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Jeudi, 20 avril 2023


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/DC ]



In 1974, Thaddeus Sivana is transported to a strange cave where a wizard tests whether he has a pure heart. He fails the test. In present-day, Billy Batson repeatedly escapes from foster homes in search for his mother who lost him when he was three. He ends up in a group home where he meets five other kids, including superhero enthusiast Freddy. At the same time, Sivana manages to go back to the cave and gets possessed by the seven deadly Sins when the Eye fuses into his body. The wizard's searching spell then takes Billy to the cave, and the child receives the wizard's powers, transforming him into a adult superhero. With Freddy's help, Billy discovers his many powers and his ability to change forth and back by saying the word “shazam”. At first, Billy uses his powers for vanity, selling selfies with himself to tourists. Sivana then comes and takes Billy and his siblings to the cave to force him to surrender his powers using the wizard's staff. Together, they attack Sivana and Billy notices that the villain becomes vulnerable when all the Sins leave him to take physical form. Billy then uses the staff to share his powers with his siblings, and then breaks it. They escape the cave to a winter carnival where they battle the sins. Billy manages to trick Envy into leaving Sivana's body so that he can get the Eye out of the villain's head and force the Sins back to the cave as statues. The children return to a more or less normal life, and use the cave as their superhero headquarters. In prison, Sivana is approached by a talking caterpillar who proposes an alliance.

[ Posté le 20 avril 2023 à 14:00 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 16 avril 2023

Wicklow Wolf Arcadia

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Wicklow Wolf ]


“spice… fruit and floral notes…”

More malty than fruity. At first reminded me of champagne (maybe because of the pale colour?). It also has a hint of that lager taste I don't like.

Wicklow Wolf Brewing Co., Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 4.3% alcohol.

[ Posté le 16 avril 2023 à 12:22 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Vendredi, 14 avril 2023

Foreign Correspondent

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



In 1939, just before World War II, John Jones is sent by his American newspaper to Europe to report on the conditions there. He plans to meet Van Meer, leader of the Universal Peace Party, at an event hosted by Fisher, but the man disappears. Jones then goes to Amsterdam where Van Meer is speaking at another event, but the diplomat is killed in front of Jones. The latter chases the killer in a car driven by Scott ffolliott and his friend Carol Fisher to the countryside but they lose track of the killer. While the two other leave to fetch the police, Jones eventually finds the killer hidden in a windmill where the real Van Meer is kept prisoner and drugged, soon to be taken by plane to another country. When the police arrives, all traces of the criminal have disappeared an nobody believes Jones's story. Back at his hotel in Amsterdam, Jones escape a kidnapping by leaving with Carol to London, where they are helped by Carol's father. Alas, the man is a member of the conspiracy and tries to get Jones killed. Jones then takes Carol to Cambridge, simulating a kidnapping in order to force Fisher to reveal Van Meer's location. Romantic misunderstanding ensues, and Carol drives back to her father in London. As the plan has failed, ffolliott tails Fisher to the place where Van Meer is being interrogated but he is is taken prisoner. He manages to escape, but not before Van Meer has revealed a secret provision in an treaty that would help Germany in the war. The next day, France and Britain declare war on Germany. Jones and ffolliott follow Fisher and Carol on a flying boat to America. A telegram informs Fisher that Van Meer has recovered and identified Fisher as his kidnapper. He confesses his treason to his daughter just before the plane is shot by a German destroyer and crashes in the ocean. Fisher sacrifices himself so that the others may live. The survivors are rescued by an American ship, her captain refuses to let them report their stories. Jones nonetheless manages to phone his story to his newspaper. Jones and Carol return to England and he becomes a successful war correspondent.

[ Posté le 14 avril 2023 à 18:49 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 9 avril 2023

La Terre transpercée

Catégories : [ Livres/BD ]

ISBN: 9782413038078

© Amazon.fr

Un nouveau matériau super-dense est découvert. Extrêmement résistant, il permet de construire un tunnel qui traverse la Terre de la Chine à l'Antarctique en passant par le noyau. Un jour, une rupture du tunnel laisse entrer la matière du noyau et Shen décide de fermer une vanne avant que tous les ouvriers transitant par le tunnel ne soient en sécurité, afin d'éviter qu'une éruption de matière à la surface ne fasse des millions de morts. Une fois la construction achevée, l'exploitation du tunnel cause un énorme pollution en Antarctique, et une vis tombée dans le tunnel au cours d'une opération de maintenance a détruit un train de passagers. Le tunnel finit par être abandonné, avant qu'il ne soit transformé en lanceur pour mettre des objets en orbite, ce qui a permi de construire une cité spatiale en anneau autour de la Terre.

