Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]
Talk Like a Pirate Day

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

The Dark Knight Rises

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Seven years have passed since Batman has taken the blame for the death of Harvey Dent. Bruce Wayne doesnt' want to see anyone, and Batman has disappeared. Thanks to Wayne's fingerprints, stolen by Selina Kyle, Bane's gang gambles and looses on purpose the billionaire's fortune in the stock market. The purpose is for Dagget to take control of Wayne's Enpterprises, but the plan fails since Miranda Tate is elected instead. Batman is caught by Bane and sent to an underground prison in a faraway land, where Bane had been a prisoner, with the goal the let Wayne watch, powerless, while Gotham is being destroyed. With Dagget's support, Bane had placed explosives in the seweres of whole Gotham City, and after having stolen the core of the fusion reactor that Wayne had been building (but had given up because it could be turned into a weapon), isolates Gotham City by destroying the bridges, traps the policemen who had been looking for Bane in the sewers and frees all the prisoners from the prison. Batman eventually manages to regain strenght and escapes the prison, returns to Gotham and kicks the bad guys' butts. He discovers that Bane was only a henchman to Miranda Tate (whose father, Ra's al Ghul, who wanted to destroy Gotham City, had been killed by Batman years ago). Batman disposes of the reactor's core, that was due to explode any minute and disappears again.

[ Posted on February 28th, 2013 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Fantomas se déchaîne

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Fantomas ]



Fantomas enlève le professeur Marchand, et Fandor se doute qu'il enlèvera bientôt le professeur Lefebvre, dont les recherches sont complémentaires de celles de Marchand. Fandor se déguise en Lefebvre et prend sa place pour se rendre au congrès scientifique à Rome où le professeur devait se rendre. Fantomas, déguisé lui aussi en Lefebvre, tente d'enlever le faux Lefebvre, mais finit par enlever le vrai, qui s'était rendu à Rome malgré tout, après avoir entendu les âneries proférées par Fandor en son nom. Le petit frère d'Hélène, qui faisait partie du voyage, est enlevé par Fantomas, et sa grande soeur est contraite d'obéir à Fantomas, qui est amoureux d'elle. Il l'invite à un bal masqué dans son chateau, et elle est suivie par Fandor, suspicieux et jaloux, accompagné de Juve. Ils sont enlevés par Fantomas et emmenés dans son repaire secret, duquel ils réussissent à échapper en compagnie des savants qui avaient aussi été kidnappés. Ils poursuivent Fantomas en voiture, mais ce dernier s'échappe en DS volante.

[ Posted on February 26th, 2013 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Cats and Dogs

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Scott Brody's dog is catnapped by a gang of cats. A replacement dog-agent is quickly dispatched, but because of a mixup, young pup Lou arrives at the house. The neighbouring dog agents are protecting Scott's father's research, a vaccine againts dog allergy, that would give dogs an advantage over cats. But the latter, lead by Mr. Tinkles, are repeatedly trying to destroy the research. One day, by accident, the right formula is found. The cats then kidnapp the whole family and ask Lou to deliver the research against the human's lives. The dogs decide that the research is too important and the humans must be sacrificed, but Lou decides otherwise. When the humans are not freed, Lou and the other dog agents go to their rescue, in Mr. Tinkles' owner's flocking factory. Mr. Tinkles' has reversed the formula and intends to spread dog allergy to the whole world, using mice as carriers. The dogs arrive in the nick of time to prevent it. In the end, Lou is awared the right to start training as an agent, but prefers staying with Scott and his family.

[ Posted on February 24th, 2013 at 11:29 | no comment | ]


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Fantomas ]



Fantomas est l'ennemi public N° 1, mais certains, comme le journaliste Fandor, doutent de son existence. Il écrit alors un article bidon rapportant un entretien avec Fantomas, ce qui énerve ce dernier (qui existe donc pour de vrai). Fantomas enlève Fandor et s'emploi à salir son nom en commettant des vols tout en se faisant passer pour le journaliste. Fantomas enlève aussi Hélène, la fiancée de Fandor, qu'il compte séduire. Fandor et Hélène sont relachés par une complice de Fantomas, jalouse. Le commissaire Juve arrête alors Fandor, qu'on prend pour le véritable Fantomas. Ce dernier se fait alors passer pour le commissaire et commet encore une fois des vols. Le commissaire est alors arrêté et placé dans la même cellule que Fandor. Fantomas, déguisé en gardien, les fait évader et les emmène en voiture on ne sait où. Ils sont poursuivis par les policiers et par Hélène jusqu'à la mer, où Fantomas s'enfuit en sous-marin.

