembre 2024 à 11:26 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Mercredi, 11 septembre 2024

Ocean's Eleven

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Barely out of jail, Danny Ocean already plans his next robbery: the common vault of three Las Vegas casinos. Incidentally, Ocean's ex-wife Tess had left him for the casino's owner, Terry Benedict, when he went to prison. With the help of his friend Rusty Ryan and the financial backing of Reuben Tishkoff whose casino was bankrupt by Benedict, Ocean assembles a team of ten criminals with various skills. They start by observing the casino, learning its routines, the behaviour of its staff and the building itself. They connect themselves to the casino's video surveillance system and also build a replica of the vault for rehearsing the theft. The destruction of Tishkoff's old casino causes a power loss in the district, causing the maintenance personnel to correct an issue that Ocean is planning to exploit. They solve that problem by stealing an EMP device from a university research center. Danny meets with Tess and Benedict has him barred from the casino. The heist starts with Ocean entering the casino and being detained in a surveillance-free room to be beaten up by a man who secretly works for Ocean. He reaches the elevator shaft through the ventilation system and meets Linus who entered the place pretending to be a gambling official. Meanwhile, Saul convinces Benedict to store a precious briefcase containing disguised explosives in the vault. Virgil an Turk smuggle acrobat Yen into the vault in a casino trolley and Basher uses the EMP device to cut the power, disabling the laser grid protecting the shaft. Yen then uses the explosives to open the door from the inside, letting Ocean and Linus in. Rusty calls Benedict, reveals the robbery and blackmails him into giving up half of the cash, to be put in a van waiting outside. Through the surveillance cameras, Benedict verifies the vault is compromised and surrenders to the blackmail. He calls a SWAT team while his men follow the van to the airport. The SWAT team assaults the vault but explosives are detonated, destroying the remaining money. Meanwhile, the van is found to be radio-controlled and to contain only worthless paper. Benedict dismisses the SWAT team before realizing the surveillance system has been compromised: he was watching a video filmed in the replica vault. The SWAT team was actually composed of Ocean's team who emptied it before leaving through the front door. Ocean returns to the secure room where Benedict arrives to confronts him; he is tricked into admitting that he would give up Tessa in exchange of recovering his money, but Tessa is shown the scene and decides to leave him. Ocean is sentenced to few months in prison, but Tessa and Rusty are waiting for him on his release.

[ Posté le 11 septembre 2024 à 17:07 | 1 commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 8 septembre 2024

Williams Che Guava

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Williams ]


“gluten-free… tropical… guava…”

Strong guava flavour (it contains guava flavouring) with a hint of that taste I don't like in some German beers. Contains malted barley and buckwheat.

Williams Bros Brewing Co., Alloa, Scotland. 3.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 8 septembre 2024 à 11:26 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Samedi, 7 septembre 2024

The Elephant Man

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



In Victorian London, Frederick Treves, a surgeon, discovers John Merrick in a freak show. He pays Bytes, Merrick's “owner” to have him at his hospital to study his deformities. On his return to Bytes, Merrick is badly beaten and asks for help from Treves who gives him shelter at the hospital. Nurses are frightened because of his appearance and Treves believes at first he is intellectually disabled, but soon discovers that he can speak and read. Merrick has tea with Treves and his wife and from then starts to get London's high society interested in him and visit him in his room where he builds a model of the cathedral he can see from his window. He even receives actress Madge Kendal who gives him a copy of Romeo and Juliet; the they play some lines from it and Kendal kisses Merrick. At the same time, a night porter named Jim starts selling tickets to locals who come at night to gawk at the Elephant Man. Some members of the hospital council consider that the hospital should not pay for Merrick's lodging, but he is guaranteed a permanent residence by Queen Victory, the hospital's royal patron. One night, during Jim's showing where they invade Merrick's room, Bytes kidnap him and forces him to play the Elephant Man in the circus, this time in Belgium. Merrick is ill and weak and unable to perform, so Bytes leaves him to die in a cage. He is however rescued by the other freaks who all flee in the night. Merrick travels back to London where he is first harassed at the train station before being returned to the hospital by policemen. Merrick recovers some of his health and even attends a performance of Kendal's at the theatre; Kendal addresses the audience who then applauds him. Back in his room at the hospital he finishes his cathedral models then lies down and dies (his was aware that, due to his deformities, lying down would cause asphyxiation).

[ Posté le 7 septembre 2024 à 23:03 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 1er septembre 2024