[ Posté le 9 avril 2023 à 10:36 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Thornbridge Wilder's Folly

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Thornbridge ]


“Teaming up with our pals at Double Barrelled… big fruit aromas… plum and blackcurrant… floral English hops… light toastiness and caramel”

Fruity and slightly roasted. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Thornbridge brewery, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England. 6.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 9 avril 2023 à 10:11 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Vendredi, 7 avril 2023

The Illusionist

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



As a teenager, Eduard, son of a cabinet maker, fell in love with Sophie. As she was of noble birth, they were forcibly separated soon after Eduard gave Sophie a locket with his picture. Fifteen years later in 1889, Eduard comes to Vienna after having traveled the world and becomes famous as an illusionist named Eisenheim. He is noticed by Crown Prince Leopold who attends a performance and volunteers his fiancée Sophie for a trick. Eisenheim recognizes Sophie, and after a private performance where he humiliates the prince, they become lovers. Sophie reveals Leopold's plan to marry her soon, in order to get support from the Hungarian side of the empire during his future attempt at overthrowing his father. When Chief Inspector Uhl tells the prince of Sophie's relationship with Eisenheim, Leopold shuts down the theatre where he is performing. The two lovers then plan to flee by train, but on the evening before, a drunk Leopold mortally wounds Sophie as she flees on horse, and her body is found the next day by Eisenheim and a party of policemen. Eisenheim then buys a small theatre and starts a new show where he sits alone on the stage and makes talking images of dead people appear. He soon attracts a loud crowd of people who hope to speak with lost loved ones, and when he makes Sophie appear and the audience starts asking whether she was killed by Leopold, the latter demands that Uhl arrests Eisenheim for necromancy. From the police headquarters, the illusionist tells his assembled followers that it is all an illusion, and Uhl releases him. During the next performance, Sophie's image appears again and says that someone in the audience is her murderer. A bunch of policemen attempts to arrest him on stage, but this time Eisenheim himself is an illusion. Uhl then reports to Leopold and reveals that he has found gems from the prince's ceremonial sword in the stable where Sophie was wounded, as well as her locket. He also says that he wrote a letter to the emperor, revealing the conspiracy to seize the throne. Leopold commit suicide as officers of the army arrive to arrest him. As Uhl, no longer a police officer, leaves the place he is approached by a boy how gives him a parcel from Eisenheim (the plans to one if his illusions) and notices that the adult who just jostled him took the locket from his pocket. Uhl chases the man to the train station, but arrives too to catch the man. He then realizes that Sophie's death was staged so that she could be free of Leopold. Somewhere far away in the mountains, Sophie and Leopold start a new life together.

[ Posté le 7 avril 2023 à 13:07 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 2 avril 2023

Kirkstall Spokane

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière ]


Fruity, grapefruit. Quite bitter. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Kirkstall Brewery, Leeds, England. 6.0% alcohol.

[ Posté le 2 avril 2023 à 19:00 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Vendredi, 31 mars 2023

The Post

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



In 1971, the Washington Post struggles financially and her owner Kay Graham decides that the company needs to become publicly traded. At the same time, the New York Times publishes an article based on a leaked military report showing that the Vietnam war is not going well, and that the US never had any hope of winning it. An injunction from the Department on Justice forbids the Times to publish any more articles based on those documents, but a few journalists from the Post manage to identify the leak and to acquire a copy of the secret report. Kay asserts her position as owner and publisher of the Post and decides to publish despite the injunction that arguably also applies to the Post, rebelling against Nixon's attempt to restrain the freedom of the Press. She of course has to take this decision just in the critical period during which the banks investing through the IPO have a right to cancel their transactions. The Post and the Time go to court shortly after and eventually all the way up to the Supreme Court, which confirms the freedom of the press.

[ Posté le 31 mars 2023 à 17:47 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Mercredi, 22 mars 2023

Prix de revient des glaces

Catégories : [ Cuisine/Glace ]

La recette de base revient à 2,43 € pour 500 g. En comptant l'électricité, on ajoute moins de 0,01 €.

Pour une glace à la vanille, il faut ajouter 0,30 € d'extrait de vanille, ce qui amène le prix à 2,73 € pour 500 g. Pour comparaison, la glace à la vanille de 3 Kaveria coûte normalement 6,95 € pour 400 g (pot de 500 mL), soit 8,69 € pour 500 g. Ce qui veut dire que le prix de la sorbetière (environ 390 €) serait amorti après 66 utilisations, soit un peu plus d'un an d'utilisation.

Les prix de revient pour les autres glaces, par 500 g, sont :

  • glace à la noisette : 4,48 €
  • glace au chocolat : 3,31 €
  • glace à la cannelle : 2,85 €
  • glace cocotella  : 6,25 € (lait de coco bio), 4,00 € (lait de coco ordinaire)

[ Posté le 22 mars 2023 à 11:29 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Lundi, 20 mars 2023

La mort immortelle

Catégories : [ Livres ]

