Microblogi: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [7. kes klo 22:52] [V]

Sunnuntai, 30. toukokuuta 2021

Ella ja kaverit 1

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat ]

Ella ja kiristäjä

ISBN: 9789513171568

Ella on ensimmäisellä luokalla. Kun opettaja näyttää huolestuneelta, Ella ja hänen kaverinsa päättelevät, että häntä kiristetään. He seuraavat häntä kun hän menee matkalaukku kädessä illalla puistoon (matkalaukku on luultavasti täynnä rahaa kiristäjälle), mutta lopuksi saadaan tietää että opettaja on mennyt hiljattain naimisiin, ja että hän on menossa häämatkalle.

Ella teatterissa

Ellan luokka järjestelee koulujuhliin joulukuvaelmaa. Lapset ja opettaja käyvät ensin teatterissa katsomasa miten näytelmiä esitetään. Lapset sekaantuvat näytelmän kulkuun, mutta yleisö tykkää siitä silti. Kouluvuoden lopussa he esittelevät joulukuvaelman. Se ei mene ihan putkeen, mutta yleisö on silti tyytyväinen.

Ella luokkaretkellä

Ellan luokka lähtee viimeisenä koulupäivänä luokkaretkelle. Kun he saapuvat museoon, ensimmäiseen pysähdyspaikkaan, opettaja huomaa että hän on unohtanut rahansa kouluun ja vaikka lapsilla on rahaa ja voisivat päästää sisään, hän ei voi ja sen takia hän riittelee kassanhoitajan kanssa. He sitten menevät ruokalaan, jossa lapset sekaantuvat ruoanlaittoon, ja lopuksi he menevät eläintarhaan, missä he tekevät myös tyhmyyksiä. Kun he tulevat takaisin kouluun, melkein kaikki menevät kotiin, paitsi yksi lapsi joka on lukossa koulussa. Hän menee ulos ikkunan kautta puuhun, mutta tarvitsee palomiehien apua koska hän ei osaa tulla puusta alas.

[ Postattu 30. toukokuuta 2021 klo 16.34 | ei kommenttia | ]

Blacks KPA

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Olut/Blacks ]


“Cascade and Citra hops. Tropical & citrus flavours”

Just anothe pale ale. Contains malted barley.

Blacks Brewery, Kinsale, Cork, Ireland. 5% alcohol.

[ Postattu 30. toukokuuta 2021 klo 15.04 | ei kommenttia | ]

Sunnuntai, 23. toukokuuta 2021

Ready Player One

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ TV/Elokuvat ]



In 2045, the OASIS is a massive virtual reality game to which people escape a dull reality. After his death, the creator of the game, Halliday, announced that an Easter egg was hidden in it, and that the first player who finds it will become the new owner of the game company. Parzival and his friends, like many others, are hunting for it; Sorrento, the unsavory head of the IOI corporation who wants to control OASIS in order to introduce targeted advertisement into the game also throws an army of employees into the hunt. Three keys are necessary for finding the egg, and the first one can be obtained by winning a race that seems impossible to win. Parzival however finds a hint at the Halliday archive and manages to win. He befriends Art3mis who joins his group of friends. Sorrento then discovers Parzival's real-world identity (Wade) and tries to coerce him to work for IOI before killing his aunt in an attempt to get rid of him. Wade is saved by Samantha (Art3mis' real identity) who is trying to get revenge on Sorrento who got her father killed. Together they discover that the challenge for the second key is located in a simulation of The Shining and consists in saving the woman with whom Halliday had been in love but with whom he never dared pursuing a relationship. Samantha is soon after captured by Sorrento, but thanks to her friends she escapes and infiltrates IOI premises. The challenge for the third key is in a castle on Planet Doom, on which the players must guess and play Halliday's favourite Atari 2600 game. Sorrento has setup a force field around the castle to prevent other players from reaching the game console. Parzival convinces the players to gang up against Sorrento and a long battle ensues while Art3mis works to disable the force field. Seeing that he is going to get beaten, Sorrento uses a weapon that kills all the players in OASIS, but Parzival survives thanks to an extra-life token given to him earlier by the curator of the Halliday archive. When he obtains the third key, Parzival is offered to sign a contract, but he refuses as he recognizes the contract that Halliday had forced his then partner Morrow out of the game company. This was the last test, and Parzival gets the egg and meets a simulation of Halliday who expresses his regrets in life, and hints at the fact that he's not really dead. At the same time in the real world, Sorrento is arrested after attempting to kill Wade and his friends. Morrow appears and reveals that he is the Curator, and Parzival decides to share the ownership of the game with his friends, and hire Morrow as a consultant.

[ Postattu 23. toukokuuta 2021 klo 12.17 | ei kommenttia | ]

Woodforde's West Coast Wherry

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Olut/Woodforde's ]


“Amarillo and Cascade hops… citrusy, spicy, fruity”

Surprisingly sweet, and indeed fruity. Contains malted barley.

Woodforde's Brewery, Woodbastwick, Norfolk, England. 4.2% alcohol.