The Fugitive

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Chicago Surgeon Richard Kimble is sentenced to death for the murder of his wife. He claims to be innocent and that his wife was killed by a man with a prosthetic arm, but the police is not able to find that man. A year later Kimble manages to escape during transport when other prisoners cause an accident leading to the bus being destroyed by an oncoming train. Kimble sneaks into a hospital, tends to his wound, shaves his beard, steal clothes and escapes in an ambulance. US Marshall Samuel Gerard chases Kimble into a tunnel from which Kimble escapes through the storm drain and despite being followed by Gerard, manages to disappear by jumping from a high spillway into the river. Kimble then returns to Chicago to find the one-armed man himself, getting money from his friend and colleague Charles Nichols. Posing as a janitor at the prosthetics' department of Cook County Hospital, he manages to make a short list of patients who could be his wife's killer. He however blows his cover when he is asked during a rush in E.R. to take a boy on a gurney to another floor but instead modifies the doctor's orders so that the boy would be operated on, saving his life. Gerard deduces what Kimble is doing and produces his own list of suspects. He spots his fugitive when interviewing a jailed suspect in Chicago City Hall, but loses him during the St. Patrick's Day parade. Later Kimble breaks into the home of his last suspect, Fredrick Sykes, a former cop, now chief of security for a pharmaceutical company. Kimble finds a link between this company and Lentz, the doctor who was in charge of testing a new drug, soon to get FDA agreement, that Kimble knew was causing liver damage. Kimble phones Gerard and leaves evidence in sight before leaving. He then visits a former colleague of his at the hospital. He learns that Lentz has died in a road accident six months earlier (presumably killed by Syskes because he too had found that the drug had side-effects). Kimble then gets proof that the liver samples used for the FDA agreement are fakes, and that Nichols, now a member of the board of the company, is the only person who could have replaced them. On his way to the cardiologists' conference where Nichols is going to announce the new drug, Kimble is attacked by Sykes on a train and a transit police officer is killed; Kimble is blamed and Chicago PD wants revenge. At the hotel, Kimble confronts Nichols, they fight and end up in the laundry, followed by Gerard and his men. Kimble saves the US Marshall's life when Nichols attempts to kill him. Gerard tells Kimble they have got Sykes and proof that Nichols helped the killer to stage the burglary of Kimble's home and to kill his wife.

[ Posté le 1er septembre 2024 à 15:17 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Entourloupe dans l'azimut

Catégories : [ Livres/James Bond ]

ISBN: 9782221049242

© Amazon.fr

Dix ans après la seconde guerre mondiale, Sir Hugo Drax est un industriel britannique qui a fait fortune dans les minerais stratégiques et construit pour le royaume son premier missile balistique près de Douvres ; pour des raisons de limitations budgétaires, tous les techniciens travaillant sur la fusée ont été sont Allemands et ont été embauchés par Drax, et seuls deux policiers de Scotland Yard sont chargés de la sécurité, dont une, Gala Brand, sous la couverture de secrétaire de l'industriel. Drax fréquente le même club que M, et ce dernier le soupçonne de tricher au bridge. Il demande de l'aide à Bond, qui se fait un plaisir de faire perdre une fortune à Drax. Peu de temps après, le policier en charge de la sécurité est tué par un des techniciens pour une histoire de c½ur. Le Yard demande de l'aide à M et Bond devient le nouveau chef de la sécurité. Il découvre que son prédécesseur avait aperçu quelque chose de louche au large la nuit précédent sa mort, et Brand et lui manquent de se faire tuer par l'effondrement de la falaise alors qu'ils examinaient la plage. La veille du premier lancement d'essai, Drax part à Londres avec son homme de main, Krebs, et sa secrétaire. Brand parvient à voler le carnet dans lequel Drax note chaque jour les réglages des gyroscopes du missile que sa secrétaire calcule en fonction de données météo. Elle découvre que ces réglages emmèneraient le missile de test droit sur Londres et non pas vers la mer du Nord, mais Drax s'en aperçoit et la fait prisonnière. Ayant planifié un rendez-vous à Londres avec Brand et ne la voyant pas venir, Bond part à sa recherche et finit par poursuivre la voiture de Drax. Ce dernier provoque un accident, et Bond se réveille prisonnier dans la base aux cotés de Brand. Drax révèle être un ancien officier Nazi qui, déguisé en soldat anglais, avait posé à la fin de la guerre une bombe dans un QG britannique ; il avait été blessé dans l'explosion, a feint l'amnésie et pris une fausse identité en sortant de l'hôpital. Drax compte se venger du Royaume Uni en plaçant une ogive nucléaire fournie par les Soviétiques dans son missile et en le lançait sur Buckingham Palace. Drax ayant laissé Bond et Brand se faire incinérer par le décollage du missile, ces derniers parviennent à s'échapper et à re-régler les gyroscopes de sorte à le faire retomber dans la mer. Drax et ses hommes, qui s'étaient échappé à bord d'un sous-marin soviétique, sont tués dans l'explosion. Bond part alors à l'étranger, se faire oublier quelques temps.

[ Posté le 1er septembre 2024 à 14:42 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Hiisi Horna

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Hiisi ]


Hapan ja hedelmäinen, muistuttaa vähän Madeirasta. Sisältää ohramallasta, kauraa ja vehnämallasta.

Panimoyhtiö Hiisi, Jyväskylä, Suomi. 8.0% alkoholia.

[ Posté le 1er septembre 2024 à 11:56 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Vendredi, 30 août 2024

Little Women

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



During the American Civil War, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March live with their mother in Concord, Massachusetts while their father is at the front. Meg wants to become an actress, Jo writes, Beth plays the piano and Amy draws and paints. They live near the Laurence's house where Laurie lives with his grandfather and his tutor John. The sisters live happily many years together even though Amy is jealous of Jo's relationship with Laurie. Mr. Laurence invites Beth to play his late daughter's piano in his house, eventually gifting her the piano. Mother and daughters also help a poor neighbouring family, the Hummels, from which Beth contracts scarlet fever, and Amy is sent to rich Aunt March to avoid catching the disease. Despite getting eventually better, she remains in weak health. Aunt March eventually takes Amy to Paris to take art courses, while Meg marries John and resents being poor compared to her richer friends. Laurie appears in Paris, revealing that Jo rejected his marriage proposal as she does not see herself married. Amy however refuses to be his second choice, despite having secretly been in love with him for many years, but also rejects the proposal from her wealthy acquaintance Fred. Jo has gone to New York to become a writer; she manages to publish dreadful stories that sell well, but her friend Friedrich criticises her work, angering her. She returns to Concord upon receiving a letter telling her that Beth's illness has worsened; she eventually dies. Amy returns from Paris with an ill Aunt March. Jo wonders if she should have accepted Laurie's proposal, but discovers he and Amy got married on their journey back. Jo then begins to write a novel based on her and her sisters' lives. In the meanwhile, Friedrich visits her and her family on his way to California. Jo's publisher is not impressed by the first chapters, but eventually agrees to publish the novel after her daughters demand to know how the story ends, but refuses to accept that the protagonist remains unmarried in the end; Jo then ends the book with the protagonist, herself, asking Friedrich to stay in the East. Jo successfully negotiates copyright and royalties. Following Aunt March's death, she inherits the house and opens it as a school where Meg, Amy, John and Friedrich all teach.

