Thursday, December 30th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ DIY ]
Le compte tours est enfin terminé, équipé d'une nouvelle version
du logiciel afin de corriger des bugs (signal de faux départ lorsque la
voiture démarre pendant la configuration, calcul erroné de la durée du premier
tour) et d'ajouter des fonctionnalités (un appui sur l'un des deux boutons
noirs pendant la course termine le chronométrage et revient à l'écran de
configuration sans perdre la configuration précédente). Le bouton RESET
(rouge) devient inutile, sauf en cas de plantage du logiciel, ce qui n'est pas
encore arrivé.
Voici le portique que j'avais construit l'été dernier.
Il est en place dans le circuit de Noël 2010
et relié au boitier.
Les LEDs infrarouges sont montées sur le portique et éclairent la
Elles sont montées en série avec une résistance 82 Ω et alimentées sous
5 V, ce qui donne un courant de 12 mA environ.
La lumière des LED infrarouges est détectée par des phototransistors placés
sous la piste. Les rails de guidage du morceau de piste servant à l'origine
de compte-tours sont percés de fentes (le picot de guidage des voitures
faisait avancer à travers cette fente une roue portant des nombres), et la
lumière d'une LED peut donc atteindre le phototransistor correspondant, qui
reste cependant bien protégé de la lumière ambiante.
Chaque phototransistor est relié au +5 V par une résistance pull-up de
1 kΩ. Les entrées de l'Arduino sont connectées aux collecteurs des
phototransistors. Lorsque ces derniers sont éclairés, le signal est bas (0),
et lorsqu'une voiture passe, il est haut (1).
[ Posted on December 30th, 2010 at 13:58 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Games ]
Un circuit compact cette fois-ci, car la place habituelle que j'utilise pour
monter le circuit est occupée par le sapin de Noël. Grande innovation
cependant cette fois-ci, l'ajout du compte tours électronique.
[ Posted on December 30th, 2010 at 13:27 |
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Wednesday, December 29th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Émilie, co-propriétaire d'un salon de coiffure, reçoit un jour une lettre
d'amour anonyme (écrite par Jean, son employé chargé de la maintenance). Elle
jette la lettre à la poubelle, mais comme sa mère, Maddy, ne se remet toujours
pas du départ de son sculpteur de mari quatre ans plus tôt, elle retape la
lettre et l'envoie à sa mère. Cette dernière est de bien meilleure humeur,
mais désespère de recevoir une nouvelle lettre. Émilie s'exécute donc et elle
charge Jean de poster la lettre. Ce dernier, à cours de timbres, décide le la
mettre lui-même dans la boite aux lettres de Maddy. Cette dernière le voit et
le suit jusqu'au salon de coiffure. Émilie a toutes les peines du monde à
empêcher sa mère de sauter au cou de Jean qui ne comprend pas le comportement
de Maddy. Émilie explique plus tard à Jean ce qu'elle a fait et lui demande de
sortir avec Maddy pour ne pas lui briser le cœur à nouveau. Jean refuse
d'abord, mais Émilie envoie une lettre de rupture à sa mère, ce qui la met en
colère contre Jean. Ce dernier veut tout lui expliquer et assiste au coup de
téléphone du mari de Maddy lui annonçant son intention de divorcer et de se
remarier avec sa compagne qui est enceinte. Jean console alors Maddy et
accepte de dîner avec elle au restaurant. Maddy raconte à sa fille commen
s'est déroulée la soirée et que Jean a su réciter par cœur la fin de la
première lettre. Émilie comprend alors que Jean en est l'auteur. Ce dernier
fait du chantage à Émilie et cette dernière finit par avouer ss machinations à
sa mère. Maddy, qui avait invité Jean à dîner chez elle, décide de lui faire
croire qu'Émilie ne lui a rien expliqué. Jean quitte finalement la ville.
Plusieurs semaines plus tard, Maddy reçoit une invitation au vernissage de
l'exposition de son futur ex-mari disant qu'Émilie y serait aussi. Elle envoie
l'invitation à Jean en lui faisant croire qu'elle vient d'Émilie. Elle et Jean
finissent par s'embrasser, après qu'Émilie lui a assuré que la lettre venait
bien d'elle.
[ Posted on December 29th, 2010 at 23:11 |
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Monday, December 27th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Troy ]
Quatorzième volume de Trolls de Troy publié en 2010, ou l'on apprend que
Waha est la fille de Rysta Fuquatou et d'une prostituée. Les personnes qui
avaient été payées pour emporter l'encombrant bébé au loin ont été mangées par
Teträm et sa famille, et cette dernière recueille donc l'enfant qu'elle nomme
Waha (à cause de sa manière tonitruante de pleurer). La mère biologique de
Waha veut retrouver sa fille pour la faire travailler dans sa maison close et
plus tard assurer sa succession à la tête de l'entrerprise. Fuquatou l'emmène
jusque chez les trolls (il a retrouvé l'histoire de Waha dans les archives du
conservatoire) et l'y laisse de faire dévorer par Teträm et sa famille.
[ Posted on December 27th, 2010 at 22:53 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Largo Winch ]
Dix-septième tome de Largo Winch. Le président de la Winch Merchant Fleet
est assassiné le jour de son départ à la retraite. Son assistante avait un peu
plus tôt enlevé la fille du directeur de la banqui suisse qui conserve
l'argent de Largo pour le forcer à effectuer un virement compromettant. Le
tueur, un pécheur turc agissant pour venger la mort de son fils, est assassiné
peu après. Le FBI tente d'arrêter Largo à cause du virement qui aurait servi à
acheter des armes, mais ce dernier s'nfuit en Suisse. Il apprend l'enlèvement
de la fille de son banquier et charge Simon d'utiliser ses anciennes
connexions avec la pègre suisse pour la retrouver et la délivrer. Pendant ce
temps, Largo part enquêter un Turquie, mais est fait prisonnier sur un
porte-conteneurs par ses adversaires, encore inconnus. Simon, lui, se fait
arrêter par la police suisse à cause de son passé. À suivre.