ISBN: 9782330143190

© Amazon.fr

Yun Tianming est sur le point de mourir d'un cancer. Une loi récemment votée lui permet de procéder à un suicide assisté. Avant l'échéance, il décide d'offrir anonymement le titre de propriété d'une étoile à Cheng Xin, qu'il avait connue lorsqu'ils étaient étudiants. Cette dernière travaille pour l'Agence de Renseignement Planétaire qui cherche un moyen d'envoyer une sonde à la rencontre d'une seconde flotte trisolarienne qui se déplace à la vitesse de la lumière et atteindra la Terre d'ici quatre ans. Propulsée par une voile solaire accélérée par une série d'explosions nucléaires, elle ne pourra emporter que le cerveau cryogénisé d'un humain, celui de Yun Tianming. La sonde dévie cependant de sa trajectoire et est perdue. Cheng Xin est alors choisie pour remplacer Luo Ji, mais dès la passation de pouvoir, les trisolariens menacent à nouveau la Terre et Cheng Xin refuse de révéler l'existence du système solaire aux civilisations hostiles de l'univers. Les trisolariens exigent lors que tous les humains soient déportés en Australie et que le reste de la surface soit libérée pour leur faire place. Pendant ce temps aux confins du système solaire, le vaisseau Gravité poursuit l'Espace Bleu, dernier survivant de la flotte détruite plus tôt par la sonde trisolarienne. Apprenant ce qui arrive sur Terre, les deux équipages s'allient et déclenchent le dernier émetteur existant, à bord du Gravité, révélant ainsi la position du système solaire. Le trisolariens se détournent une fois de plus de la Terre et les humains quittent l'Australie. Les humains cherchent alors une solution pour se protéger d'une inéluctable destruction préventive de la Terre. Avant de couper tout contact, les trisolariens organisent une téléconférence entre Cheng Xin et Yun Tianming, qui a été secouru et dont le corps a été reconstitué. Ils ont interdiction formelle de discuter de comment sauver la Terre, mais Yun Tianming, sous couvert de raconter des contes à Cheng Xin, leur fournit des indices sur comment procéder. Après avoir déchiffré les énigmes des contes, les humains envisagent trois solutions : migrer vers des stations spatiales cachées derrière Jupiter et qui devraient survivre à l'explosion du Soleil, s'enfuir à bord de vaisseaux atteignant la vitesse de la lumière grâce à la propulsion par courbure de l'espace-temps, ou ralentir la vitesse de la lumière autour du système solaire afin de rester éternellement prisonniers d'une sorte de trou noir et donc de se montrer inoffensif. Après un sommeil cryogénique, Cheng Xin découvre que c'est la première solution qui est retenue, mais au contraire de ce qui avait été observé auparavant, l'attaque ne vient pas sous la forme d'une explosion du Soleil mais d'une réduction progressive de l'espace de trois dimensions à deux, immobilisant la matière et les êtres vivants pour l'éternité. Seuls Cheng Xin et son amie AA s'échappent grâce à un prototype de vaisseau capable de voyager à la vitesse de la lumière. Elles passent par Pluton où des échantillons des cultures humaines sont stockées et où elles rencontrent Luo Ji qui en est le dernier gardien, puis partent vers l'étoile de Cheng Xin où Yun Tianming à laisser entendre qu'ils se reverraient. Elles y rencontrent Guan Yifan, le dernier survivant du Gravité et de l'Espace Bleu, qui l'ont colonisée quelques siècles plus tôt. Cheng Xin et Guan Yifan partent visiter la seconde planète de l'étoile, mais à leur retour ils sont prisonniers d'une trainée de propulsion par courbure où la vitesse de la lumière est ralentie. Ils passent douze jours à attendre que l'ordinateur neuronal de secours démarre pour enfin pouvoir atterrir, mais dix-neuf millions d'années ont passé sur la planète. Ils trouvent le dernier cadeau de Yun Tianming, un univers de poche d'un kilomètre cube où ils peuvent vivre tandis que l'univers extérieur passe en deux dimensions et ne reboote en un nouvel univers multidimensionnel. Guan Yifan comprend cependant que la création d'un grand nombre d'univers de poche, en empruntant de la masse à l'univers, pourrait empêcher ce processus, ce qu'un message venu du grand univers et à destination de tous les univers de poche confirme. Cheng Xin et Guan Yifan décident alors de rendre la masse, ne laissant qu'un tout petit échantillon d'écosystème terrestre, et de retourner finir leur vie dans une partie encore hospitalière du grand univers.

[ Posté le 20 mars 2023 à 18:59 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 19 mars 2023

Wicklow Wolf Eden Session IPA

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Wicklow Wolf ]


“tropical and stone fruits with a hint of piney bittreness”

Rather flowery, quite bitter, quite good. Contains barley and oats.

Wicklow Wolf Brewing Co., Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 3.8% alcohol.

[ Posté le 19 mars 2023 à 22:44 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Lundi, 13 mars 2023

Shadow of a Doubt

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Charlie Newton lives with her parents in Santa Rosa. One day, her uncle Charlie announces he would soon arrive and spend some time with the family. He bears expensive gifts and opens an account with a large sum of cash at the bank. The whole family is happy to see their uncle they had not seen in a long while. But Young Charlie notices strange things happening: her uncle cuts tears away and hides a newspaper article, and he refuses to have his picture taken. Young Charlie learns from the paper and then from the photographer (who is really a police detective under cover) that her uncle is under suspicion of being the “Merry Widow Murderer” who has killed three women back East. Uncle Charlie also once inadvertently reveals his hatred of rich widows. When Young Charlie confronts him, he admits being one of the two suspects being chased by the police. She also agrees not to tell anything to her mother, who idolizes her younger brother and would be devastated. The detective then tells Young Charlie that the other suspect has been killed and is believed to have been the murderer. But Young Charlie knows too much, and she has two suspicious accidents, once on a broken staircase and the second time she is lured by her uncle into the garage where the car running and cannot get out. She survives thanks to a neighbour who was passing by and heard her banging at the jammed door. Uncle Charlie then decides to leave on the next day along with a rich widow. On the train, He manages to retain his niece as it leaves the station and tries to to throw her out of the door, but he instead falls in front of an oncoming train. At the funeral, Young Charlie meets the detective again (who is in love with her) and they agree to keep Uncle Charlie's crimes a secret.