[ Postattu 23. toukokuuta 2021 klo 11.19 | ei kommenttia | ]

Sunnuntai, 16. toukokuuta 2021

Blade Runner 2049

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ TV/Elokuvat ]



In 2049, the Wallace corporation has replaced the Tyrell corporation and manufactures new replicants which are designed to be obedient slaves. K is one of them and works as a blade runner, hunting and killing rogue, Tyrell replicants. When K finds the burried remnants of a replicant who has given birth to a child, K is ordered to make all traces of the event disappear, in fear that the news that replicants can procreate would start a war between humans and replicants. From Tyrell's archives, K discovers that the woman was Rachael, with whom Deckard had fallen in love. The information leaks to Wallace, who wants to understand how replicants can reproduce, because he cannot manufacture enough replicants for expanding insterstellar colonization. K discovers that Rachael had two children, a girl who died and a boy who survived. Another clue found at the burial site reminds K of an implanted memory of his fake childhood. This leads him to an orphanage that he recognizes and where he finds a small wooden horse that he remembers hiding. K then visits Dr. Ana Stelline who specializes in artificial memories and confirms that the memory is real. As K believes he is Rachael's son, he fails is considered to be unfit for duty and flees. An analysis of the horse leads him to Las Vegas, where Deckard had been hiding, and reveals that he is the father of Rachael' child. To protect the child however, they separated and he has no knowledge of his whereabouts. They are attacked by Wallace's henchwoman, Deckard is kidnapped and K left for dead. He's however rescued by replicant rebels, from which he learns that the child was actually a girl and that the boy was only a misdirection. K then tracks Deckard, saves him from Wallace's clutches and takes him to his daughter, Ana Stelline.

[ Postattu 16. toukokuuta 2021 klo 11.16 | ei kommenttia | ]

Siren Neo Normal

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Olut/Siren ]


“designed to show off Talus… new hops… pink grapefruit, tropical fruit, pine and floral notes”

Very sweet, strong smell of tropical fruits, and indeed piney taste. Contains malted barley.

Siren Craft Brew, Finchamstead, Berkshire, England. 7.4% alcohol.

[ Postattu 16. toukokuuta 2021 klo 10.33 | ei kommenttia | ]

Sunnuntai, 9. toukokuuta 2021

Black Worlds End

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Olut/Blacks ]


“fairtrade cocoa beans and madagascan vanilla pods”

Very sweet, very chocolatey and vanilla-y. Contains malted barley.

Blacks Brewery, Kinsale, Cork, Ireland. 8% alcohol.

[ Postattu 9. toukokuuta 2021 klo 20.06 | ei kommenttia | ]

Lauantai, 8. toukokuuta 2021

Premier souffle

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Kirjat/Les enigmes de l aube ]

ISBN: 9782376863045

© Amazon.fr

Dans un monde où la moitié des habitants possède un pouvoir magique, Anyelle, 9 ans, vit dans la forêt avec sa belle-mère et son père Elliort. Comme ce dernier a le pouvoir de faire repousser les arbres, le seigneur local ne se prive pas de couper les les arbres à l'orée de la forêt. Un jour où un grand nombre d'arbres avaient été coupés, Anyelle ajout accidentellement son pouvoir à celui de son père, et les arbres poussent dans toute la ville. Sur le conseil du vieux sorcier qui vit au fond de la forêt, Elliort emmène sa fille dans une école de magie afin qu'elle apprenne à contrôler son pouvoir de Renforcement. L'École des Magies Utiles et Laborieuses d'Hasturget n'accepte traditionnellement pas les filles, mais une démonstration un peu cataclysmique de son pouvoir convainc le directeur de l'accepter. Les enseignants n'ont rien à faire d'une fille et les résultats d'Anyelle sont plutôt mauvais. Elle se lie cependant d'amitié avec Naxu, un garçon dont le pouvoir est d'annuler la magie et qui jusqu'à l'arrivée d'Anyelle était le dernier de la classe. Lorsque commencent les cours de magie de l'esprit, le professeur Ferigas remarque les capacités d'Anyelle, et lui donne des cours supplémentaires. Ferigas l'emmène à un concert de magie harmonique, et Anyelle décide que c'est ce qu'elle veut apprendre. Pour ce faire, elle doit entrer à l'Illustre Institut d'Ithtir, ce qui lui demande beaucoup de travail. Grâce au soutien de Ferigas, ses résultats s'améliorent et malgré un incident où Anyelle renforce le pouvoir de Ferigas et mémorise tous les livres de la bibliothèque, elle présente un bon dossier d'inscription à Ithtir. Les professeurs d'Ithtir sont tout aussi misogynes que ceux d'Hasturget, mais grâce à son pouvoir elle réussit la tâche impossible qui lui était demandée comme examen d'entrée et est acceptée.

[ Postattu 8. toukokuuta 2021 klo 14.44 | 1 kommentti | ]

Sunnuntai, 2. toukokuuta 2021

Brewdog Punk AF

Käännös: [ Google ]

Kategoriat: [ Olut/Brewdog ]


Citrusy and otherwise strangely fruity. Contains malted barley, malted oats and malted wheat.

BrewDog Ltd., Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 0.5% alcohol.

[ Postattu 2. toukokuuta 2021 klo 15.15 | ei kommenttia | ]