[ Posted on February 24th, 2013 at 11:14 | no comment | ]

Sambrook's Pumphouse

Categories: [ Beer/Sambrook ]


“Golden coloured pale ale… marmalade taste and spicy, slightly citrus aroma”

Just another ale, quite bitter. Contains malted barley.

Sambrook's Brewery, Battersea, London, England. 4.2% alcohol.

[ Posted on February 24th, 2013 at 10:53 | no comment | ]

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

Machine Inutile

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ DIY ]

Quand on bascule l'interrupteur, un doigt sort de la boite et le rebascule dans l'autre sens. Strictement inutile, et donc parfaitement indispensable.


Vue de l'extérieur, c'est une boite en bois blanc, sans fioriture, à part l'interrupteur sur le couvercle.

Quand on pousse l'interrupteur, voici ce qui se passe:

machine_inutile_ralenti_1 machine_inutile_ralenti_2 machine_inutile_ralenti_3 machine_inutile_ralenti_4 machine_inutile_ralenti_5 machine_inutile_ralenti_6 machine_inutile_ralenti_7 machine_inutile_ralenti_8

La vidéo de la boite en action est également disponible.


Sous le capot, un moteur équipé d'une boite de vitesse 1:228, alimenté par 4 batteries rechargeables. Lorsqu'on bascule l'interrupteur, le « doigt » se lève, bascule l'interrupteur dans l'autre sens, ce qui renverse la la polarité et fait tourner le moteur dans le sens inverse. Le « doigt » revient alors à sa position initiale et finit sa course sur un deuxième interrupteur, qui coupe le courant. Le moteur s'arrête.


Mécaniquement et électriquement, il n'y a rien de compliqué, à part le fait de positionner les pièces au bon endroit.

Pour finir, une vidéo de la machine en action couvercle levé. On remarque que le « doigt » sursaute en arrivant sur l'interrupteur, au moment où le courant se coupe, et revient s'y poser une deuxième fois plus doucement, et reste en place.

[ Posted on February 19th, 2013 at 21:51 | no comment | ]

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Oksa Pollock 5 : Le règne des félons

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Oksa Pollock ]

ISBN: 9782845635081

© Amazon.fr

Cinquième volume des aventures d'Oksa Pollock.

De retour sur Terre, Oksa et ses amis retrouvent leurs parents et amis. Marie et Gus sont soignés grâce aux élixirs rapportés d'Édéfia. Pendant ce temps, Orthon organise sa conquète du Monde en embauchant des scientifiques fous, des informaticiens malhonnêtes et des criminels de tous poil, et s'installe sur une plateforme pétrolière abandonnée en mer du Nord. Bien qu'Oksa ait tué le dernier Diaphan, Orthon recrée l'espèce apr génie génétique, et les envoie voler les sentiments amoureux de la plupart des habitants d'une ville française. Il déstabilise le commerce mondiale en achetant et vendant brusquement des quantités énormes de matières premières, et rend visite aux chefs d'états des principaux pays du monde pour leur montrer son pouvoir, dans l'espoir d'obtenir de leur part la reconnaissance que son père lui a toujours refusée. Tugdual devient le chanteur d'un groupe de rock qui, grâce au buzz sur Internet et aux images subliminales du clip video, devient rapidement un phénomène mondial. Orthon organise alors un concert aux chutes du Niagara et drogue les spectateurs afin qu'ils se jettent tous dans l'eau. Grâce à son Culbu-Gueulard, Oksa parvient à trouver l'emplacement du repaire d'Orthon. En compagnie de Gus (dont elle reconnait enfin être amoureuse, après la trahison de Tugdual) elle part espionner leur ennemi, et découvre qu'Orthon est bien derrière la plupart des catastrophes mondiales récentes. Elle y retrouve aussi Tugdual, qui est sous l'emprise magique d'Ortho, et utilise ses pouvoirs de Gracieuse pour l'aider à s'en libérer. Tous deux s'échappent et rentrent chez eux.

[ Posted on February 18th, 2013 at 18:50 | 1 comment | ]

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Hopdaemon Skrimshander I.P.A.

Categories: [ Beer ]


“Kentish hops… fruity with spicy citrus hop aromas… dry hoppy finish”

Just another ale. Contains barley malt.