[ Posté le 13 mars 2023 à 16:09 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 12 mars 2023

Brewdog Mallow Laser Quest

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Brewdog ]


“Marshmallow & pineapple… fruited flavour”

Very sweet, fruity with a bit pinetree. I cannot really recognize the pineapple, though. Contains malted barley, malted wheat and malted oats.

BrewDog Ltd., Ellon, Scotland. 6.0% alcohol

[ Posté le 12 mars 2023 à 11:05 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 26 février 2023

Hiisi Hölli

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Hiisi ]


Tuoksuu eksotiisilta hedelmiltä, ehkä myös persikasta. Siältää ohramallasta.

Panimoyhtiö Hiisi, Jyväskylä, Suomi. 5.5% alkoholia.

[ Posté le 26 février 2023 à 11:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Samedi, 25 février 2023

The Sugarland Express

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Lou Jean help her husband Clovis to escape from prison because their child has been placed in the care of foster parents in Sugarland and she is being stonewalled by the administration. Lou Jean wants to go to Sugarland and get back her son. They first steals the car of an old couple, but when pulled-over by the police, they flee, run into an accident and eventually steal the patrol car and kidnap the young policeman, Slide. They are chased by Slide's boss, Cpt. Tanner, but since they threaten to shoot the policeman, Tanner simply follows them across East Texas, heading a long caravan of police cars soon joined by journalist and civilians. The couple manages to refuel the patrol car and grab food thanks to Tanner's unwillingness to have them shot from a distance. They spend one night hidden in the lot of a used car's seller, and are shot at by trigger-happy, former policemen. The manage to leave, gathering crowds of supporters whenever they drive through a town. As Tanner sees no way out, he agrees to set up a trap by hiding two snipers in the foster parents' house. Slide, who has bonded with the fugitive during the trip, suspects a trap but Lou Jean insists that Clovis goes out of the car and gets their son. Clovis is shot but they manage to escape with the car until they drive into a shallow river. Clovis is dead, Lou Jean is arrested and Slide is unharmed.

[ Posté le 25 février 2023 à 14:28 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Cocotella 4

Catégories : [ Cuisine/Glace ]

Nouvelle variante de cocotella pour essayer de me débarasser des cristaux de glace. Celle-ci contient du lait en poudre et du sirop de glucose.


  • 90 g sucre
  • 37 g lait en poudre
  • 37 g sirop de glucose
  • 5 g glucose
  • 2 œufs (100 g)
  • 415 g lait de coco (400 mL)


Mélanger les ingrédients secs. Battre un peu les œufs dans une casserole, ajoute les ingrédients secs et fouetter. Ajouter le sirop de glucose et fouetter encore. Ajouter le lait de coco, mélanger. Faire chauffer en remuant continuellement jusqu'à atteindre 80 °C. Laisse refroidire et reposer 24h au réfrigérateur. Passer à la sorbetière.


On ne sent plus les critaux de glace, mission accomplie.

Les proportions sont calculées avec une estimation erronée de la masse du lait de coco (j'avais estimé 430 g au lieu de 415 g). La version corrigée contient 83 g de sucre, 50 g de lait en poudre et sirop de glucose et 3 g de glucose. Je suis étonné que l'optimiseur change autant les proportions (-9 % de sucre, +35 % lait en poudre et sirop de glucose) avec une différence de seulement 4 % dans la quantité de lait de coco. Il a peut-être trouvé un autre optimum local ?

[ Posté le 25 février 2023 à 13:55 | 1 commentaire | ]

Jeudi, 23 février 2023

Full-Text Search in Database For Mastodon

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Informatique ]

I run my own instance of Mastodon on a server with little memory, i.e. not enough to be able to run ElasticSearch in addition to Mastodon. This means that I cannot do a full-text search on my toots (which would have come handy from time to time).

As an alternative solution, I have implemented a full-text search on database. It is most probably not suitable to use on a large instance, as the implementation uses an SQL query with multiple LIKE conditions ORed together. That's not the most efficient way of querying a database, but for a small enough number of statuses (40k at the moment), it's probably good enough.

This feature is (and will probably forever remain) experimental, but if you want to give it a try, and assuming that you have installed Mastodon from Git like me in /home/mastodon/live and run v4.1.0, here's how to do it.

As user mastodon, run:
$ cd /home/mastodon/live
$ git remote add db_search https://weber.fi.eu.org/software/mastodon
$ git fetch db_search
$ git checkout v4.1.0+db_search.1
$ echo "FULL_TEXT_DB_SEARCH=true" >> .env.production
Then restart the mastodon-web service by running as root:
systemctl restart mastodon-web.service

Reload the mastodon Web UI in your web browser. When you click on the search box, you should now see a message like “Simple text returns posts you have written…” and searching with words you know you have written should display matching toots.

EDIT: I expanded the search to also consider the descriptions of media attachments. The updated version is available as tag v4.1.0+db_search.1.

