Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Your Inner Beast

Categories: [ Grumbling ]

One more completely-useless-therefore-indispensable quizz from Samuel's blog

If there ever was a need to confirm what we already all knew…


Your inner beast is a Bear. Your fierce side is shown emotionally.

The Good You're Caring, Down-to-Earth, Considerate, etc…

The Bad You are sometimes Moody, Snappish, Overreacting, etc…

People On Your Good Side Are smothered with affection and attention.

People On Your Bad Side Are avoided and kept at arms length because you are afraid you will let them hurt you again.

Take this quizz !

[ Posted on December 17th, 2007 at 10:17 | no comment | ]