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Saturday, January 26th, 2008

La marche de l'empereur

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]


© Imdb.com

Le manchot empereur migre tous les automnes vers l'intériieur des terres pour y retrouver sa compagne et pondre un oeuf. La femelle, épuisée, retourne alors pêcher pendant le le mâle couvre l'oeuf, puis elle revient nourrir le petit tandis que le mâle part à son tour se nourrir en mer. Enfin, les petits qui ne sont déjà plus si petits vont à la mer à leur tour pour se nourrir et commencer un nouveau cycle.

[ Posted on January 26th, 2008 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

Morocco Ale

Categories: [ Beer/Daleside | Beer/FAVOURITES ]


“A rich, dark and mysterious ale brewed to the ancient recipe held secret at Levens Hall for over 300 years.

The recipe for Morocco Ale is believed to date from Elizabethan times. Every May-time until 1877 the uniqye, dark, spiced Morocco Ale, matured for 21 years, was served at a great feast held in Levens Gardens, Cumbria. The guests were requred to stand on one leg and empty in a draught a tall Constable glass filled with ‘Morocco’

whilst pledging to the ancient house – ‘`Luck to Levens whilst t’Kent flows.” ''

Quite sweet, with a slight metallic smell, and a slightly bitter after taste. The taste reminds me of some kinds of ginger breads, of cinnamon. After a while, I noticed that the smell reminds me a bit of Cola. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Daleside Brewery Ltd, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England. 5.5% alcohol.

[ Posted on January 26th, 2008 at 22:06 | no comment | ]