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Mardi, 15 août 2006

Love Hina

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Anime ]


© Amazon.ca

I just watched the four first episodes yesterday, subtitled in Finnish. It was pretty easy to understand, but then again, the story is not of the difficult kind: a guy moves in as the janitor of a home for young girls, pretending to be a student (whereas he already failed twice the test for entering the university of Tokio). At the same time, he remembers that when he was a small boy he made a promise to his sweetheart to meet again at the university of Tokio. He didn't remember the name of the girl, though but surprise, surprise! she's one of the girls living the the home.

Nice to watch because it's so easy to follow, but it really looks like as series for post-teen geek boys who fantasize on finding a girlfriend but have no clue as how to do it.

[ Posté le 15 août 2006 à 14:40 | pas de commentaire | ]

Cowboy Bebop

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Anime ]


© Amazon.co.uk

Cowboy Bebop is about a bounty hunter roaming the solar system. I watched a couple of episodes, and until now, the hero does not seem to be very efficient in his job, since he did not catch his preys (they didn't escape though, the first one got shot by his girlfriend, and the second crashed on the parking lot of the police station). The series is quite violent but probably no more than your average action TV series (big guns shooting all over the place, fast vehicles crashing, this kind of things). One good thing is that the characters do not make stupid faces when they are feeling emotions, on the contrary to most of the previous japanimation series I've watched. That's a definite good point for the series. Also, the episodes seem to be quite independent from each other, there is no long-running story to keep the viewers hooked (maybe this would develop in later episodes?)

Probably the series I enjoyed the most among the ones I recently discovered: it's not all about feelings and relationships between people, but on the other hand, the stories don't fly very high either, which is one drawback of the format (you can't put much in a 20 minutes show meant to be a complete story).

[ Posté le 15 août 2006 à 14:40 | 3 commentaires | ]


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Anime ]


© Amazon.co.uk

One more anime series, again quite different from the others. Gravitation is about a rock band trying to become famous, and the lead singer of which falls in love with a famous love-stories writer. The main character is impredictible (some would say “crazy”), and the story is therefore full of surprises. This makes the series watchable even if romance is not my cup of tea.

[ Posté le 15 août 2006 à 14:40 | pas de commentaire | ]

Fruits Basket

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Anime ]


© zstore.com

Another series of which I watched the four first episodes last evening, subtitled in Finnish as well. Much more difficult to understand than Love Hina, this series is more about the description of weird characters. The story goes like this: an orphan girl lives in a house with three mysterious boys. The boys have been victim of a curse of some kind, because when touched by a girl, they they turn into animals: a rat, a dog and a cat. The problem is that the cat is not part of the Chinese Zodiac, and it makes the character very angry because he feels inferior to the rat. Then appears a girl who is madly in love with the cat-guy (“madly” is the right word, because she annoyingly keeps on beating him up) and who turns into a wild pig when touched by a man.

This series is about the hero discovering hidden aspects of the various characters and the characters being able to overcome their fear of being touched by other people. I think.

[ Posté le 15 août 2006 à 14:35 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samurai Champloo

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Anime ]


© dvdpris.com

One more anime series I discovered yesterday, again subtitled in Finnish. This one takes place in feudal Japan and is about two samurais (who want all the time fight each other) helping a girl to find a mysterious “sunflower-smelling samurai”. They agreed to help the girl after she helped them escape from the claws of a tyranic local governor who blamed them for killing his son. Later on, they join two gangs of Yakuza who fight against each other for the control of a city.

Samurai Champloo is definitely a different genre than the two other anime I recently watched. The setting is more or less grounded in Japanese history (but there is a warning at the beginning not to consider it as a historical document), and can be enjoyable if you don't mind the katana slashing and the blood stains. One thing I hated about it was the opening titles music: who the hell decided that rap is a suitable kind of music for feudal Japan stories?

[ Posté le 15 août 2006 à 14:33 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 14 août 2006

La cuisine de MacGyver

Catégories : [ Cuisine | TV ]

Recettes à essayer :

  • Whole wheat-banana pancakes (pancake au blé complet et à la banane) (Runners, ep. 4x13)
  • Eggs with chocolate sauce (œufs brouillés au chocolat) (Jack Dalton, Mask of the Wolf, ep. 3x17)

Les cookies façon MacGyver :)

[ Posté le 14 août 2006 à 00:15 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 31 juillet 2006

Bien choisir ses programmes TV

Catégories : [ TV ]

De plus en plus souvent de par le Web, je lis des remarques exaspérées de personnes qui se plaignent du niveau abyssal des chaînes de télévision généralistes. Mais en même temps, il semble que les gens regardent la TV plutôt que de regarder des programmes soigneusement choisi. Étant donné que 90% des programmes sont bons à jeter, il n'est pas étonnant qu'en allumant la TV au hasard, on tombe neuf fois sur dix sur un tel programme.

Il n'est pourtant pas difficile de choisir à l'avance ce qu'on veut regarder, l'enregistrer et le regarder quand on a le temps. On évite ainsi deux tracas liés à la télévision : les mauvais programmes diffusés lorsqu'on a le temps de regarder la TV, et les horaires impossibles des programmes intéressants.

Regarder la TV intelligemment est donc possible. Mais ça ne change rien au fait que 90% des programmes sont bons à jeter.

[ Posté le 31 juillet 2006 à 14:40 | pas de commentaire | ]