[ Posté le 30 août 2024 à 17:20 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Samedi, 24 août 2024

The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/Canopus in Argos ]

Al·Ith is the queen of Zone Three, where people live in harmony and have some kind of a shared consciousness. The god-like Providers order Al·Ith to go to Zone Four and marry its king, Ben Ata. Zone Four has lots of natural resources but its completely militarized civilisation makes no use of them and to Al·Ith its people look poor and unhappy. Both countries however see the natality rate of both humans and livestock decline very rapidly, and Al·Ith supposes that the marriage between the zone is going to solve it. The two rulers could not be different, Ben Ata being foremost a soldier, not used to the company of women he cannot control. After being forced to live together they however learn each other habits and end up falling in love. A son is born, Arusi, future ruler of both Zone Three and Four, and Al·Ith receives the help of some women, led by Dabeeb. The Providers then order Al·Ith to go back to Zone Three without her son and Ben Ata to marry Queen Vashi of Zone Five, ruler of many tribes of desert nomads who pillage the rest of the rich Zone. Both Al·Ith and Ben Ata are devastated by this news. Back in Zone Three, nobody recognizes Al·Ith whose sister Murti· has taken over as queen. Murti· is disturbed by how her sister has changed and exiles her at the frontier with Zone Two. She tries to enter the Zone but she finds it inhospitable and is told by invisible people it is not her time yet. In he meanwhile, Ben Ata disbands most of his army so that the men can rebuild the towns and villages; he also manages to gain Vashis's confidence and convince her to stop plundering Zone Five. With Arusi old enough to travel, Dabeeb and her band of women travel to Zone Three to visit Al·Ith and are shocked to see the former queen working in a stable. the inhabitants of Zone Three also have xenophobic attitudes towards the visitors. Five years later, the Providers tell Ben Ata to go and see Al·Ith. He is at first stopped at the border by a makeshift army but comes back with his own troops and despite not being well received, he finds his first wife surrounded by a small band of followers. Ben Ata tells her of the reforms he introduced in Zones Four and Five. One day, Al·Ith enters Zone Two and does not return but there are apparent changes in the three previously stagnant Zones where people and knowledge flow freely between them.

[ Posté le 24 août 2024 à 15:50 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 18 août 2024

Thornbridge Misty Eye

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Thornbridge ]


“tropical medley of American hops… Centennial, Citra, Ekuanot, Mosaic… pineapple and grapefruit… peach, lemon… orange, papaya”

Tropical fruits indeed. Very good. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Thornbridge brewery, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England. 6.2% alcohol.

[ Posté le 18 août 2024 à 12:04 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 11 août 2024

Williams Juicy Joker

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Williams ]


“tropical with a citrus burst of bitterness”

Definitely tropical fruits. Quite good. Contains malted barley, wheat and oats.

Williams Bros Brewing Co., Alloa, Scotland. 5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 11 août 2024 à 11:24 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Mercredi, 7 août 2024

Le phare au corbeau

Catégories : [ Livres ]

ISBN: 9782072933851

© Amazon.fr

Isaïah et Agathe sont chasseurs de fantômes : elle est médium est peut les voir et les attirer dans un piège pour que lui, sorcier hoodoo, les force à partir vers l'au-delà. Ils sont appelés à Landrez en Bretagne pour chasser les fantômes du manoir de Ker ar Bran, situé à coté d'un phare que l'on dit maudit : celleux qui en ouvrent la porte sont condamnés à mourir sous peu. Agathe se rend compte que la maison est hantée par les fantômes de deux jeunes filles, et parvient à apprendre le nom de l'une d'entre elle, Solen (grâce à un enfant qui l'a vue et lui a parlé). Iels découvrent aussi les archives de Théophile, un érudit parisien, ésotériste spécialiste des anges, venu s'installer à Ker ar Bran en 1921 et mort tragiquement en 1922 après avoir tenté un rituel magique pour invoquer des anges. Les archives de la mairie, qui auraient pu les éclairer sur l'identité des fantômes ont été détruites dans un incendie quarante ans plus tôt. Toutes ces informations sont cependant insuffisant et Isaïah et Agathe repartent à Paris ; Agathe surtout a le sentiment d'avoir échoué alors qu'elle aurait dû réussir. Après avoir demandé de l'aide à un sorcier plus puissant qu'elleux, iels sont rappelés à Landrez et retrouvent des document ayant échappé à l'incendie des archives. Iels découvrent qu'en 1841, Tugdual de gardien du phare qui habitait Ker ar Bran a été reconnu coupable du meurtre d'une adolescente. La même année, Gwennyn, qui avait été accusée de sorcellerie a été bannie du village. Avec les prénoms des deux fantômes, Isaïah et Agathe tentent un nouvel exorcisme, sans plus de succès. Mais Agathe découvre une connexion avec Gwennyn (Agathe, Théophile et Gwennyn partageraient la même âme) et parvient à lui parler. Elle lui révèle que Solen, fille d'un marin mort dans un tempête, a été tuée par le fils du maire en essayant de la violer. Le maire a étouffé l'affaire en faisant accuser et condamner Tugdual. Gwennyn, qui pouvait entendre les fantômes, a appris de Solen qui l'avait tuée et l'a annoncé à sa mère. Cette dernière, horrifiée par le pouvoir de sa fille, l'a dénoncée au curé qui l'a fait bannir, la conduisant à se suicider. Théophile, quant à lui, a réveillé les nombreux esprits vivant sous Ker ar Bran et même s'il a été sauvé par Nenoga, une sorcière locale qui y a laissé ses pouvoirs, a fini par tomber en dépression et se suicider. Après ces révélations, les deux fantômes, apaisés, décident de leur plein gré de partir vers l'au-delà.