[ Posted on December 27th, 2010 at 13:38 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Yoko Tsuno ]
Vingt-cinquième tome de Yoko Tsuno. Yoko et Emilia découvrent en Écosse une
androïde enterré depuis huit-cents ans par des moines qui la considéraient
comme la servante de Lucifer. Yoko appelle son amie vinéenne Khâny qui
participe sur Terre à une mission de rapatriement de colons Vinéens en
hibernation sous Terre. L'androïde est identifiée comme venant de la zone
interdite, où des colons vinées belliqueux avaient été parqués. Le seul
survivant se faisait passer pour Lucifer auprès des humains et avant envoyé
l'androïde en reconnaissance à la surface. Lucifer profite de l'occasion pour
tenter de s'échapper mais se fait finalement tuer. La zone interdite est
à nouveau scellée.
[ Posted on December 27th, 2010 at 13:23 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Blake et Mortimer ]
Vingtième aventure de Blake et Mortimer, faisant suite au tome 1.
Blake rejoint Mortimer et, après une tentative ratée d'arrêter l'ancien Nazi,
ils partent à la recherche du tombeau de Judas, caché dans la grotte que les
anciens grecs prenaient pour l'enfer. Leur ennemi les y attendait déjà, et
s'empare des vingt-neuf deniers. À ce moment, Judas se lève de sa tombe,
l'ancien Nazi est foudroyé et la grotte s'effondre dans un tremblement de
terre provoqué semble-t-il par la colère divine. Nos héros parviennent à
s'échapper, mais Olrik en reste prisonnier.
[ Posted on December 27th, 2010 at 13:08 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Litteul Kevin ]
Lourd, comme d'habitude, un peu moins drôle mais avec un supplément d'émotion.
[ Posted on December 27th, 2010 at 12:55 |
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Sunday, December 26th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Ji ]
Deuxième tome des Gardiens de Ji par Pierre Grimbert. Les petits enfants des
héritiers sont rejoints par Zejabel qui leur apprend que leurs parents sont
morts dans l'incendie de leur navire en allant sur l'île Ji pour vérifier si
le corps de Sombre était toujours dans son tombeau, après que Ke'b'ree leur
ait rencontré un vieillard qu'il a identifié comme étant l'ex-dieu Usul, qui
lui avai annoncé que Sombre était de retour avant de disparaître. Zejabel en a
réchappé car elle avait quitté le navire peu avant avec la chaloupe. Les six
petits-enfants accompagnés de Zejabel et de Souanne la légionnaire décident
d'aller sur l'ile Ji pour voir si le tombeau est effectivement vide et dans
l'espoir de peut-être retrouver leurs parents. Ils sont à nouveau attaqués par
les sorcier et ses hommes mais parviennent à s'enfuir. Lorilis se découvre des
pouvoirs magiques, tandis que Guederic et Souanne découvrent leur soif de tuer
qu'ils essaient de contrôler. Ils décident d'aller voler les notes d'Amanón
concernant les manuscrits Éthèques dans son bureau de la Légion Grise de
Lorelia, où ils rencontrent à nouveau leurs adversaires. Les notes sont
chiffrées, et Lorilis devine que Damián en détient sans le savoir la clé. Ils
se rendent ensuite sur l'île d'Usul où ils rencontrent effectivement l'ancien
dieu, qui révèle à Najel (pendant que les autres sont attaqués par des
indigènes venus faire un sacrifice humain) que son père est au Jal (qui est
censé avoir disparu) et que leur adversaire est en fait Saat le sorcier.
[ Posted on December 26th, 2010 at 13:27 |
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Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010
Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Harry Potter ]
Voldemort is back and threatens Great Britain. Harry is taken out of his
uncle's home by his wizard friends and to safety at the Burrow. During the
wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour the Death Eaters attack and Harry,
Hermione and Ron flee. Harry follows the orders of the late Dumbledore i.e.,
to seek and destroy the horcruxes containing bits of Voldemort's soul. One of
those, a locket, had been stolen from the house at Grimmauld's Place by
Mundungus Fletcher and forcibly sold to Dolores Umbridge, now collaborating
with the Death Eaters who have taken over the Ministry of Magic. In disguise,
they infiltrate the Ministry and steal the locket from around Umbridge's neck.
They then flee to the countryside. Ron is hurt and needs to rest a lot. Harry
and Hermione try to find a way to destroy the locket: the sword of Griffindor
would do the job, but it is nowhere to be found. Harry also has visions of
Voldemort looking for the Elder Wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows.
Because of the evil effect of the locket, Ron becomes jealous of Harry and
Hermione and leaves. The other two then go to Godric's Hollow in the hope to
meet Bathilda Bagshot who knew the Dumbledore family well, in the hope she can
tell them something about the other horecuxes. But Bathilda has already been
killed and they barely escape an attack by Voldemort's snake, Nagini. After
that, Harry sees a Patronus that leads him to the sword, at the bottom of a
frozen pond. Ron reappears at that moment and helps him destroy the locket.
They then visit Xenophilius Lovegood, who could tell them about the Deathly
Hallows, but since his daughter Luna has been kidnapped by the Death Eaters,
he warns them of our three heroes' presence in the hope that Luna will be
returned to him in exchange. Harry also has a vision that the Elder Wand is in
Dumbledore's grave. They manage to escape but are eventually caught
by Snatchers and led to Malfoy's manor. There (and other prisoners: Luna,
Ollivander and Griphook) are saved by Dobby, who gets killed in the escape. In
the end, Voldemort opens Dumbledore's tomb and takes the Wand.