[ Posté le 23 février 2023 à 14:56 | pas de commentaire | ]

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Albert Stark is a sheep farmer in Arizona in 1882. After his girlfriend Louise broke up with him because he refused to defend himself in a duel, he decides to leave for San Francisco. Lewis, a bandit, arrives in town with Anna, his boss's wife. Lewis quickly gets arrested for having killed the pastor's son in a saloon fight, during which Albert saves Anna from being killed and they become friends. At the fair, Albert impulsively challenges Louise's arrogant new boyfriend Foy to a shooting contest, and during the next week, Anna teaches Albert how to shoot. During a barn dance the night before the fight, Anna drugs Foy with a laxative, leading him to forfeit the fight the next day. The next day, Anna's husband Clinch arrives and, having learned from Lewis that he had seen a man kiss his wife, threatens to kill people unless the man duels him the next day. Clinch takes Anna with him but she escapes and goes to Albert's farm to warn him about Clinch, who arrives soon after. Albert helps Anna to escape before escaping himself to the mountains where he is captured by a tribe of Apaches. As Albert can speak their language, they won't kill him and instead give him a bowl of peyote during a ceremony. The vision makes him realize he loves Anna, despite her lying to him about being married. Meanwhile, Clinch captures Anna, then duels with Albert. The latter grazes Clinch with a bullet dipped in rattlesnake venom and manages to stall him until he dies from the poison. Louise attempts to win back Albert, but he rejects her and enters a relationship with Anna. With the bounty for killing Clinch, Albert buys a lot more sheep.

[ Posté le 23 février 2023 à 12:19 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Samedi, 18 février 2023

La forêt sombre

Catégories : [ Livres ]

ISBN: 9782330125110

© Amazon.fr

Face à l'invasion prochaine de la Terre par les Trisolariens, les Nations Unies lancent le programme Colmateur en sélectionnant quatre personnes chargées de concevoir en secret et mettre en œuvre un plan pour contrer l'attaque. La difficulté réside dans le fait que les Trisolariens peuvent épier toutes les conversations, les Colmateurs doivent donc mettre leur plan en œuvre sans qu'il soit possible d'en deviner la teneur. Les trois premiers plans sont éventés par des agents de l'Organisation Terre-Trisolaris, seul celui du Dr. Luo Ji résiste. Ce dernier semble ne pas travailler du tout et plutôt prendre du bon temps grâce aux ressources immenses mises à sa disposition. Au bout de 20 ans, il envoie une sous forme de message radio amplifié par le soleil une «  malédiction  » vers une étoile, et l'ONU décide de le mettre en hibernation pour 200 ans en guise de punition. À son réveil, le monde a bien changé, ayant traversé une crise de désespoir puis a atteint un point où l'humanité est convaincue de triompher des Trisolariens. Une immense flotte spatiale a été construite et s'est finalement constituée en état indépendant. L'observation de la flotte trisolarienne a révélé qu'un petit objet arrive en éclaireur. Ce dernier se révèle être indestructible et détruit la majeure partie de la flotte (quelques vaisseaux parviennent à s'échapper vers une étoile proche dans l'espoir de préserver un échantillon de l'humanité), et les terriens sombrent dans la terreur et la panique. La sonde ne détruit cependant pas la Terre et se contente d'empêcher la Terre d'utiliser le soleil comme amplificateur pour envoyer des messages vers le cosmos. Tous se tournent alors vers Luo Ji, lui attribuant tous les pouvoirs et vertus, mais déchantent rapidement lorsque ce dernier sombre dans l'alcoolisme et que son nouveau plan semble dérisoire. Luo Ji révèle sa théorie selon la quelle de nombreuses civilisations habitent le cosmos, mais restent silencieuses de peur d'être attaquées, à moins de pouvoir attaquer les premières. Sa «  malédiction  » consistait à rendre une étoile inhabitée soudainement visible, ce qui a pour effet de motiver au moins une civilisation à préventivement détruire cette étoile et ainsi démontrer la théorie. La sonde des Trisolariens empêche les Terriens de menacer ainsi leur planète. Rejeté de tous, Luo Ji annonce alors aux espions trisolariens que son plan apparemment dérisoire consiste à utiliser des bombes thermonucléaires en orbite autour du soleil non pas pour créer un nuage de poussière destiné à pouvoir observer l'approche de leur flotte, mais de transmettre par un autre moyen la position de leur planète aux civilisations hostiles du cosmos ; la non-exécution du plan est contrôlée par le fait que Luo Ji continue à vivre. Les Trisolariens acceptent alors de dévier leur flotte et de coopérer avec les humains plutôt que de les exterminer.

[ Posté le 18 février 2023 à 16:16 | 1 commentaire | ]

Lundi, 13 février 2023


Catégories : [ Cuisine/Glace ]



Delayer le beurre de noisette en versant peu à peu la préparation encore chaude et en remuant soigneusement à chaque étape. Laisser reposer au réfrigérateur pendant 12 à 24 h. Passer à la sorbetière.

[ Posté le 13 février 2023 à 15:08 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Catégories : [ Cuisine/Glace ]

Voilà les proportions que j'utilise pour la base de ma crème glacée. Le but est d'utiliser un œuf entier, donc quelle que soit la quantité de préparation, le nombre d'œufs reste un nombre entier.