[ Posté le 7 août 2024 à 19:27 | pas de commentaire | ]

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Mikael Blomkvist is a journalist who lost a libel trial against crooked businessman Wennerström. Wealthy Henrik Vanger promises Mikael proof of Wennerström illegal activities in exchange for investigating the disappearance and presumed murder of his grandniece Harriet forty years ago. Mikael moves into a cottage on Vanger family estate on Hedestad Island and starts studying the files collected by Henrik. Most of Henrik's relatives live on the island and were Nazis and Nazi sympathizers during World War II. In a notebook that belonged to Harriet he discovers a list of names and numbers that are Bible references. At least one name matches an old, unsolved murder, and the reference describes the way the victim was killed. Mikael hires Lisbeth Salander, an investigator and computer hacker who researched Mikael before Henrik hired him. Lisbeth is a ward of the State, deemed unable to make social relationships and take care of her finances and who has been abused by the social services employee handling her money. Lisbeth discovers more victims, all with Jewish names, and matches their locations to places in the country where Vanger's company has business places and where Harriett's father Gottfried was present at the time of each murder. One more murder was committed after his death, leading to suspect her brother Martin committed it. Confronting Martin at his house, Mikael is made prisoner and taken to the basement where Martin brags about having committed many more murders while preparing to torture and kill the journalist. Mikael is saved by Lisbeth, Martin flees. Lisbeth chases the man on the road and the latter then dies in a road accident. Mikael and Lisbeth then deduce that Harriet is alive and living in London under the name of her estranged cousin Anita who had helped her flee Sweden. Harriett had killed her father Gottfried who had raped her, but had been seen by Martin who also had used this as leverage to abuse her too. Harriet and Henrik are finally reunited. The proof against Wennerström is however outdated and useless, but Lisbeth has hacked Wennerström's computer and found evidence of money laundering for various criminal syndicates. While Mikael publishes this information, Lisbeth empties Wennerström's offshore bank accounts, leading the fallen businessman to be murdered by his criminal employers.

[ Posté le 7 août 2024 à 18:52 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Mercredi, 31 juillet 2024

Rocannon's World

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Hainish Cycle ]

ISBN: 9781598535389

© Amazon.fr

Rocannon is part of a survey team on an unnamed planet orbiting Formalhaut II where four different intelligent species have developed. All the other members on Rocannon's team have been killed by people from the Faraday system who have installed a secret military base with the intent on conquering planets from the interstellar League of All Worlds. With the enemy now controlling the only means of contacting the League, Rocannon wants to reach the base and use their ansible to reveal the location of the base. Rocannon travels on the back of windsteeds, by boat and walking, in the company of members of the Angyar culture of the Liuar species, on the northern continent. They meet with a members of the Fiia who guides the for a while, are made prisoner by cave-dwelling Gdemiar who wants to burn Rocannon (he survives thanks to his high-tech protective suit) and by the Winged Ones. The latter, a hive society, have captured them to feed on them, and they manage to escape only thanks to the Kiemhrir. In the mountains near his goal, Rocannon encounters an entity that gives him a form of telepathy. He finally reaches the enemy' base and contacts the League, leading soon after in its destruction; having felt telepathically the hundreds of deaths of his enemies, Rocannon feels guilty and is traumatized. Rocannon then retires among the Angyar of the southern continent, waiting for rescuers from the League. However, as humans cannot survive FTL travel, he has to wait at least eight years for anyone to reach him and dies before they arrive, not knowing the planet is now named after him.

[ Posté le 31 juillet 2024 à 16:55 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 28 juillet 2024

Thornbridge Chiron

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Thornbridge ]


“classic US hops (Chinook Cascade, Amarillo, Columbus)… aromas of pine and citrus… caramel sweetness, flavours of orange and peach”

Just another ale. Contains malted barley an wheat.

Thornbridge brewery, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England. 5.0% alcohol.

[ Posté le 28 juillet 2024 à 11:59 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Lundi, 22 juillet 2024

Brewdog Black Heart

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Brewdog ]


Roasted, chocolate, coffee flavours. Contains malted barley.

