Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Sunday, August 20th, 2006

Oluet Citymarketissa

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Categories: [ Beer ]

Käytiin eilen iltapäivällä Seppälän Citymarketissa. Kaupassa on iso englantilaisten oluiden valikoima. Ostin yksitoista erilaista pulloa:

  • Bitter & Twisted (Harviestoun Brewery, Clackmannanshire, Scotland)
  • Black Sheep Ale (Yorkshire, England)
  • St. Peter's Honey Porter (Suffolk, England)
  • Doctor Okell's India Pale Ale (Isle of Man)
  • Okell's Mac Lir (Isle of Man)
  • Master Brew (Shepherd Neame, Kent, England)
  • O'Hara's Celtic Stout (Carlow, Ireland)
  • Marston's Pedigree (Staffordshire, England)
  • Camerons Strongarm (Hartlepool, England)
  • Titanic Stout (Stoke-on-Trent, England)
  • Whitstable Bay Organic Ale (Shepherd Neame, Kent, England)

[ Posted on August 20th, 2006 at 12:01 | no comment | ]