[ Posted on December 22nd, 2010 at 22:22 |
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Categories: [ Books ]
Third volume of The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson, following The
Divided into three books, Solomon's Gold, Currency and The System of the
Solomon's Gold
1714. Invited by Princess Caroline, Daniel Waterhouse returns to London after
twenty years in Massachusets where he founded the Institute for Technologickal
Arts. Caroline wants him to mend the philosophical gap between Leibniz, who
has been her mentor, and Isaac Newton, currently Master of the Royal Mint. On
his way back he meets Newcomen, building an Engine for Litfing Water by Fire
and is looking for investors. Soon after Daniel's arrival at the Royal
Society, he is injured by an infernal machine, an explosive ignited by
clockwork. With the help of a few other people, he starts investigating to
find the maker of the bomb. A second bomb destroys a ship being build for
Peter the Great, czar of Russia, and the shipwright joins in the
investigation. Daniel then visits Newton and learns that he is still looking
for the Solomonic gold, which is infused with whatever principle animates the
human body. Daniel remembers, from his time on Minerva crossing the ocean,
that the ship contained unusual ballast, and soon understands that it is the
Gold Isaac is looking for. As a Master of the Mint, Newton also fights
coiners, and one of them is especially dificult to locate. While Newton is
sent to a wild goose chase, Jack the Coiner invest the tower of London and
places fake coins in the Pyx (a strongbox where samples of fresly minted coins
are placed) after literally showering fake gold guineas over the city, in
order to discredit Newton's work as a Master of the Mint.
In Hanover, Caroline is targeted by assassins, and with the help of Eliza and
her son Johann she flees to London incognito. There she meets Daniel who tries
to convince Eliza to invest in his Logic Mill, a prototype of a “thinking
machine” that Leibniz had asked him to build. Data is fed to the machine with
punched cards made of (solomonic) gold. Peter the Great is another investor in
the project, and all the cards are planned to be shipped to Saint Petersburg
when they are made. Meanwhile, Daniel also tries to locate artifacts made by
Hooke in the early days of the Royal Society to send to the czar who wants to
train his philosophers and start his own philosophical society. In the Bedlam
asylum, he finds a note by Hooke that proves that he did die whe Hooke
performed a lithotomy on him and that he was revived by Enoch the Red who used
an alchemical formula transcribed by Hooke on the note. With the help of a
thief catcher, Daniel also tries to catch Jack the coiner, who is believed to
be the maker of the bombs. The thief catcher is actually Jack in disguise. He
escapes Newton but gives to Daniel one of the original coin samples he had
taken from the Pyx, which; through complex political mechanisms, destitutes
the Tory government, in favour to a catholic king, and replaces it with Whigs
who are in favor of the Hanover family. Soon after, Peter the Great arrives
incognito in London to receive the ships built for him. He is accompanied by
Solomon Kohan, a Jew who forces Daniel to promis to use only Solomonic gold to
make the punch cards, and to deliver the whole amount of that gold to the
czar. As a gift, he gives Daniel a ring made from some of the punched out
bits. The gold is taken out of Minerva's bilge and hidden in the Bank of
The System of the World
Jack is finally arrested, and a connection is found between the Tories, the
bombs (the target was Newton) and the plan to debase the gold guinea and
discredit the Whigs and preven Georg of Hanover to become the next king.
Daniel, Eliza and Caroline force Leibniz and Newton to meet and discuss about
their philosophical disagreements, but have no success in resolving their
differences. Jack, in prison, promises Daniel to return the gold stolen from
the Pyx in exchange for the freedom of his two sons (who were his
accomplices), whom Daniel manages to help escape from prison. But at the same
time Jack tells Newton that Daniel has all the gold, and Daniel has to
liquidate his whole Logic Mill operation and ship the gold out in a rush.
Newton discovers Daniel's implication in the escape of Jack's sons and has a
stroke. Additionally, he suffers from gaol fever and is on the brink of death.
He tells Daniel that he has found Enoch's formula from Hooke's descriptions.
After the coronation of George II, the trial of the Pyx takes place, the same
day as Jack's execution. During the trial of the Pyx, the samples (shards from
the coins) being tested are replaced with shards made by Daniel from his ring.
Isaac is present, hidden in a sedan chair, but he is actually recently dead.
While the trial takes place, Daniel feeds Isaac Enoch's potion, and he wakes
up just in time for the end of the trial, which had shown that Isaac's coins
are pure gold. At the same time, Jack survives (barely) his hanging and is
taken away by the Mobb. During the religious ceremony that preceded, he
understand that Enoch the Red is none other than Enoch, son of Cain.
In the epilogues, Jack lives at Versailles with Eliza (who wouldn't set eyes
on him until he has died). Jack's sons are in Carolina. Daniel sees Newcomen's
engine working, and doesn't expect his logic mill to be built before another
century; probably only needs of war will resurrect such a project. Daniel then
decides to return home to Massachusets.
[ Posted on December 22nd, 2010 at 00:05 |
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Saturday, December 18th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Little Valley ]
“Belgian style Wheat Beer… aromas of coriander and lemon”
Smells like vegetable stock, probably due to the coriander. Not my favourite.
Contains barley malt and wheat malt.
Little Valley Brewery, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England. 4.5% alcohol.
[ Posted on December 18th, 2010 at 20:50 |
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Thursday, December 16th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ DIY ]
Après plusieurs mois à prendre la poussière, j'ai finalement acheté les
composants nécessaires pour construire une version fonctionnelle du compte
tour pour circuit auto.
Le circuit est le même que celui du prototype,
mais l'Arduino Duemilanueve a été remplacé par un RBBB, plus petit et
nettement moins cher.
L'interface utilisateur se compose d'un écran LCD (4 lignes de 20 caractères)
et trois bouton. Le bouton rouge est relié au reset de l'Arduino. Les bouton
noir du milieu sert à choisir l'item suivant dans le menu, et le bouton du bas
sert à agir sur l'item sélectionné.
À l'arrière du boitier se trouve un connecteur D-sub à 9 plots récupéré sur
une vieille carte mère, où le connecteur du port série était encore relié à la
carte par un cable ruban. 4 plots sont utilisés : +5V, 0V, et les signaux
venant des pistes 1 et 2.
Le circuit blanc est le RBBB, le brun est morceau de carte à prototyper. Il
comporte le potentiomètre pour le contraste de l'écran, et les différentes
résistance (pull-down des boutons noirs, limiteur de courant du buzzer). La
paire de fils rouge/noir devant à gauche vont au buzzer qui est fixé sur la
face avant, derrière un petit trou. Les deux circuits sont fixés par des vis
sur le morceau de boitier que j'ai découpé pour laisser passer l'écran, et ce
moreceau est vissé sur le fond sur un plot prévu à cet effet.