BrewDog Ltd., Ellon, Scotland. 4.1% alcohol

[ Posté le 22 juillet 2024 à 13:14 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Bromeliad ]

ISBN: 9780552546072

© Amazon.fr

Masklin (along with Angalo and Gurder) are searching for Grandson Richard, as the Thing has told him that it could call their spaceship if it could get aboard the communications satellite Richard is going to launch. The nomes first go to the airport where they quietly board Concorde and fly to Florida. After causing some trouble on the plane, they hide in Richard's luggage and end up in his hotel room. They however have to flee and end up outside where they meet a tribe of Nomes who speak a language close to ancient Nomish. They manage to communicate thanks to the Thing and the local Nomes fly them to the space shuttle's launch site on geese (thanks to which they migrate yearly between Alaska and Florida). Near the shuttle, the Thing uploads itself into the satellite and exhausts in doing so all the power it had stored. After the takeoff, Masklin decides to take it to a human building to let it recharge itself near electrical wires. He is caught (on purpose) by humans but manages to escape with the recharged Thing as the Nomes' spaceship arrives and Angalo and Gurder board it. Masklin then by chance meets Richard, with whom he discusses briefly as the Nome's spaceship, piloted by Angalo, lands again and let him board. They then fly away back to Britain after making a detour through South America where they pick up a Bromeliad flower that Masklin gives to Grimma before taking the Nomes. Gurder decides to stay on Earth to search for other Nome tribes, tell them of their origins and give them the possibility to migrate to a Nome planet the next time the spaceship would visit Earth.

[ Posté le 22 juillet 2024 à 13:01 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Samedi, 20 juillet 2024


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Bromeliad ]

ISBN: 9780552546072

© Amazon.fr

The nomes have resettled in a closed quarry. When they discover that the quarry will soon reopen, they wonder what to do, and consider moving to a barn on the other side of the field. Reading a newspaper article about Arnold Bros' grandson who who is traveling to Florida on business about a communication satellite, Masklin decides to leave with a few nomes and find more about the grandson. In the meanwhile winter comes and covers the ground with snow, making it impossible for the younger and elder nomes to travel to the barn. As humans come to reopen the quarry, Grimma has to oppose a rising religious nome who promises that faith in Arnold Bros will solve all their problems; that nome is accidentally killed by humans. The nomes sabotage a truck in an attempt to prevent the humans to enter the quarry, lead by Dorcas who make them steal the battery and diesel fuel, but the truck accidentally rolls onto the railways tracks and causes an accident. More humans come to the quarry, put poisoned bait to eliminate what they believe to be rats. Dorcas and his nomes, who had been lost outside after the accident, is finally found and presents his plan: he has found and repaired a JCB digger in shed, and proposes to use it to take all the nomes to the barn. The drive out among amazed humans, but are chased by the police. The eventually get stuck on the top of a hill, when a spaceship appears above them.

[ Posté le 20 juillet 2024 à 16:59 | 1 commentaire | ]

Mardi, 16 juillet 2024

Chocolats 41

Catégories : [ Cuisine/Chocolats ]

Cachet, Costa Rica 71% : un peu amer et astringent, cacaoté.

[ Posté le 16 juillet 2024 à 21:55 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Lundi, 15 juillet 2024

Who P-p-p-plugged Roger Rabbit?

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/Roger Rabbit ]

Roger hires Eddie to check if his wife indeed cheats on him with Clark Gable, as the tabloids claim. Soon after, Eddie is also hired by Selznick who want him to find a small metal box that had disappeared after a triple interview with Roger, Baby Herman and Enigman for his next film, Gone with the Wind. Eddie first suspects Enigman, but the latter gets killed with Eddie's gun as the detective is interviewing him at his home. Suspected by the police, Eddie's investigation leads him to a shady rum dealer who is later murdered. Eddie is also hired by Clarke who suspects his girlfriend Carol Lombard to cheat on him. Roger is also suspected of murder, but it's his cousin Dodger who is also after the box that framed him, only to be murdered soon after. With Roger and Clark as sidekicks, Eddie discover that the box contains the formula for the Toon Tonic that can transform a toon into a human and vice versa, and Selznick's right hand, Pepper Potts, is the toon behind the murders. Eddie recovers the box from Roger's coverall pocket (where Baby had put it to reduce the competition for Selznick's film). Roger makes some of the Toon Tonic and becomes another human in the crowd. Eddied eventually agrees with Potts to exchange the box against Jessica and her twin sister Joellyn (who is only 6 inches tall) whom Potts had abducted. During the encounter, Eddie gets wounded, Potts gets killed, but the two women are found and saved by the police. Roger decides to become a toon again and gives Eddie the leftover tonic for safekeeping, after having burnt the formula. Selznick then explains Eddie he knows nothing of Potts' dealings and that he had bought the formula from the rum dealer in the hope of making enough money from it that he would be able to produce his film; Eddie suggests he makes the film with human actors and with a serious tone instead. Jessica then explains Roger that she leaked the rumors of her infidelity to the press to make Carol jealous and open to Clark's marriage proposal; the plot succeeds. Jessica and Roger also get triplet children. There is also a side story with Eddie's lost brother Freddy who had disappeared but is actually happily living his life as a toon and Eddie's sister Heddy whom he suspects of being a toon pretending to be a human married to a toon cop.

[ Posté le 15 juillet 2024 à 23:54 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Vendredi, 12 juillet 2024

La baie des cochons

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Spirou ]

ISBN: 9782808501941

© Amazon.fr

En 1961, Spirou et Fantasio se rendent à New York pour interviewer Castro lors d'un discours à l'ONU. Ils y retrouvent Longplaying à qui ils donnent un GAG amélioré, sans savoir qu'il travaille pour la CIA. Deux agents utilisent Spirou, le prenant pour un groom, pour un attentat contre Castro, et les hommes de ce dernier kidnappent Spirou et l'emmènent à Cuba. Les agents y envoient alors Fantasio, armé du GAG, reprendre contact avec la rébellion pro-USA. À Cuba, Seccotine est en reportage et rencontre Guevara. Lors d'une réception où elle est invitée par ce dernier, elle rencontre Fantasio déguisé en clown. Suite à une altercation causée par le Marsupilami, les deux journalistes s'enfuient et se réfugient dans la forêt, où ils sont faits prisonniers par les rebelles. Après avoir réussi à s'expliquer, Seccotine part de son coté pour tenter de libérer Spirou en prévenant la police que les américains préparent une attaque, mais finit par être mise par Guevara en prison, dans la même cellule que Spirou. De son coté, Fantasio et les rebelles préparent une attaque contre la prison et parviennent à libérer les deux prisonniers. Ils apprennent de Guevara que Castro, qui s'est emparé du GAG, va participer à la défense contre les américains et se cachent dans son avion, faisant échouer son plan et détruisant le GAG.

