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Talk Like a Pirate Day

Sunday, September 6th, 2015

Kedrigern Short Stories 2

Categories: [ Books/Kedrigern ]

ISBN: 9781892065766

© Amazon.fr

Mirror, Mirror, Off the Wall

Kedrigern and Princess visit an old friend. He owns five mirrors who keep prisoner a famous witch: one contains the real one, the others only 2-dimensional images. Releasing an image instead of the real one would be dangerous. Princess finds the solution: she asks each image if they could manage to go through a small crack in the wall to escape an imaginary fire. Only the real witch claims she couldn't do that.

Nest Egg

Kedrigern is asked to tend to a sick griffin. He eventually discovers that the griffin needs the contact of gold to get better, since gold is very abundant in his place of origin.


As payment for curing a cursed king, Kedrigern receives a battered, slightly magical carpet. The carpet is a flying one, but who hates flying and dreams only of lying on the floor in front of the fireplace. Kedrigern eventually transfers the flying magic into a chair.

[ Posted on September 6th, 2015 at 15:28 | no comment | ]

Questing of Kedrigern

Categories: [ Books/Kedrigern ]

ISBN: 9781892065766

© Amazon.fr

Princess convinces Kedrigern to attend a convention of wizards. Alas, she is accidentally transformed back into a talking toad. Kedrigern decides that only Arlebar will know how to safely transform her back into a human. In the meanwhile, Kedrigern reluctantly accepts to visit King Panglunder, whose young fiancee Lalloree has been put under a spell by the King's jealous sorceress Memanesha. After some diplomatic discussion, Kedrigern accepts to take Lalloree back to her parents, who leave not far from Arlebar's. Kedrigern ignores where Arlebar exacly lives, but expects to get directions once they reach the Inn on the Outer Edge. From the Inn, they depart with a company of questing adventurers led by Conrad. They are attacked underway by a magic mist, leftover from ancient magical wars. Kedrigern and Princess are transported into our present by the wizard's emergency escape spell; Princess is abducted by crooked showbusinessmen. Kedrigern replenish his magic at a monastery who still cultivates simples, then saves Princess and both return to their time using the escape spell in reverse. Upon arrival, Princess is human again, with the addition of small but functional wings. Their travel companions are all transformed, Lalloree and Conrad are now talking toads. They leave to Arlebar's just before Death takes him, but he cannot change back the two toads. They then take the toads to Lalloree parents who are very understanding. Kedrigern and Princess then go back home.

[ Posted on September 6th, 2015 at 15:07 | no comment | ]

Saturday, August 22nd, 2015

Kedrigern Short Stories 1

Categories: [ Books/Kedrigern ]

ISBN: 9781892065766

© Amazon.fr

Spirits from the Vasty Deep

Extra-terrestrials land near Kedrigern's house while he rests from a complex summoning spell. Convinced the E.T. are the spirits he's been trying to summon, he refuses to believe their story of planetary conquest. Kedrigern eventually just makes them and their space ship vanish.

Hey, Ho, the Wind and the Rain

Kedrigern is asked to help a king whose kingdom suffers from drought. Upon arrival, he understands that the king cares only for his gardens and fountains and not for the land, which suffers from the king hoarding all the water for his garden. He however demands that Kedrigern provides twice the standard amount of rain in order to fill his reservoir and cisterns. Kedrigern complies, but summons a heavy rain over the badly built reservoir and light rain over the fields; the dam is soon broken, and the land can be properly irrigated again. He then helps the crooked Chamberlain to escape in exchange for the money he had embezzled during the construction of the dam.

The Quality of Murphy

A king asks Conhoon to change his daughter back, who has been transformed into a giant rat by a djinnee. Conhoon asks a pooka named Murphy to find the djinnee; Murphy is eager since the local spirits don't like interference of foreign spirits in local affairs. The djinnee refuses to at first to cooperate since upon being freed from his bottle, his feet remained trapped in it. Conhoon and Murphy convince the king to re-open the bottle to let the feet out. In exchange the djinnee accepts to lift the curse and stores it in the bottle, that Conhoon takes with him for later use.

[ Posted on August 22nd, 2015 at 15:16 | no comment | ]

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

A Voice for Princess

Categories: [ Books/Kedrigern ]

ISBN: 9781892065766

© Amazon.fr

Kedrigern is a misanthropic wizard who specializes in counterspells. A widow troll mother gives him her newborn baby before dying near her husband, and Kedrigern trains him as a house servant. Some time later, on the way back from a house call, he meets a talking toad whom he transforms back into a beautiful young amnesic woman whom he names Princess. Alas, she cannot talk and croaks instead; this doesn't prevent them from getting married. Kedrigern tries multiple methods to give her back the ability to talk, with no success. One day he meets a minstrel who knows the spell to cure Princess. Princess starts studying magic, but also wants to have a social life. She convinces Kedrigern to visit the prince of Grodz who is asking for help because of a plage of magical rats. Although wary of the prince's reputation as a cruel man, they take the journey. Upon arrival Kedrigern is drugged and fed to the magic rats. The latter, human workers transformed by a sorcerer, however recognize him and spare him. Kedrigern returns them to their normal shape and runs to save Princess. She had however already succeeded in transforming the prince in a toad, freeing the country from the tyrant.

[ Posted on August 19th, 2015 at 18:07 | no comment | ]