Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]
Talk Like a Pirate Day

Saturday, September 3rd, 2022

Go West

Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Buster Keaton ]



Buster has no money and no friends. He sells his last possessions, loses most of his money and goes to New York by freight train, then decides to go to the West. He finds a job as a cow boy (for which he's not qualified), and becomes friend with a cow named Brown Eyes. When the farmer decides to sell his stock because he needs the money, he puts all the animals on a freight train headed for Los Angeles, including Brown Eyes. Buster goes on the train, hoping to save his friend. The train is stopped by the men of a neighbouring farmer who does not want the animals to be sold yet, because it would get a higher price if all farmers would sell them at a later time. Buster accidentally manages to stay alone on the train and stop it at a station in the big city. He frees Brown Eyes and, Feeling for the farmer's situation, he decides to take the cows to the stock yard, causing quite a panic in the city, but eventually manages to take all the animals to their destination. Upon learning from his men that the train has been robbed, the farmer had gone by car to the stockyard. At first there was no animal there, and suddenly it was full of them. He understands he has to thank Buster for it and tells him he can have anything; Buster asks him for Brown Eyes.

[ Posted on September 3rd, 2022 at 19:12 | no comment | ]