[ Posté le 12 juillet 2024 à 13:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Lundi, 8 juillet 2024


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Bromeliad ]

ISBN: 9780552546072

© Amazon.fr

A handful of nomes live in a burrow at a rest area along the motorway. Life being very hard, they decide to hop on a lorry and leave, in the hope for a better life. The lorry stops in the garage of the Arnold Bros department store where they meet a community of two thousand nomes who has been living there for generations and mostly refuses to believe there exists an Outside. The newcomers have a black box, transmitted from generation to generation, that starts to speak to them as it comes near electrical wiring; it explains that the nomes have crashed on Earth in a spaceship fifteen thousand years ago and that it is a flight recorder. The nomes had attempted to teach technology to the humans in order to get them to build a space shuttle that could fly them to their mothership, but it failed. When the nomes discover that the store is about to be closed, they plan to escape by stealing a lorry. As the closure happens faster than expected, they have to steal a lorry (thankfully loaded with plenty of useful items) in a hurry and learn to drive (with the help of numerous levers and pulleys) as they escape. They eventually find shelter in a quarry near the airport and contemplate stealing an airplane.

[ Posté le 8 juillet 2024 à 13:19 | 1 commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 5 juillet 2024

L'aigle des Highlands

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Yoko Tsuno ]

ISBN: 9782808504942

© Amazon.fr

En Écosse, Bonnie et Émilia obeservent des moines dans un monastère en ruines, mais ces derniers disparaissent. Le lendemain, un moine explique à Yoko que'ils cherchent les traces historique d'un animal satanique qui a habité les lieux au moyen-âge. Cecilia montre alors à Yoko une patte d'aigle en or, trouvée une siècle plus tôt. Plus tard, le moine révèle à Yoko les deux versions de l'histoire de l'aigle, soit tué par les moines, soit enlevé par des démons dans une machine entourée d'une spirale de lumière. Yoko contacte alors Zarkâ qui explique que l'aigle, synthétique, avait été mis en place par les Vinéens pour surveiller les moines 800 ans plus tôt. Zhyttâ vient alors chercher Yoko à la demande de la déesse Brigit. Mais Monya arrive alors avec le translateur temporel, et Yoko décide de plutôt l'accompagner à l'époque de l'aigle 800 ans plus tôt. Elles arrivent juste après l'incendie du monastère et rencontrent Sébastien, un jeune moine qui les explique que les moines sont surveillés par d'autres moines-alchimistes qui fréquentent Lucifer, apparemment un extraterrestre. Les moines confient à Yoko l'aigle qu'ils gardent prisonnier, et elles repartent vers le présent avec l'aigle et Sébastien. À leur retour, elles voient que Khâny est arrivée et repartent avec elle au temple des immortelles pour faire réparer l'aigle par Zhyttâ, qui est partie en avance. Au temple. Yoko présente Sébastien à Brigit, puis rejoint Zarkâ auprès du sarcophage où survit une créature que Zarkâ décrit comme avoir été imposé pour gérer la Terre, et qui a crée Zarkâ. De peur d'être détruite par Yoko, la créature, qui ressemble au Lucifer des moines du passé, les force à fuir.

[ Posté le 5 juillet 2024 à 15:24 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Stromboli Reloaded

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Aquablue ]

ISBN: 9782413043775

© Amazon.fr

Suite à un accident, Rabah est devenu un légume. Carlo a fait construire un nouveau Stromboli, mais a besoin d'argent pour le payer. Nao et lui sont enlevés par Ragnar le pirate qui a besoin d'un courrier pour échanger de l'or contre des otages. Ragnar travaille avec un scientifique peu scrupuleux qui affirme pouvoir guérir Rabah. Nao accepte, en échange de laisser Ragnar établir une base sur Aquablue. Carlo et Nao récupèrent les otages et parviennent à garder l'or, grâce à une dissension entre deux factions des kidnappeurs, une espèce insectoïde. Rabah est soigné par le scientifique pendant que l'autre faction d'insectoïdes attaquent la base de Ragnar pour reprendre l'or. Une fois les attaqunts repoussés, Rabah se réveille et prend possession de son nouveau Stromboli.

[ Posté le 5 juillet 2024 à 13:54 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Le musée noir

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Les quatre de Baker Street ]

ISBN: 9782749310107

© Amazon.fr

Patch, le roi des brigands fait enlever Puck par Scabs afin de contraindre Tom à voler, dans le musée privé de Scotland Yard, une lettre écrite par Jack l'éventreur. Lorsqu'il lui livre la lettre, Patch dit à Tom de se débrouiller avec Scabs libérer Puck. Tom s'enfuit grâce à l'aide de son ami le vieux Bailey. Billy et Charlie trouvent la cachette où Scabs a enfermé Puck et le libèrent. Holmes est cependant mécontent que Tom lui ait caché son problème et soit allé voler la lettre. Quand Tom découvre que Patch a fait tuer Bailey, il retourne chez Patch pour se venger. Ce dernier lui propose de tue Scabs, mais Tom refuse. Patch, qui vient de faire enlever Charlie, exige que Tom revienne dans sa bande de voleurs. Tom accepte pour sauver son amie. Charlier demande alors de l'aide à Watson, qui va exiger la libération de Tom. Bones, le tueur dont Patch use pour contrôler les autre brigands par la peur se fait tuer et ces derniers se débarrassent de leur roi. Holmes récupère la lettre chez un ancien policier du Yard qui revend ds relique criminelles à des collectionneurs sans scrupule, mais bannit Tom des Irréguliers pour avoir mis en péril sa réputation professionnelle.