Pour 500 g

  • 42 g sucre
  • 9 g glucose
  • 42 g lait en poudre
  • 42 g sirop de glucose
  • 2 œufs (100 g)
  • 265 g lait entier

Pour 600 g

  • 51 g sucre
  • 10 g glucose
  • 51 g lait en poudre
  • 51 g sirop de glucose
  • 2 œufs (100 g)
  • 337 g lait entier

Pour 700 g

  • 59 g sucre
  • 10 g glucose
  • 59 g lait en poudre
  • 59 g sirop de glucose
  • 2 œufs (100 g)
  • 413 g lait entier


Mélanger les ingrédients secs et les ajouter aux œufs légèrement battus. Fouetter, ajouter le sirop de glucose et mélanger. Ajouter le lait et mélanger, puis chauffer tout en remuant continuellement jusqu'à ce que la température atteigne 80 °C.

[ Posté le 13 février 2023 à 15:03 | 4 commentaires | ]

Chocolat 4

Catégories : [ Cuisine/Glace ]

Une variante de la précédente glace au chocolat produisant 700 g de préparation au lieu des 500 g habituels et contenant proportionnellement moins d'œuf.


  • 115 g sucre
  • 34 g lait en poudre
  • 40 g cacao (Barry Extra Brut)
  • 1 œuf
  • 1/4 c. à café extrait de vanille
  • 382 g lait entier
  • 80 g chocolat noir (72% de cacao)


Dans un bol, mélanger le sucre, le lait en poudre et le cacao. Dans une casserole, mettre l'œuf et le foutter un peu avant d'ajouter le mélange de sucre, 50 g de lait et de fouetter. Ajouter l'extrait de vanille puis le reste du lait, foutter pour mélanger, puis chauffer tout en remuant continuellement. Arrêter lorsque la température atteint 80 °C. Faire fondre le chocolat (2 minutes et demi au micro-ondes) puis le délayer avec la préparation. Laisser refroidir 24h au réfrigérateur. Passer à la sorbetière.


Il y a toujours un petit goût que je n'aime pas, je suppose dû au chocolat. La consistance me plait beaucoup, mais je ne sais pas ce qui a changé pour arriver à ce résultat. Un peu plus de sucre, peut-être ?

Pour référence :

  • Lipides : 8,0 % (dont saturés : 4,5 %)
  • Glucides : 26,8 % (dont sucres : 25,5 %)
  • Protéines : 6,7 %
  • Sel : 0,17 %

[ Posté le 13 février 2023 à 14:47 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 12 février 2023

Austin Powers in Goldmember

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



In 2002, Dr. Evil plans to partner with supervillain Goldmember in 1975 to develop a power unit for his tractor beam that would pull an asteroid into the Earth. He is however arrested by by Austin Powers and sent to prison. Austin however learns that his estranged father Nigel has been kidnapped and asks Evil for help, who reveals that Goldmember is behind the abduction. Austin travels to 1975 and is reunited with his former lover, FBI agent Foxxy Cleopatra. They find Nigel, but Goldmember takes him to 2002. Evil escapes from prison, and sets up a new submarine lair in Tokyo. Austin and Foxxy where they confront Fat Bastard, now a sumo wrestler, who reveals that businessman Mr. Roboto is building a device for Goldmemeber and Evil. The two agents infiltrate the factory, but Goldmember escapes with the control unit for the tractor beam. Around Evil, Scott replaces Mini-Me in his father's heart, so Mini-Me defects and joins Austin. Austin, Foxxy and Mini-Me infiltrate the submarine, but Austin is captured. Foxxy prevents Evil from activating the tractor beam and frees Austin. As the latter prepares to kill Evil, Nigel appears and reveals that they Evil and Austin are brothers, unknowingly separated when they were babies when their mother was assassinated. Goldmember then activates the tractor beam, but Austin and Evil work together to turn it into a ray that destroys the meteor. This story is then shown to have been adapted into a film called Austinpussy. Scott has become a supervillain and declares he will get revenge.

[ Posté le 12 février 2023 à 12:29 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Hiisi Hippa (2022)

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Hiisi ]


“kahvinen, pähkinäinen… pehmeän paahteinen”

Makea, pähkinäinen ja paahteinen. Sisältää ohramallasta ja kaura.

Panimoyhtiö Hiisi, Jyväskylä, Suomi. 5.5% alkoholia.

[ Posté le 12 février 2023 à 12:04 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Mercredi, 8 février 2023

Chocolats 38

Catégories : [ Cuisine/Chocolats ]

Kultasuklaa, Madagascar, 67% : légèrement amer, pas très caratéristique

Erithaj, Cho Lách mono-plantation, Ben Tre, Vietnam, 70% : sec, un peu fleuri, sucre candi, un peu acide, grillé

Erithaj, Chú Lâm, Ben Tre, Vietnam, 70% : un peu fleuri (violette ?), cacaoté, un peu amer

[ Posté le 8 février 2023 à 20:36 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 5 février 2023