L'écran LCD est connecté en mode 4bits, et comme le rétro-éclairage contient
déjà deux résistance de 10 Ω en parallèle, j'ai pu le brancher
directement sur le +5V.
[ Posted on December 16th, 2010 at 13:21 |
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Saturday, December 11th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Williams ]
“a black Porter style beer… a blend of malted barley, oats and roasted
A bit flowery smell, slightly sweet taste, otherwise just another ale.
Contains malted barley and oats.
Williams Bros Brewing Co., Alloa, Scotland. 5.6% alcohol.
[ Posted on December 11th, 2010 at 19:51 |
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Friday, December 10th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Shepherd Neame ]
“fruity nose… spicy notes… hoppy finish”
Quite bitter, as always with Shepherd Neame, otherwise nothing special.
Contains barley malt.
Shepherd Neame, Faversham, Kent, England. 4.0% alcohol.
[ Posted on December 10th, 2010 at 23:28 |
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Monday, December 6th, 2010
Translation: [ Google ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
- 1.5 dL siirappia
- 1 tl jauhettua neilikkaa
- 2 tl pomeranssinkuorta
- 2 tl jauhettua inkivääriä
- 2 tl jauhettua kanelia
- 50g voita
- 5 dL maitoa
- 80g sokeria
- 30g glukoosia
- 2 dL kuohukermaa
- 5 munankeltuaista
- 3 munanvalkuaista
Sekoita siirappi, neilikka, pomeranssinkuori, inkivääri, kaneli ja voi.
Kiehauta ja anna jäähtyä.
Vatkaa munankeltuaiset ja sokerit paksuksi vaahdoksi. Kiehauta maito ja kaada
se vaahtoon. Sekoita varovasti, kaada takaisin kattilaan ja kuumenna seosta
75 – 80 °C:n lämpötilassa, kunnes se sakeutuu. Kaada sitä vähitellen
maustevalmisteeseen ja sekoita. Anna jäähtyä, ja pane yöksi jääkaappiin.
Seuraavana päivänä vatkaa kuohukerma vaahdoksi ja sekoita varovasti
maustekermaan. Vatkaa munanvalkuaiset vaahdoksi ja sekoita varovasti
maustekermaan. Kaada jäätelökoneeseen.
- Maustekerma on aika voimakkaanmakuinen ja vähän hyytelömäinen. Vähemmän
siirappia ja maustetta antaa luultavasti paremman tuloksen.
- Lopputulos on aika nestemäinen jäätelökoneessa.
[ Posted on December 6th, 2010 at 15:11 |
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Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
See the Watchmen_(film) Wikipedia entry.
[ Posted on December 6th, 2010 at 14:35 |
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Friday, December 3rd, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Meantime ]
“English Fuggles hops, dark malts and smoked malts… aromas of roast coffee,
chocolate and vanilla… palate of roast chestnuts, caramel and molasses”
Slightly sweet, slightly bitter, vaguely coffee-ish. Contains malted barley.
Meantime Brewing, London, England. 5.4% alcohol.
[ Posted on December 3rd, 2010 at 18:54 |
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Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
Categories: [ IT ]
I currently found 3 tablet computers running Linux
(all have Bluetooth and WiFi, options are between parentheses):
First line reads:
screen size, resolution, weight, autonomy, OS, price.
10.6", 1024x600, 800g, 3 – 5 hours, Ångström, 500 EUR
ARM FreeScale i.MX-37, 256 MB RAM, 4 GB Flash, Ethernet, (3G), SDHC reader,
1 USB host, 2MPx camera
Hacking: root access with ssh by default
11.6", 1366x768, 1000g, 6 hours, Meego, 450(570) EUR
Intel Atom N450, 1 GB RAM, 16(32) GB Flash, (3G+GPS), SDHC reader,
2 USB host, 1.3 MPx camera
Hacking: ?
10.1", 1024x600, 480g, 10 hours, Android+Ångström, 300(350) EUR
ARM Cortex A8, 256 MB RAM, 8(16) GB Flash, Micro SDHC reader,
1 USB host + 1 slave, 0.3 MPx camera
Hacking: replace Android with Ångström
[ Posted on December 2nd, 2010 at 11:12 |
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Friday, November 26th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Belhaven ]
“traditional Scottish recipe from the 1800s… triple blend of malts…”
Strong, sweet, very malty, almost a taste of dried fruits. Contains malted
Belhaven Brewery Company Ltd., Dunbar, Scotland. 7.0% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 26th, 2010 at 19:01 |
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Saturday, November 20th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer ]
Quite sweet, tastes kind of like strawberries after eating vineagar chips.
Otherwise just another lager. Contains barley malt.
Intoduff S.L., Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 4.7% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 20th, 2010 at 18:40 |
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Sunday, November 7th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Voir Ratatouille_(film) sur Wikipedia.
[ Posted on November 7th, 2010 at 20:55 |
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Saturday, November 6th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Ridgeway ]
“brew with Scottish peated whisky malt, English pale ale and roasted malts
and boil with onlu whole leaf Goldings hops.Querkus is then cold matured over
pieces of old French oak barrels. The flavours from the toasted wood then
slowly seep into the beer. Bottle conditioned beer”
Definitely smokey and roasted. Contains barley.
Ridgeway Brewing, South Stoke, Oxfordshire, England. 4.5% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 6th, 2010 at 17:42 |
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Sunday, October 31st, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Lancaster ]
Quite flowery, otherwise just another ale. Contains malted barley, wheat.
Lancaster Brewery, Lancaster, England. 4.1% alcohol.
[ Posted on October 31st, 2010 at 13:29 |
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Tuesday, October 26th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
- 6 oeufs
- 90g sucre
- 20g sucre vanillé
- 30g glucose
- 5 dL lait
- 2 dL crème fluide
Séparer les oeufs, conserver les blancs au réfrigérateur. Fouetter les jaunes
d'œufs avec le sucre, le sucre vanillé et le glucose. Faire chauffer le lait
et le verser sur le mélange. Laisser épaissir pour en faire une crème
anglaise. Laisser refroidir une nuit au réfrigérateur. Fouetter la crème,
l'incorporer au mélange, puis incorporer les blancs battus en neige. Passer à
la sorbetière.