[ Posté le 5 juillet 2024 à 13:40 | pas de commentaire | ]

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L'affaire « Crâne »

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Midi minuit ]

ISBN: 9782302093478

© Amazon.fr

Sur fond de campagne présidentielle, Belton enquête sur la source d'une drogue frelatée qui tue nombre de ses utilisateurs. Une femme masquée appelée Foudre cherche elle aussi le fournisseur, qui est un criminel masqué appelé Crâne. Josh s'infiltre dans l'organisation de Kenler, un baron de la droguer connu (aussi candidat à l'élection), tandis que Jenna devient danseuse dans le cabaret de Melvik, connu pour diffuser la drogue. Josh est fait prisonnier par Crâne au cours d'une opération de Kenler pour se débarrasser de son rival, et est libéré par Foudre. Cette dernière est capable d'utiliser les miroirs pour se déplacer. Jenna se fait inviter à dîner chez Melvik où elle est attaquée par Crâne et sauvée par Foudre. Plus tard, lorsque Marnie surveille l'appartement de Melvik, elle le voit s'échanger avec Crâne grâce à un miroir et se battre contre Foudre. Crâne est démasqué et arrêté, mais Foudre s'échappe.

[ Posté le 5 juillet 2024 à 13:17 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Mercredi, 3 juillet 2024

Forbidden Knowledge

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Gap Cycle ]

ISBN: 9781473225527

© Amazon.fr

Morn has been rescued by Nick's pirate. The ship's computer expert is killed by Nick for having attempted to rape her just after having boasted that he planted a virus in the ship's computer. Morn, needing to be useful to the ship to avoid being killed, claims she can flush the virus. To bear being raped by Nick, she accidentally sets her zone implant so that she takes pleasure in it, slowly making Nick fall in love with her. Thanks to the device, she also works continuously for days and successfully gets rid of the virus. She also discovers being pregnant (from Angus) but leads Nick to believe he is the father. As a spaceship is no place to rise a child, Nick decides to go to the Amnion outpost and trade some of his blood for getting the baby extracted and artificially grown close to adulthood. As the Amnions cannot create a new mind, the boy, Davies, receives Morn's memories. The Amnions are specialists in genetics and want to mutate humans to turn them into Amnions; until now the process is imperfect and most humans are frightened of them, but as Nick seems to be an agent of UMCP (the mining corporation's all-powerful police) he has access to an anti-mutagenic drug that UMCP has kept a secret. The Amnions notice that Nick has cheated when donating his blood and demand Davies in reparation. As Nick seems willing to agree to that deal, Morn rigs a self-destruct of the ship and threatens to blow up the Amnion's outpost if they don't leave with Davies. The pirate ship manages to leave to a human outpost but an Amnion cruiser blocks their way. Nick has locked Morn in her cabin and has humiliated her as a revenge for manipulating him in multiple ways. He agrees to transfer Davies to the Amnion ship in an escape pod, but Morn manages to escape and change the pod's programming and send it to the human outpost. Nick also sends a secret message to UMCP, who then sends Angus Thermopyle, turned into a cyborg against his will, to capture her.

[ Posté le 3 juillet 2024 à 15:56 | 1 commentaire | ]

Lundi, 24 juin 2024

Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/DC ]



Four years after defeating Enchantress, Joker breaks up with Harley Quinn. Without his protection, all the people she has wronged in the past want to kill her. At a night club owned by crime lord Roman Sionis, Harley meets Dinah, a singer who becomes Sionis' driver, the latter being impressed by her fighting skills when preventing a drunk Harley from being kidnapped. Sionis is also investigated by Gotham City PD Detective Renee Montoya, who also investigates a series of mob killing carried out by a crossbow-wielding vigilante. Sionis sends his sadistic henchman Szasz and Dinah to retrieve a diamond containing the account numbers to the fortune of the Bertinelli crime family, who were massacred years ago, but Cassandra Cain, a child pickpocket steals the diamond and swallows it as she is soon after arrested by the police. Harley is captured by Sionis' men and convinces him to release her under the promise she can retrieve the diamond from Cassandra. Harley breaks into GCPD, frees Cass and takes her to her apartment, but they have to flee when attacked by criminals, Sionis having also placed a bounty on Cass' head. Harley agrees to meet with Sionis in an abandoned amusment park to exchange Cass for his protection. Dinah, who had agreed to become an informant for Montoya, tells her about the meeting, but Szasz notices it and tells Sionis, who assembles an army of thugs to attack the meeting place. At the amusement park, Harley and Cass are joined by Montoya and soon by Szasz who forced Dinah to come with him. Szasz is killed by the crossbow killer who appears suddenly and who reveals herself as Helena, the sole survivor of the Bertinelli family and who wants to avenge their deaths. Together they fight Sionis' thugs, but Cass is captured and chased by Dinah and Harley. Sionis is finally killed by Cass. In the end, Montoya (who has left the police), Dinah and Helena form the Birds of Prey team of vigilantes thanks to the Bertinelli fortune, while Cass and Harley sell the diamond and go their own way.