The Abyss

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



When a US submarine sinks near the Cayman Trough after an encounter with an unidentified entity, the nearby underwater drilling platform Deep Core is sent to attempt a rescue, accompanied with a SEAL team. They do not find any survivor, but one of the civilians sees a non-terrestrial entity. Believing it to be a Soviet submarine, the SEALs take the platform's largest submarine for secretly recovering one of the submarine's nuclear warhead, preventing the platform's crew from disconnecting its tether to their surface base, the Explore, before the coming storm rips it off. The tether's reel is ripped off the Explorer and drags Deep Core to the edge of the trench, partially flooding the platform and killing several people. While waiting, the crew sees another manifestation of the NTI as a pseudopod that also takes a look at the nuclear warhead. This prompts the SEAL's leader, suffering from paranoia due to high-pressure nervous syndrome, to use one of the platform's ROV to deliver the warhead to the NTI inhabiting the trench. A battle and an underwater chase ensues in which the SEAL is killed. The chief of the platform, Bud, then decides to use a diving suit equipped with a liquid-breathing apparatus brought by the SEALs to dive into the trench and disarm the warhead. He has do dive deeper than planned and has not oxygen left for the return trip. Waiting to die, he is rescued by the NTI who show him television images of humans killing each other in wars, as well as gigantic tsunami, created by the NTI, threatening all the coasts of the world. They however stop the waves as Bud has shown, by risking his life to save the NTIs, that they are also capable of compassion. The NTI's underwater mothership, carrying Bud, then rises to the surface, lifting Deep Core and saving the crew's lives (magically removing the need for decompression).

[ Posté le 5 février 2023 à 15:50 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Big Drop Poolside

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Big Drop ]


“tropical flavour… Pineapple, citrus, pine and stone fruit aromas… flavours of pine, herbs and… mango”

Tropical fruits and quite bitter. My favourite alcohol-free beer up to now. Contains barley and wheat.

Big Drop Brewing Co. Ltd, Ipswich, Suffolk, England. 0.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 5 février 2023 à 11:26 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Dimanche, 29 janvier 2023

Cocotella 3

Catégories : [ Cuisine/Glace ]

J'ai essayé de remplacer les 25 g de glucose de la recette précédente par 25 g de sirop de glucose. On remarque toujours des cristaux de glace.

[ Posté le 29 janvier 2023 à 20:49 | 1 commentaire | ]

Austin Powers: The Spy who Shagged Me

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



After having escaped, Dr. Evil comes back and goes back in time to 1969 to steal his mojo, which Austin suddenly notices in his present 1999. MOD sends Austin back to 1969 where he meets CIA agent Felicity Shagwell. Together they interrogate an assassin hired by Dr. Evil who reveals the existence of the super-villain volcano lair. They then identify Evil's agent who stole Austin's mojo, Fat Bastard. Felicity is tasked by MOD to implant a tracking device in Fat Bastard by any means necessary, but that device only lead them to a public toilet where they can take a stool sample revealing the presence of a plant that exists only on a single volcano island. Austin and Felicity arrive on the island and are made prisoner. Evil leaves for the moon where he has built a giant laser that he uses to extort money from the US government under threat of destroying Washington. Austin and Felicity then fly to the Moon on an Apollo rocket where Austin fights Mini-Me, Evil's miniature clone, and throws him into space. Austen then has to chose between saving Felicity or the world. She tells Austin to save the world, but is killed. Evil suggests that Austin could use the time machine to go back in time 10 minutes and save Felicity, but as there are now two Austins, they manage to save both Felicity and the world. Evil initiates the base's self-destruct and destroys Austin's mojo, but Felicity points out that all the things he succeeded in doing prove that he had never actually lost it. They travel back to 1999, where Fat Bastard reappears and fails to kill Austin. Dr. Evil's rocket recovers Mini-Me.

[ Posté le 29 janvier 2023 à 15:22 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Mardi, 24 janvier 2023


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres ]

ISBN: 9781529014495

© Amazon.fr

The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate

In an Arabian Nights universe, an Alchemist has built a gate that allows a person to visit his past or future and come back. The narrator re-tells stories he heard from the alchemist about failed attempts to change one's future. He then continues with his own story where he tries to save his wife in the past, but he arrives too late.


An intelligent mechanical man powered by pressured air analyses his own brain to discover how memory works. It learns that there it is stored as air pressure differentials, and therefore gets reset when the pressure drops and the man dies. Unexpected slowness in mechanical clocks also indicates that the (closed) world's air pressure is increasing all the time and will eventually be balanced with the pressure of the source of pressured air, causing the death of all inhabitants.

What's Expected of Us

A gadget that can predict when you are going to press its unique button cause a third of the population to realize free will does not exist and fall into deep depression.

The Lifecycle of Software Objects

A company makes digients, virtual pets that can grow and evolve like animals, but with speech. Their care takes commitment, and many are just suspended, but a small group still treat them like living beings and see them grow. When the virtual universe for which they were developed is shut down, they search for a company willing to fund the porting of the digients' code to another virtual universe. They eventually accept the offer of an adult entertainment company who proposes to develop sexuality in the digients.

Dacey's Patent Automatic Nanny

In Victorian times, Dacey develops a device meant to raise infants. When one explodes, Dacey's company goes bankrupt. His son Lionel adopts an infant in 1932 and raises him with such a device for the first two years, but the child, Edmund, was later diagnosed as feeble-minded and suffering of social dwarfism, attributed to the use of the device. But when put back in presence of the device, he started to grow and reach a normal size.