- La glace n'est pas trop dûre au sortir du congélateur, on peut facilement la
[ Posted on October 26th, 2010 at 20:19 |
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Sunday, October 24th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Lancaster ]
“Crisp with a full bouquet of spices, fruit and floral aromas. Smell: coffee,
roasted malt, smoky. Taste: dark chocolate, molasses.”
Quite bitter, too roasted, almost burnt. Contains malted barley, wheat.
Lancaster Brewery, Lancaster, England. 4.6% alcohol.
[ Posted on October 24th, 2010 at 20:12 |
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Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
- 4 oeufs
- 80g sucre
- 20g glucose
- 5 dL lait
- 2 bananes mûres
- 30g beurre doux
- 2 dL crème fluide
Séparer les oeufs, conserver les blancs au réfrigérateur. Fouetter les jaunes
d'œufs avec le sucre et le glucose. Faire chauffer le lait et le verser sur le
mélange. Laisser épaissir pour en faire une crème anglaise. Faire frire les
bananes au beurre. Les passer au mixer, puis mélanger la crème anglaise peu à
peu dans les bananes. Laisser refroidir une nuit au réfrigérateur. Battre
les blancs d'œufs en neige, et en mélanger un tiers à la crème à la banane.
Fouetter la crème, l'incorporer au mélange, puis incorporer le reste des
blancs. Passer à la sorbetière.
- Très bon goût de banane, au contraire de la plupart des glaces
- Trop de blancs d'œufs, on a l'impression de manger des cristaux. Trois
blancs auraient probablement suffit.
[ Posted on October 22nd, 2010 at 20:14 |
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Tuesday, October 19th, 2010
Categories: [ Books ]
Second volume of The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson, following
Divided into two books, Bonanza and Juncto, the volume alternate between
one and the other to place the narration in chronological order.
1689. Jack has lost his memory due to syphillitis, but slowly wakes up in
Algiers as a galley slave. With some companions they form a Cabal, and plan to
rob silver from a spanish ship with the help of their owner who would get a
share of it. The theft succeeds, but instead of silver they find gold. They
are chased by the Duke of Arcachon who expected to steal this gold for himself
(through his privateers). In Cairo, Jack and his companions finally confront
the Duke and Jack, knowing the the same man had enslaved Eliza years before,
cuts his head off and sents it back to France. The Cabal then flees to India,
where Jack stays for some years and meets Enoch Root again. The Cabal uses
part of the gold to build a ship, with which they carry wootz steel, silk and
spices to Japan, where they exchange it against quicksilver. They then cross
the Pacific Ocean toward New Spain where they sell the quicksilver to various
silver mines. While a part of the Cabal remains on the ship, sell more
quicksilver to silver mines in Peru and cross the Cape Horn, Jack and other
members of the Cabal walk through Mexico (and are inbetween arrested by the
Inquisition, but manage to get released). They rejoin the crew of the ship,
and, since Jack received a letter from Eliza asking him to join her in Qwghlm.
The letter was however a forgery, and Jack is made prisoner by the son of the
late Duke of Arcachon who wants revenge for his father's death and also wants
to recover the gold stolen thirteen years earlier from the spanish ship. Jack
also learns he was betrayed by one of his companion, who was himself let to
believe that his family suffered a lot because of Jack. The gold is said to
come from the mines of King Solomon and have special alchemical properties.
Jack claims it was all used for building the ship. D'Arcachon lets the
remaining members of the Cabal (several died or quit over the past years)
leave with their ship, only to notice that the hull of the ship, under the
waterline, is plated with gold. Jack is eventually taken back to France.
1689. Eliza's wealth has been stolen by Jean Bart the privateer in the name
of the King of France Louis XIV. Eliza knows she has to accept this if she
wants to stay away from prison, and she soon starts doing business as usual.
She is also invited by the Duke of Arcachon, and eventually recognizes him,
from the smell of rotten fish, that he is the one who made her a slave when
she was young. She wants to poison him at his birthday party, but on that day,
she learns that the Duke had been killed in Cairo by Jack. She is then forced
to marry the Duke's son to protect herself. When von Hackelheber learns that
the Solomon gold has been stolen by Jack, he believes that Eliza is also
behind it, and he kidnaps her son. For revenge, Eliza organizes a transfer of
fund from Lyon to Hackelheber's offices in London. Thanks to the help of her
friend Jean Bart, Hackelheber's silver is stolen, and the banker is ruined.
Eliza also helps Bob Shaftoe, Jack's brother and soldier in the English army,
to save the love of his life who is a slave owned by an English lord. Bob
kills the lord during a battle, and later goes and frees her, marrying her on
the spot. Meanwhile, Daniel Waterhouse manages to convince Newton to become
the new head of the Royal Mint. In the end. Jack has arrived in France and
meets with Louis XIV who orders him to go back to England and sabotage the
Royal Mint to prevent England to become a strong power again. In the same
meeting, Jack also meets Eliza, who quickly tells hime they must not see each
other again if they want to stay alive. Jack then goes back to London. Also,
on her way back from the Rhine in the previous book, Eliza had taken under her
protection a German heiress and her daughter Caroline. After the death of the
mother, Eliza placed the daughter in the care of Leibniz. Caroline is
pressented to become the next queen of England.
[ Posted on October 19th, 2010 at 22:44 |
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Categories: [ Books ]
First volume of The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson, divided into
three books.