Hopdaemon Brewery, Newnham, Kent, England. 4.5% alcohol.

[ Posted on February 16th, 2013 at 21:29 | no comment | ]

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

A Fire upon the Deep

Categories: [ Books ]

ISBN: 9780812515282

© Amazon.fr

The area far above the galactic plane is called the Beyond, and the farther the distance from the plane, the smarter the computers can be, allowing much-faster-than-light travel and the existance of a galactic communication network called the Net, where users exchange e-mails and newsgroup messages. Sentient artificial intelligences, called Powers, also exist throug the Net. From time to time, users find recipes on the Net that allow to create new AIs, sometime creating a monster that disrupt the Net and cause the disappearance of thousand of civilizations that were relying on the Net for every aspect of their lives. Such a Power, named the Blight, has been created, and its antidode is in a small ship, crashed in the Slow Zonw, on a world so near the galactic plane that advanced software does not work. Only two children survived the crash, a boy Jefri and his sister Johanna, who have been separately abducted by two ennemy factions of a people called the Tines. The Tines are creatures living in packs of four to six doggish-looking individuals, being intelligent only when gathered in such packs. Johanna, taken by Woodcarver's faction, travels North, while Jefri stays near the ship with the Flenserists. The boy manages to send a help message over the Net, which is received by Ravna, a human working at Relay, one of the cores of the Net. With the help of another human, Pham, artificially put together by Old One, a Power, she understand that the antidote to the Blight is on the Tines' planet and together they hire a freighter's crew (two Skroderiders, plant-like beings who have been placed on mechanized chariots by an unknown Power billions of years ago, allowing them to spred through the galaxy) to go and rescue Jefri. After discovering that Skroderiders have been made by the first instance of the Blight, billions of years ago, and can be instantly turned into ennemies, the two humans, wary of their travel companions but still needing them to continue their journey, are chased by three fleets: one controlled by the Blight, one by creatures who claim and the Blight is the making of the Humans and take the opportunity to wipe out most Human worlds in the Galaxy and one of what is left of the Humans. Meanwhile on the Tine's world, both factions build cannons, Woodcarver's with the help of Johanna's Dataset, and the Flenserists with Ravna's help over the Net. Ravna and her companions land in the middle of a battle, not knowing which side to take. They eventually take side with Woodcarver and end the war. Pham, guided by what's left in him of the Old One, uses the mould-looking antidote. This causes the Slow Zone the expand well to the top of the Beyond, Slowing the Blight's fleet so much it will not reach the planet before thousand of years.

[ Posted on February 12th, 2013 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

Monday, February 11th, 2013

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Categories: [ TV/Cinema/X-Men ]



James Logan has a mutation that makes him immortal and gives him retractable claws. With his half-brother, also a mutant, they fight in all the american wars until the Vietnam war. James and Victor (and other mutants) are hired by Stryker as commandos to steal a mysterious meteorite, but Logan quits at the end of the operation, disgusted by the gratuitous killings. Six years later (in 1979) Stryker meets Logan in Canada and warns him that someone is killing the members of the mutant commando. Logan refuses to listen to Stryker and soon after his girlfriend Kayla is killed by Victor. When Stryker offers him a means to get his revenge on Victor, Logan accepts and becomes a subject in an experiment: infusing adamantium (an alloy created from the meteorite) into his skeleton to make it indestructible. The experiment is successful, but Loga ecapes when he overhears that Stryker plans to erase his memory. Chased by Stryker's men, Logan attempts to find “The Island” where Stryker's base of operations is locate; this happens to be hidden in Three Mile Island, below the nuclear powerplant. Logan discovers that his girlfriend is not dead, and that it was a ploy to convince him to participate in the experiment. Stryker then attempts to kill Logan through his last experiment, XI, a engineered mutant who has superpowers from many different, now-dead mutants. While Kayla helps all the mutants who are prisoner at the facility (and dies, for good, in the attempt), Logan, with the help from Victor, fight XI and provoque the famous catastrophe of Three Mile Island.

[ Posted on February 11th, 2013 at 22:53 | no comment | ]

Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

RCH Old Slug

Categories: [ Beer ]


“nutty, woody flavours chocolatey finish and honeyed toffee nose”

Quite sweet, malty, chocolatey. Contains barley.

RCH Brewery, Weston-Super-Mare, Avon, England. 4.5% alcohol.

[ Posted on February 3rd, 2013 at 11:27 | no comment | ]