Jeudi, 30 juin 2011
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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Police Academy ]
Commandant Lassard wants to train normal citizens to become police
auxilliaries, in the hope to strengthen the bond between police officers and
citizens. While he's off to an international Police congress in London,
Captain Harris replaces him as head of the academy. But Harris hates the idea,
and does his best to discourage the new recruits. On their first assignment on
the field, the Citizens On Patrol foil an undercover police job, Harris is
more than happy to cancel the program. But when his aid is tricked into lets a
bunch of crimninals out of the jail of the precinct, the citizens on patrol
help the police catching them. The program is then considered a success by the
representatives of the foreign police forces invited by Lassard to visit the
academy and the city.
[ Posté le 30 juin 2011 à 13:08 |
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Dimanche, 26 juin 2011
Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]
Lorsque les Vikings apprennent que la peur donne des ailes, ils partent, sur
les indications de Cryptograf leur shaman, en campagne en Gaule chercher un champion de
la peur. En même temps, Goudurix, neveu d'Abraracourix, est envoyé par son
père dans le village d'Astérix afin de devenir un homme, un vrai. Malgré
l'enseignement d'Astérix et d'Obélix, Goudurix ne parvient pas à surmonter sa
peur, et les Vikings l'enlèvent, voyant en lui le champion qui leur apprendra
à voler. Astérix et Obélix partent à sa recherche, mais Goudurix s'amuse bien
chez les Vikings, et tombe amoureux d'Abba, la fille de leur chef Grosbaf. Il
refuse de repartir avec les deux gaulois. Cryptograf en revanche cherche à
marier son fils idiot avec Abba afin de prendre le pouvoir derrière cet homme
de paille. Le chef veut d'abord voir une démonstration de vol de Goudurix,
que Cryptograf procure au moyent d'un trucage, et le mariage a lieu le jour
suivant. À l'aide de potion magique volée à Astérix, Goudurix sauve Abba,
Astérix dénonce à Grosbaf les manipulations de Cryptograf, et tous les quatre
repartent en Gaule. Ils sont poursuivis par les Vikings, mais ces derniers
sont mis en fuite par un chant d'Assurancetourix qui leur a enfin appris la
[ Posté le 26 juin 2011 à 23:45 |
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Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ Cuisine/Chocolats ]
Life food chocolate, chocolat cru 80%, :
goût léger, vaguement d'orange, inhabituel, chocolat peu dense. Fait de fèves
non torréfiées.
Organic Meltdown, dark chocolate 71%: me rappelle un peu la
cerise, et le pruneau en arrière goût.
Bonvita, Premium dark chocolate 71%:
goût de fruits secs (amandes surtout).
[ Posté le 26 juin 2011 à 22:59 |
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Vendredi, 24 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ Bière/Shepherd Neame ]
“three coloured malts and additional roasted barley… bittered with choices
East Kent hops.”
Classic stout. Smells and tastes of roasted something (barley, it seems). Contains barley malt.
Shepherd Neame, Faversham, Kent, England. 4.0% alcohol.
[ Posté le 24 juin 2011 à 21:41 |
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Catégories : [ Bière/Hogs Back ]
“hoppy pale golden ale… aroma and bitterness from English Malted Barley and
Choicest fresh whole English Hops”
I can't put a name on the aroma, but it's a bit unusual. The aftertaste is
typical of the lagers I don't like much. Contains malted barley.
Hogs Back Brewery Limited, Tongham, Surrey, England. 4.6% alcohol.
[ Posté le 24 juin 2011 à 21:39 |
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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]
See Wikipedia's The Matrix Revolutions
[ Posté le 24 juin 2011 à 14:24 |
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Jeudi, 23 juin 2011
Catégories : [ Livres ]
Ari Mackenzie est un analyste de la DCRI en congé maladie pour
dépression après que ses supérieurs aient brutalement classé l'affaire sur
laquelle il travaillait (voir volume précédent que je n'ai pas lu). Ari décide
de reprendre l'enquête après que son appartement et celui de deux de ses
collègues et amis aient été cambriolés, dans le but évident de mettre la main
sur des documents trouvés lors de l'enquête précédente. Ari part à la
recherche du mystérieux Docteur Weldon, féru d'esotérisme et d'hermétisme,
impliqué dans l'enquête précédente. En fouillant une résidence présumée de
Weldon, Ari rencontre la fille d'un géologue disparu, qui travaille pour une
organisation dirigée par Weldon. Cette organisation discrète appartient à une
agence internationale de protection de l'environnement, et son but précis est
inconnu. L'agence en revanche est accusée d'acheter d'immenses territoires
dans le but d'y protéger la nature, mais accorde en même temps, de façon
cachée, des permis d'expoitation minière sur ces territoires. Au cours de son
enquête, Mackenzie découvre que Weldon est à la recherche d'un minerai
fabuleux découvert par Nicolas Flamel en déchiffrant d'anciens parchemins, les
mêmes que Mackenzie a retrouvés au cours de la précédente enquête, minerai qui
permettrait d'augmenter énormément le rendement des panneaux solaires. Grâce à
deux employés de Weldon qui se sont échappés du centre de recherches où ils
etaient littéralement prisonniers et qui ont averti la fille du géologue
disparu, Mackenzie et ses deux collègues partent pour l'Amazonie. Ils trouvent
la cachette de Weldon vide, mais finissent par retrouver sa trace un peu plus
loin. Weldon parvient à mettre la main sur le gisement original du minerai,
mais meurt brûlé par celui-ci. En retrant en Europe, Mackenzie aidé d'un
collègue du renseignement de l'Union Européenne met à jour la trahison du
secrétaire général adjoint du conseil de l'Europe et du ministre de
l'intérieur Français, qui avaient retiré leur soutien à Weldon après avoir
passé un accord secret avec des membres de l'OPEP, ces derniers voulant
conserver le contrôle de l'énergie dans le monde.