1713. Daniel Waterhouse is convinced by Enoch Root to leave Massachussets and
return to England to defuse a conflict between supporters of Leibnitz and
those of Newton as who invented calculus. While his ship is under attack by
pirates, trying to leave the coasts of Massachusets, Daniel remembers his
youth from 1661 to 1673. Daniel has met Isaac Newton at Cambridge and, while
Newton was completely absorbed by his research, prevented him from dying by
forcing him to eat and sleep. During the Plague, he fled to the countryside
where he met members of the Royal Society and studied with them on various
topics. Later he returned to Cambridge, became a Doctor and a fellow of the
Royal Society. Daniel witnessed or was involeved in several political plots
during this period: he was delivering mail from Huygens to Henri
Oldenburg, secretary of the Royal Society for foreign correspondonance and
prisoner at the Tower of London under suspicion of exchanging by means of
these letters secret messages with foreign states; the Comstock family was
supplying the English Navy with cannons and powder, and was discredited and
ruined after cannons exploded because they were loaded with pre-packed powder
that was ground too fine (the bad powder was planted by a political rival);
the creation of the Bank of England, independent from the King, after the
latter ruined several goldmiths by taking the gold entrusted to them by their
customers. In the background, there were wars between England and the Dutch
who were allied to France during the first war, but since King Charles II is
suspected to be a catholic pretending to be anglican, England was allied to
France in the second one.
King of the Vagabonds
1683. Jack Shaftoe is a Vagabond, occupying himself by being a footman in the army
of Poland-Lithuania, going to attack the Turks who are assieging Vienna. While
all the fighting is done by the cavalry, Jack saves Eliza, a yound Qwghlmian
woman who is a slave in the the harem of the Grand Turk. Together they travel
through Europe to Leipzig where they meet Leibniz, and eventually arrive in
Amsterdam where Eliza shows great skill at investing the stock market. This
sedentary life doesn't suit Jack who travels to Paris to deliver a letter from
Eliza to a banker. Jack then tries to make money for himself by selling
ostrich feathers and his horse, both stolen from the Turks at the siege of
Vienna, but is instead taken prisoner by the Duc d'Arcachon. John Churchill,
for whom Jack and his brother Bob had been couriers earlier in their life,
helps him escape to prevent Jack from inadvertantly telling things about
Churchill when being tortured. Jack thus escapes and accidentally discovers
that d'Arcachon is the eater of rotten fish who had taken Eliza and her mother
as slaves many years ago. Meanwhile, Eliza is introduced to the the court of
the King William of Orange by d'Avaux, the French ambassador. With another
Englishman, they plot to influence the market and make a lot of money. On his
way back to Amsterdam, Jack becomes partner in a business operation, which was
promised to make him rich. But when he sees Eliza again and tells her about
it, she understands that the operation is a slave trade. Since Jack wants to
continue with the operation because he invested all he had in it and doesn't
want to depend on Eliza's money, she tells him she doesn't want to see him
ever again. Jack's ship leaves Amsterdam, but Jack is made prisoner by pirates
near Africa and becomes a slave himself. Eliza leaves for Versailles to become
a spy for d'Avaux at the court of King Louis XIV, but on the boat she is
convinced by William of Orange, an ennemy of Louis XIV, to become his spy in
exchange for the title of Duchess of Qwghlm when he becomes king of England.
1685. Eliza is working as a governess for some noble at Versailles, and
reporting to d'Avaux, d'Orange and Leibniz. In London, Daniel Waterhouse
witnesses the death of Charles II. The next king is James II, openly a
catholic. Since Eliza is handling the money of many French nobles, she becomes
slowly more important at the court. She travels from time to time to
Amsterdam, where she meets William of Orange and lives at Huygens's house.
There she meets Bob Shaftoe who wants her to help him recover a
protestant girl he fell in love with and who has been sold as a slave to an
English noble, now Chief Justice of the King. In 1687, Daniel travels to
Amsterdam to meet William of Orange, the so-called Defender of the
Protestants, and prepare what will be later called the Glorious Revolution
i.e., William of Orange becoming King of England without bloodshed. Daniel
also meets Eliza during a dinner at Huygens's house. The next morning they
prevent the abduction of William by French dragoons, a plot that was rumored
about in various circles. Back to Versailles, Eliza is made Countess de la
Zeur by the King. Daniel on the other hand is threatened by catholic nobles
(including the Chief Justice) and eventually made prisoner at the Tower of
London and awaiting to be assassinated (since he cannot officially be tried).
But Daniel is protected by Bob Shaftoe, who happens to replace the guard at
the Tower. Meanwhile, Eliza is fleeing Versailles with the help of Liselotte
von der Pfalz, sister in law to Louis XIV, motivated by the fact that the king
is invading her country. After being arrested by French troops in Lorraine,
Eliza sleeps with the son of d'Arcachon who is leading those troops and
eventually reaches Amsterdam and Hyugens's house. The story of her journey is
known to Louis XIV because Eliza kept an enciphered diary which was stolen a
Huygens's house and decrypted by Bonaventure Rossignol, cryptanalyst of the
king. In 1688, James II flees London and William of Orange becomes the new
King of England. Daniel and Bob get the Chief Justice, who also fled from
London, to get lynched by a crowd for the exactions he had commited on the
people many years earlier. Finally, Eliza gives birth to a son in Amsterdam.
D'Arcachon believes the baby is his (and since d'Arcachon carries a genetic
defect, he is eager to get his hands on a son that hasn't got this defect) and
tries to steal it but fails. But in a letter to Leibniz, Eliza tells that the
father is really Rossignol, whom she had met in Versailles and happened to be
in Lorraine while she was there.
[ Posted on October 19th, 2010 at 22:33 |
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Sunday, October 17th, 2010
Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Transformers ]
In the desert in Qatar, US troops are attacked by a helicopter that
transformed into a robot. Later, they are attacked again by a scorpion-shaped
robot. Meanwhile Sam, a teenager, gets a used car from his father. But the car
is stolen one night and he follows it on a bicycle. He sees the car
transform into a robot. The police of course doesn't believe him. Later, he is
chased by a police car that transforms as well, and he is saved by his car. He
soon meets the five Autobots who explain they are looking for glasses that had
belonged to his great-grandfather and that he was trying to sell on EBay. The
man had discovered a frozen robot in the arctic (Megatron, the leader of the
Decepticons) and information about the location of the Spark, an energy cube,
got engraved in the lenses of the glasses. If the Decepticons manage to find
the cube first, they will use it to turn the machines to robots (that's the
power of the cube) and wipe out life from Earth. The Autobots are here to
prevent that from happening. Sam later gets arrested by a secret government
organization and taken to a facility where Megatron has been kept frozen for
the past eighty years; the cube had been discovered as well, and the facility
built around it. But the other Decepticons cut the power to let their leader
thaw, and the people have to flee. They hope to hide the cube (which has been
conveniently reduced in size and mass by Sam's Autobot) in the nearest city. A
large battle takes place. The cube is eventually destroyed, provoking the
death of Megatron. The Autobots have no hope of using it to revive their
planet, and decide to stay on Earth, hiding.