The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling

A journalist is set to write an article criticizing devices that can record a person's life continuously and allow to consult the recording instantly, partly replacing human memory. He discovers that memories of his daughter being a terrible teenager were wrong and that he had in fact been a bad father to her.

The Great Silence

Parrots in Arecibo talk about their culture and mythology, hoping humans will learn to understand them before they get extinct.


In a universe where Earth has really been created only a few millennia earlier, an archaeologist discovers that the daughter of an astronomer has stolen fossils showing evidence of the Creation and put them to sale at a very low price. When asked for her motives, she explained that her father as peer reviewed an article showing that there is another Earth-like planet in the sky, that is not moving relatively to the Ether, indicating that this Earth is only an experiment and that the other one is really God's Earth. She wanted people to be able to experience themselves the evidence of the Creation before learning that God probably cares only for the other Earth.

Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom

The Prism is a device that uses a quantum phenomenon to create two branches of reality and exchange information (text, audio, video) between the two branches. People use Prisms to know how their lives could have been, and some become addicts. Nat's boss asks her to convince Lyle, the member of a support group for such addicts to sell his Prism so that she can resell it to a celebrity whose husband died in this universe, but who died in the parallel reality of Lyle's Prism. Nat also learns that Dana, the therapist who organises the meetings, had drifted apart from her best friend who had became a petty criminal, and that she blames herself for that. As Nat's boss is murdered, Nat is remorseful and uses the money to buy evidence from several parallel realities that Dana's friend would have become a criminal whatever choice Dana would have made.

[ Posté le 24 janvier 2023 à 20:23 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Vendredi, 13 janvier 2023

Chocolat 3

Catégories : [ Cuisine/Glace ]

Une autre variante de la précédente glace au chocolat qui n'était pas si bonne que ça. Celle-ci contient moins de chocolat et davantage de cacao en poudre, ainsi que trop de lait, parce que j'ai versé trop vite.


  • 75 g sucre
  • 29 g cacao (Barry Extra Brut)
  • 1 œuf
  • 300 g lait entier (au lieu de 273 g prévus)
  • 74 g chocolat noir (72% de cacao)


Dans un bol, mélanger le sucre, le lait en poudre et le cacao. Dans une casserole, l'œufs et le foutter un peu avant d'ajouter le mélange de sucre et de foutter. Ajouter le lait, foutter pour mélanger, puis chauffer tout en remuant continuellement. Arrêter lorsque la température atteint 80 °C. Faire fondre le chocolat (2 minutes et demi au micro-ondes) puis le délayer avec la crème. Laisser refroidir 24h au réfrigérateur. Passer à la sorbetière.


Cette version est plus chocolatée que la précédente. On verra ce que ça donne après un temps de conservation plus long au congélateur.

[ Posté le 13 janvier 2023 à 16:55 | pas de commentaire | ]

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Samedi, 7 janvier 2023

Stories of Your Life and Others

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres ]

ISBN: 9781529039436

© Amazon.fr

Tower of Babylon

A tower has been built over many centuries in Babylon, reaching the sky. When miners reach the top and start opening the sky, most are drown in a flood, but one manages to climb up and emerges on the ground, outside the city.


Leon's brain is repaired after an accident, giving him to know the world accurately and predict people's reactions, starting to control the world in the shadows. He's eventually contacted by another person with the same ability who beats him at his own game.

Division by Zero

A mathematician manages to correctly prove that one equals two and goes into depression as mathematics don't make sense anymore.

Story of Your Life

Louse, a linguist, starts to learn the language of extra-terrestrials who just landed on Earth. The spoken language has no relation to the written form, which requires to know in advance what will be written. This gives Louise the ability to see the future, including the death at 25 of her yet-unborn daughter, but that is not preventing her from having a baby.

Seventy-two Letters

In a world where words animate statues (Golem-style), Stratton tries to find words allowing to build dextrous machines that could replace humans in complex labour, but is opposed by the workers who build the statues. He meets researchers who have discovered that men will become sterile after a few generations and is asked to work with them on a word that, once printed onto a women's ovum, would make it evolve into a human. As this would lead to eugenics and the control of the population by a few people, he instead has the idea of hiding inside the word the commands for the evolved ovum to create ova where the word is already printed.

The Evolution of Human Science

A scientific article describing human science after meta-humans have appeared and develop science without communicating with humans anymore, the latter focusing on understanding what the formers have discovered.

Hell is the Absence of God

In a world where angels regularly appear on Earth, perform miracle cures but also kill people in the process, Neil's wife Sarah is one such victim. Neil is struggling because he wants to start believing in God so that he would rejoin her in Paradise, but doing so for selfish reasons would ensure he won't succeed. Neil eventually becomes a believer when touched by an angelic apparition's fire (which is a sure way to start believing unconditionally), dies from his wounds and still goes to Hell (which is just like regular life for non-believers).

Liking What You See: A Documentary

As marketing has been abusing the humans' weakness to trust beautiful people, a neural switch has been discovered that can reversibly cause calliagnosia and become unable to distinguish beauty from ugliness in people. A university is considering making calli a requirement, but the debate is biased by the lobby of cosmetics manufacturers who uses minute visual enhancements to make its spokesperson more convincing, leading the rejection of the pro-calli proposal, and displacing the original problem with marketing.

[ Posté le 7 janvier 2023 à 17:23 | pas de commentaire | ]

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