[ Posté le 24 juin 2024 à 15:21 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 23 juin 2024

North Brewing Ultra Phase

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/North Brewing ]


“USA and Australia hops… honeydew melon, green grape and pink grapefruit flavour… citrus finish”

Just another ale. Contains barley, wheat and oats.

North Brewing Co, Leeds, England. 8.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 23 juin 2024 à 00:03 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Jeudi, 20 juin 2024


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Alien ]



After having drifted in space for 57 years, Ripley is rescued. Her employer accuses her of destroying the Nostromo and does not believe her story about the alien, since the planet is now being colonized and terraformed and no alien ship has been found. When contact is lost with the colony, she is asked to accompany Burke, a representative of the company, and group of colonial marines to investigate. They find the colony destroyed, two alive face-huggers in vats in a laboratory and one little girl called Newt. They locate the other colonists under the fusion-powered atmospheric processor, cocooned in a sort of nest with many eggs, where some of them are still alive and waiting to be taken by face-huggers. They are attacked by several adult aliens when trying to kill a juvenile that just hatched, and some of the marines get killed. They decide to evacuate with the dropship that took them to the surface, but an alien who had climbed aboard causes it to crash; in doing so it damages the fusion reactor which will explode and destroy the colony after a few hours. The survivors barricade themselves in the colony and wait until Bishop, an artificial man and technician with the marines, is able to got outside, reach and hack the colony's transmitter to remotely pilot the second dropship from the spaceship waiting in orbit. Ripley discovers that Burke asked the colony to investigate the alien ship on in the hope to profit from turning the aliens into a biological weapon. Before she can expose him, he attempts to get her and Newt impregnated by the two face-huggers from the lab, that would allow him to smuggle the alien back to Earth. Having failed, Burke flees and is taken by the aliens that attack and kill most of the remaining marines. Ripley, corporal Hicks and Newt try to reach the dropship that is on its way, but Newt is taken by the aliens and Hicks is severely wounded. Ripley arms herself and enters the nest under the fusion reactor where she angers the alien queen laying eggs. She manages to save Newt and escape as the reactor explodes, destroying the aliens' nest, but the queen stows away on the dropship. Ripley manages to push her into an airlock by using an exosuit cargo loader. Then they all go into stasis for their return trip to Earth.

[ Posté le 20 juin 2024 à 09:21 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Mardi, 18 juin 2024

Welcome to Marwen

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Five years earlier, Mark Hogancamp was beaten up and left for dead by a group of white supremacist because he admitted, while drunk, to sometimes enjoying wearing women's shoes. He has physically recovered but has lost all memory of his life before the attack. Formerly an illustrator specialized in World War 2, he cannot draw anymore and has turned to photography. Mark has constructed a model village named Marwen, set in Belgium during the war and built up a story about an American pilot, Hogie, who is rescued and later protected by the women of the village. Characters are represented by fashion dolls and each of the women of the village is imagined after a real woman whom Mark has met. The village is regularly attacked by Nazi soldiers who, despite being killed by the villagers come back to life thanks to Dejah Thoris, the village's witch. Mark photographs his fantasies to help him cope with memory loss and post-traumatic stress disorder. After a lot of hesitation, Mark agrees to appear in court to deliver a victim impact statement but upon seeing his attackers he imagines the court room is attacked by Nazi soldiers and he flees in terror; the judge postpones the hearing. When Nicol moves in the house next door and is nice to him, Mark adds a new doll named after her to the village. Hogie falls in love with doll Nicol and they get married. In real life however, Nicol turns his proposal down. In Mark's fantasies, doll Nicol is killed by a Nazi which is in turn killed by Hogie. Dejah Thoris revives the Nazi and demands that Hogie comes with her to the far future in the time machine Mark built for her, but during a struggle Hogie discovers that the witch is actually a Nazi spy and Mark learns that she is the personification of his addiction to pills that he thinks are helping him. He throws the pills away, attends the court hearing and delivers his statement. He also agrees to attend the exhibition of his work and makes a date with his friend Roberta, who is a sales clerk at the hobby store where he gets his supplies.

[ Posté le 18 juin 2024 à 19:30 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Lundi, 17 juin 2024

The Real Story

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Gap Cycle ]

ISBN: 9781473225527

© Amazon.fr

Angus Thermopyle is an evil an unsuccessful space pirate. When he enters a bar on a mining space station accompanied with a beautiful young woman, Morn Hyland, the patrons wonder how that happened. Another, better looking pirate, Nick Succorso, confronts Angus and somehow rescues Morn. It sounds like a classical drama of captor, victim and rescuer. The real story however is that Angus was chased by a United Mining Company Police vessel aboard which Morn was serving. Suffering from undiagnosed gap-sickness, she lost control and provoked the vessel to self-destruct. Angus rescued her, installed a zone implant in her brain (for which he could be executed if caught) to control her actions and prevent her from destroy his beloved ship, and used the implant to torture Morn into submission to him. He however unexpectedly grew emotionally attached to her. When Nick leaves suddenly the station to raid a ship in distress just before it is locked down, Angus, who has been monitoring his communications, follows him. Th ship however does not exist, it is all a trap set by Nick with the complicity of someone in station security. Nick cripples Angus' ship, and flies slowly back to the station. There Nick makes secretely contact with Morn who helps him frame Angus for stealing stations supplies. She negotiates the zone implant's remote control from Angus in exchange for her silence about the illegal installation of the device. Morn leaves in Nick's ship and Angus is arrested but his life is spared, making Morn his rescuer.

[ Posté le 17 juin 2024 à 18:06 | 1 commentaire | ]