[ Posted on October 17th, 2010 at 23:04 |
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Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Frank transports things and people in his car, no questions asked. One day, he
discovers that the bag he is transporting contains a bound and gagged woman.
He delivers her, but his client tries to kill him. He returns to the house of
his client to take his revenge but the main villain is absent from the house.
Frank then escapes with the the woman and takes her to his place. She
manipulates him into helping her save asiatic people soon to arrive in a
container in Marseille, to be sold as slaves. After the client tried to kill
them again, Frank decides to help the woman and they go the client's office,
but Frank eventually gets arrested. But the policeman is quite friendly and
recognizes the fact that Frank could save those people much faster than the
police could. After a long car chase, he eventually saves the prisoners.
[ Posted on October 17th, 2010 at 23:02 |
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Friday, October 15th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Shepherd Neame ]
“When Nelson was killed at Trafalgar, his body was preserved in a cask of
brandy during the long trip back to England. Legend has it that thirsty
sailors snuck drinks from the brandy cask carrying Nelson's corpse. This gave
rise to the phrase fo illicit drinking: Tapping the Admiral. Smell: toffee,
spicy, roast; Taste: brandy, sweet, rich”
Strong hoppy smell, quite bitter, but less than other beers from the same
brewery. Contains barley malt.
Shepherd Neame, Faversham, Kent, England. 4.0% alcohol.
[ Posted on October 15th, 2010 at 21:26 |
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Monday, October 11th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
- 200g chocolat noir 70%
- 40g glucose
- 50g sucre en poudre
- 5 jaunes d'œufs
- 5 dL lait
- 2g gomme xanthane
- 2g gomme de guar
- 1 c. à soupe de sirop à l'anis
- 2 dL crème fluide
- 5 blancs d'œufs
Fouetter les jaune avec le sucre jusqu'à ce qu'ils blanchissent. Faire
bouillir le lait. Mélanger le glucose avec la gomme xanthane et la gomme de
guar. Verser dans le lait et mixer. Verser le lait chaud sur les œufs. Remuer,
faire épaissir sur le feu comme une crème anglaise. Faire fondre le chocolat.
Y ajouter la crème peu à peu, puis y ajouter le sirop à l'anis. Laisser une
nuit au réfirgérateur. Fouetter les blancs en neige. Fouetter la crème fluide.
Mélanger un tiers des blancs dans la crème au chocolat. Y incorporer la crème
fouttée, puis incorporer le reste des blancs. puisse passer à la sorbetière.
- La crème devient très épaisse, comme une crème patissière. La moitié de
chaque gomme aurait probablement suffit. Après l'ajout de la crème et de
blancs, la préparation est cependant assez fluide pour être versée dans la
- Le double de sirop à l'anis aurait probablement donné un goût plus prononcé
d'anis (qui est vraiment subitl dans cette recette).
- Les blancs en neige donnent une belle consistance à la glace.
[ Posted on October 11th, 2010 at 22:55 |
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Saturday, October 9th, 2010
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
After the death of their parents in the fire of their mansion, Violet, Klaus
and Sunny Baudelaire are given to the care of their remote cousin Count Olaf.
The latter is an actor who only hopes to get his hands on their money as soon
as he is declared their legal guardian. When Olaf tries to kill them (by being
run over by a train), they are given to the care of their uncle Montgomery
Montgomery, a very nice herpetologist. But Olaf appears as a replacement for
Montgomery's assistant, and the scientist refuses to belive the children's
experience about Olaf. The next morning, he is found dead, and Olaf's plot is
eventually exposed. The children are then given to the care of their aunt
Josephine, who is afraid of very many things. They meet Olaf, disguised as an
old sailor, and again she refuses to listen to the children. She is forced to
write a suicide note, but manages to hide a secret message in it, telling
she is hiding in a cave on the shore of the lake. The children meet her there,
but they meet again Olaf on the lake, and he kills aunt Josephine while
pretending to save Klause from drowning. He is then given again the custody of
the three children. Olaf then organizes a theatre play where he is marrying
Violet in order to legally access her inheritance, threatening to kill Sunny
if she refuses to play along. Since he cast a real Justice of the Peace as the
one presiding over the ceremony, Violet and him are legally married. But
Klaus, while rescuing Sunny, discovers the apparatus, made of lenses, that
Olaf had used to set fire to the Baudelaire mansion, and uses it to burn the
wedding contract. Olaf is tried, but freed on appeal and disappears. The
children are sent to new guardians.
[ Posted on October 9th, 2010 at 23:45 |
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Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character created by Dr. John Watson to allow
him to solve crimes incognito. Holmes, actually actor Reginald Kincaid, is
fired by Watson who is jealous by the character's success with the public. But
when printing plates for 5 £ notes are stolen, Watson recalls Holmes and
starts investigating. A printing engineer, Peter Giles, disappeared at the
same time as the plates. A series of planted clues leads the police to believe
that he drowned in a lake while presumably fleeing from the police, but Watson
notices traces of a kidnapping and soon follows the trail of Moriarty,
accompanied by Giles' daughter Leslie. Watson however drowns in the river
Thames while trying to board Moriary's boat. Holmes tries to solve the puzzle
himself, since he promised to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, but fails.
Then, a banknote printed only on one side is found by one of the Baker Streets
Irregulars. The note's serial number is 234 (instead of the usual six digits),
which Holmes, knowing Giles' favourite book is the Book of Psalms, deduces the
printer is hold prisoner in the Orpheus theater, where “The Valley of the
Shadow” was last played before it closed. They find the lair, and also Watson
who had actually faked his death. They also discover that Leslie Giles is an
accomplice of Moriarty, and not actually Giles' daughter (whose child, Leslie,
is a transvestite boy). The old theatre eventually explodes, destroying the
fake banknotes and presumably Moriarty as well. Watson is eventulally
reconciled with Holmes.