[ Posté le 23 juin 2011 à 15:35 |
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Mardi, 21 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Police Academy ]
The gorvernor wants to close one of the two police academies, based on the
verdict of an evaluation comity. Commandant Lassard asks Mahoney and his
friends to come back and train the new recruits. Commandant Mauser (the
antagonist from the previous installment),
head of the other academy, tries to get Lassard to lose by sending two of his
own staff to Lassard's academy. The cadets are quite hopeless, and earn many
negative points to Lassard's academy. Eventually, the governor askes
representative cadets of both academies to accompany him to a party at the
marina, where they are attacked by gangsters disguised as waiters. Lassard's
cadet manages to call Mahoney for help, the new recruits come with him to the
rescue, and save the governor from kidnapping. Lassard's academy is finally
kept running.
[ Posté le 21 juin 2011 à 21:04 |
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Samedi, 18 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ Bière/Shepherd Neame ]
“Kentish hops and barley… citrus (and gapefruit) nose and flavour, sharing
its name with an ancient hop”
Citrusy, flowery, and quite bitter. Contains barley malt.
Shepherd Neame, Faversham, Kent, England. 4.0% alcohol.
[ Posté le 18 juin 2011 à 21:19 |
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Jeudi, 16 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ Bricolage ]
This is driving me crazy. To the left (click the image for a bigger version),
you can see a basic differential amplifier based on a
LM324AN op amp. If the op
amp is perfect and the resistors are be exactly 10 kΩ, the potential
Vout (on point 3) would be equal to the difference of potential
between V+ and V- (on points 2 and 1, respectively). In
other words, Vout = V+ - V-.
When working with a real op amp, the things are not that simple, but they
should remain quite close to the ideal case. In fact, if we set V4
to GND
, we get reasonnable values. However, if we se V4 to
(which is also the positive supply of the op amp), the values don't
make sense to me anymore.
Here's what I measured (the millivolt values are at least ±0.1 mV, but
the volt values should be reasonnably accurate):
V4 set to | 0 V | +5.05 V |
V- = | 1.3 mV | 2.83 V |
V+ = | 0.1 mV | 2.51 V |
Vout = | 1.9 mV | 0.65 V |
When V4 is set to 0 V, the values of V- and
V+ seem to be consistent with the specs of the chip regarding input
offset current and input bias current (input current of 100 nA accross a
10 kΩ resistor is 1 mV).
When V4 is set to 5.05 V however, I really don't understand what
laws of physics makes the difference between V+ and V- so
large (0.32 V, which just happens to be half of Vout. But that's
maybe just a coincidence). Further experiments have shown that Vout
remains constant at 0.65 V when 2.7 V < V4 < 5.05 V, but decreases
when V4 < 2.7 V.
The goal of the device is to measure the voltage across a 0.05 Ω shunt
which would be placed at point 4, with 5 V applied on its R4 side
and the load (a low-power electric motor) between the shunt's R2 side and the
Any comment on the subject will be appreciated.
[ Posté le 16 juin 2011 à 09:42 |
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Catégories : [ Bricolage ]
This schematics of a current monitor can be found in many datasheets as
examples of applications of an op amp. I wanted to find out the relationships
between RS (the shunt), R1 and R2. Here's how it goes:
- V1 = A·(V+ - V-) (1) (A is the
open-loop gain of the op amp)
- V+ = VSS - V·R1/R2 (2)
(Common emitter transistor setup, see more particularly this
- V- = VSS - RS·iload (3)
- V = V1 - 0.65 (4) (voltage drop between the base and the emitter
of a common transistor)
Combining (2), (3) and (4) into (1), we get
V + 0.65 = A·(VSS - V·R1/R2 - VSS + RS·iload),
from which follows
V·(1 + A·R1/R2) + 0.65 = A·RS·iload.
We assume A is very large, therefore
A·R1/R2 >> 1, so it simplifies into
V·R1/R2 + 0.65/A = RS·iload.
We assume A is very large, and thus 0.65/A << V·R1/R2, leading to
iload = V·R1/(R2·RS).
[ Posté le 16 juin 2011 à 09:40 |
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Mardi, 14 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Police Academy ]
Captain Lassard, of the 16th precinct, cannot restore the peace in his area
since the neighborhood has been taken over by a mysterious gang. The chief of
police gives him 30 days to cleanup and allows him 6 new men, whom Lassard
gets from his brother, the Commandant of the Police
Academy. The
chief also promisses Lieutenant Mauser that if Lassard fails, he would become the
new Captain. The new recruits are at first causing trouble, but finally manage
to arrest a large number of gangsters. Mauser gets them released under false
pretenses. Lassard's brother suggest to organize a fair in the area to
strenghthen the bond between the inhabitants and the police, but the fair is
raided by the gangsters, Lassard is suspended and Mauser becomes the new
Captain. He then suspends Mahoney, who had played several tricks on him.
Lassard then convinces Mahoney to infiltrate the gang to discover their
hinding place. The operation is a success and the gang is finally arrested.
[ Posté le 14 juin 2011 à 09:25 |
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Lundi, 13 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Police Academy ]
Mahoney, always causing trouble, is given a choice by the friend of his late
father who promised to watch over him: either the prison, or the police
academy (which has recently opened to anyone). He chooses the latter, hoping
to be expelled. Lieutenant Harris, the instructor, who disapproves of allowing
anyone to enter the academy, tries to get Mahoney to quit, but the latter
cannot quit, otherwise he is thrown in jail. After being the source of much
trouble, he is finally expelled, just before a major riot starts in town. He
then joins the other cadets, saves the life of Harris (along with another
cadet that Harris hates) and eventually graduates, with honors.
[ Posté le 13 juin 2011 à 10:55 |
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Vendredi, 10 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ Livres ]
Masada is a planet controlled by the Theocracy, a religious, totalitarian
regime. With the help of the Polity, a pan-planetary empire, the rebels
overthrow the Theocracy and Masada joins the Polity. During the final days of
the rebellion, a Theocracy proctor named Tombs is attacked by the Technician,
a gigantic predatory lifeform called a hooder, one of the strange and few
lifeforms on Masada. The Technician skins Tombs alive, but leaves something
in his mind. Polity scientists repair Tombs body, and then wait twenty years
for his mind to recover. Two million of years ago, Masada was the home to the
Atheter, a species that committed global suicide to escape the Jain
technology, a technological virus that was taking over their society. The
humans on Masada step by step discover that the gabbleducks, large
pyramid-shaped animals, are what is left of the Atheter species. The latter
had built a Device, currently hiding somewhere in space, that erases
intelligence, and the gabbleducks are thus dumbed-down Atheters. The hooders
are war machines, and the Technician was used by one Atheter known as the
Weaver as a way to safekeep his mind (not all Atheters agreed to commit
suicide). When the Device detects again the presence of intelligence on
Masada, it comes back to erase it again, but the Polity people organize to
fight it, with little success. The Weaver's mind leaves Tombs' brain and
enters the one of a gabbleduck, reviving the Atheter race, and directs the
Technician in a (successful) attempt at destroying the Device, thus saving the
[ Posté le 10 juin 2011 à 10:34 |
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Jeudi, 9 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]
London, 1895. Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful undersecretary of the
Foreign Office, and his marriage is one of the few truly happy ones in the
political class. Laura Chevely starts blackmailing Chiltern, threatening to
reveal that he had become wealthy after delivering inside information to her
former husband (who thenbecame immensly whealthy), in exchange for his
recommendation at the Parliament to support of a financial scheme in Argentina
where she had invested a lot of money. To motivate him, Laura Chevely reveals
Chiltern's secret to his rigorously honnest wife, Lady Gertrude, before
Chiltern has resolved to do it himself. Chiltern then visits his friend, the
idle Lord Arthur Goring, for advice. But Lady Gertrude had sent a letter to
the same Lord Goring for the same reason. Laura Cheveley then pays a visit to
Lord Goring, but she is mistaken for Lady Gertrude by the butler, who was told
to expected “a lady”. Laura Cheveley, seeing the letter from Lady Gertrude,
uses the opportunity to steals yet another embarassing document. When Sir
Robert discovers the presence of Laura Cheveley, he leaves the house in rage.
The same evening, Lord Robert delivers his speech to the parliament, and his
wife, accompanied by her sister in law Mabel, hears him speak against the
Argentinan scheme. Laura Cheveley then sends to Sir Robert the letter Lady
Gertrude had written to Lord Goring. When Sir Robert discovers the letter,
Lady Gertrude is forced to lie to preserve her marriage. Soon after, Lord
Goring proposes to Mabel. Sir Robert refuses, because of Lord Goring apparent
involvement with Laura Cheveley. But Lady Gertrude then tells the truth about
the letter and explains Laura Cheveley's presence in Lord Goring's home that
evening. Sir Robert then accepts and all is well that ends well.
[ Posté le 9 juin 2011 à 23:34 |
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Samedi, 4 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]
See Wikipedia's The Matrix Reloaded
[ Posté le 4 juin 2011 à 16:23 |
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Vendredi, 3 juin 2011
Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Catégories : [ Bière/Wadworth ]
“fruit and malt aromas… hop flavours”
Kind of fruity, otherwise just another ale. Contains barley malt.
Wadworth & Co. Ltd., Devizes, Wiltshire, England. 4.3% alcohol.
[ Posté le 3 juin 2011 à 09:52 |
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