[ Posted on October 9th, 2010 at 20:00 |
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Tuesday, September 28th, 2010
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Nicholas Angel is a very efficient police officer in London. So efficient that
he makes his colleagues look bad. He's then promoted sergeant in Sandford, a
peaceful village in Gloucestershire. However, a series of “accidents” happen
soon after he arrives: two amateur actors are killed in a car accident, a man
dies in the gas explosion of his kitchen, the local journalist is killed just
before he can make revelations to Angel. But nobody wants to believe they are
murders. When the florist is murdered almost in front of him, Angel chases the
robed and hooded person who killed her, but doesn't catch him. Angel then
starts to investigate, and finds the connection between all the victims: a
complex scheme involving the florist's land which would become very valuable
when the main road will be reaching it, which would allow the manager of the
local supermarket to expand profitably his business. Angel confronts him, but
he has a strong alibi. Angel is later attacked in his hotel room by another
hooded figure, who happens to be and employee at the supermarket and he then
understands that all the members of the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance are
involved. The chief of the police, also part of the conspiracy, explains that
his wife committed suicide twenty years ago when, after working very hard to earn
Sandford the title of “Village of the Year”, a group of travellers came and
destroyed her work. Since then, the Alliance has murdered anyone who would
tarnish the image of the village. Angel's colleague and friend Danny fakes his
death to help him escape. Angel then comes back and with Danny quickly clean
the town of the members of the Alliance in a long gunfight. Danny is
eventually promoted to sergeant and Angel becomes the new chief of the police.
[ Posted on September 28th, 2010 at 23:45 |
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Sunday, September 26th, 2010
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
After the bombing of their town during World War II, Peter, Susan, Edmund and
Lucy are sent by their mother to a safer place in the country side, at a
professor's manor. While playing hide-and-seek, Lucy discovers a wardrobe in
an empty room. The back of the wardrobe opens to Narnia, a parallel world. She
meets a faun who at first tries to kidnap her and deliver her to the White
Witch, who had taken over Narnia a hundred years ago. But the faun decides to
let her go after all. Back into the real world, she notices that no time has
passed there. Her brothers and sister at first don't believe her, but one
night Edmund follows Lucy as she goes back to Narnia. Edmund meets the White
Witch by accident, and she convinces him to bring his brother and sisters to
her. The four children return to Narnia together, and find that the faun has
been arrested. They then meet a couple of talking beavers who tell them that
the White Witch is evil, and that according to the prophecy, they are to
become the kings and queens of the four kingdoms and end the Witch's reign.
Edmund doesn't want to believe that the Witch is evil and leaves on his own to
meet her. He soon realizes that she actually is evil, but it's too late.
Meanwhile, the other three children, led by the beavers, are trying to rejoin
Aslan's army, who is about the fight the Witch. They eventually reach their
goal and discover that Aslan is a large talking lion. Soon after the Witch
arrives to parley with Aslan and announce that Edmund being a traitor, he must
die on the Stone Table. Aslan manages to exchange his life against Edmund's,
and he dies on the Stone Table. But on the next morning he resurrects because
the Table wouldn't let anyone die who hasn't committed a fault. The armies of
the Witch and the one of Aslan, led by Peter since Aslan is believed to be
dead, fight each other, and eventually Aslan's army wins. The four children
are crowned kings and queens, and stay in Narnia for fifteen years. One day,
they find the way back to the wardrobe by accident and decide to go home.
Later, Lucy enters the wardrobe again, but the passage to Narnia is closed.
The professor tells her that he had been trying for years to go back, but that
they will go back when they least expect to.
[ Posted on September 26th, 2010 at 23:44 |
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Saturday, September 25th, 2010
Categories: [ Beer/Fuller's ]
“session strengh ale… flowery and fresh, with very well developed hop
Smells a bit like oranges. Tastes terrible after eating a piece of Gruyère.
Contains malted barley.
Fuller, Smith & Turner, London, England. 3.5% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 25th, 2010 at 21:39 |
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Sunday, September 19th, 2010
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Ice Cream ]
- 25cL sirop à l'anis (environ 75g sucre/100 mL)
- 30cL eau
- 1g agar-agar
Faire bouillir l'eau, y ajouter l'agar, bien mélanger. Ajouter le sirop,
mélanger. Laisser refroidir quelques heures au réfrigérateur, passer à la
- J'ai pas assez mélangé l'agar, la préparation a fait des « morceaux »,
mais après le passage à la sorbetière on ne remarque rien.
[ Posted on September 19th, 2010 at 16:47 |
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Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Hitchcock ]
1916. The death of a British officer is faked. The man is then sent to
Switzerland, as Richard Ashenden, along with “the General”, a professional
assasssin, to kill a German spy. Elsa Carrington, also a British agent, poses
as Ashenden's wife. Before Ashenden's arrival, Elsa is already being seduced
by Robert Marvin, but nothing happens. Ashenden's first contact is found
strangled, and a clue leads to a man named Caypor, whom the General murders
during a hike in the mountains. When they learned from their superior that
he's the wrong man, Ashenden and Elsa want to resign. But the General
accidentally discovers that a chocolate factory is used as a secret post
office for German spies. During their visit of the factory, they barely escape
the Swiss police, but learn that the spy is actually Marvin. Elsa however, is
disappointed by Ashenden's sudden renewed interest in the mission. She decides
to leave Marvin to Greece. Ashenden and the General rejoin Elsa at the train
station and find out that Marvin is actually leaving to Constantinople. They
board the same train, which soon enters Germany. A confrontation takes place
in Marvin's compartment while British airplanes attack the train. Elsa doesn't
want the General to kill Marvin and interposes hersel just as a bomb derails
the train. Marvin and the General get killed, but Ashden and Elsa survive and
finally quit the Intelligence Service.
[ Posted on September 14th, 2010 at 23:17 |
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