Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Monday, February 27th, 2017

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Nuada, prince of the magical creatures, attempts to put together the pieces of a crown that would allow him to control the golden army and vanquish the humans. Hellboy, a demon, works for an agency employing magical creatures. They investigate an attack on an auction house where a piece of the crown was being sold. Hellboy and his team's investigation take them to the troll market, a city under the Brooklyn Bridge, where they meet Princess Nuala. They help her hide a map indicating the location of the Army. They however fail, and Nuada takes the map. The agents follow him to Ireland, where the army is hidden. Hellboy fights Nuada for the crown and eventually defeat him.

[ Posted on February 27th, 2017 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

Hambleton As Good as Gold

Categories: [ Beer/Hambleton ]


“hints of orange, lemon and lychee… Pale and Crystal malted barleys, torrefied wheat, Northdown, First Gold and Celela hops…”

Just another ale. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Hambleton Ales, Ripon, North Yorkshire, England. 4.5% alcohol.

[ Posted on February 27th, 2017 at 08:40 | no comment | ]

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

Base Vénus 4: Méduse

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Base Venus ]

ISBN: 9782277232247

© Amazon.fr

Howard Falcon prépare une expédition dans l'atmosphère de Jupiter dans une sorte de montgolfière. Sparta de son coté accepte d'enquêter sur les prophètes du Libre Esprit pour les Salamandres (dont fait partie son supérieur au Bureau de Contrôle Spatial), un groupe de personnes ayant reçu l'enseignement du Libre Esprit mais combattant son aspect sectaire et conspirateur. Pendant l'expédition de Falcon, Sparta est cachée à bord du vaisseau-mère, souffrant d'une addiction à une drogue censée lui permettre de retrouver la mémoire du traîtement subi quelques années plus tôt lorsqu'elle était aux mains des Prophètes. La drogue la rend paranoïaque et elle tente de saboter le véhicule de Falcon. Ce dernier rencontre des créatures vivantes dans l'atmosphère de Jupiter qui transmettent un message par radio : « Ils sont arrivés ». Blake, à bord du vaisseau-mère, fait échouer une mutinerie des Prophètes qui croient que les créatures sont les messagers du Pancréateur, dont ils attendent la venue.

[ Posted on February 23rd, 2017 at 23:45 | 1 comment | ]

L'affaire Moran

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Comics/Les quatre de Baker Street ]

ISBN: 9782749308111

© Amazon.fr

Moran engage une bande de garçons des rues pour l'aider à trouver Holmes. Ce dernier s'enfuit à temps, mais ses Irréguliers sont fait prisonniers et échappend de peu à la mort, sauvant au passage les autres garçons dont Moran voulait se débarasser afin de ne pas laisser de témoins. Holmes reprend contact avec Watson pour tendre un piège à Moran, donnant à ce dernier la possibilité de l'assassiner depuis la maison voisine, où l'attend déjà Scotland Yard.

[ Posted on February 23rd, 2017 at 23:45 | no comment | ]

Sunday, February 19th, 2017

Cookies aux pépites de chocolat

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Cooking ]

Une recette adaptée de Cookwise avec des ingrédients disponibles en Finlande.


Pour environ 32 cookies.

  • 140g + 20g beurre doux, mou
  • 125g noix de pécan
  • 200g fariinisokeri
  • 1 c. à soupe extrait de vanille liquide Dr. Oetker
  • 1 petit oeuf (53g)
  • 200g Kinnusen myllyn luomu vehnäjauho (10.4 % de protéines)
  • 1,5 c. à café poudre à lever
  • 1 pincée de sel
  • 80g chocolat noir 72% Pirkka luomu
  • 100g chocolat au lait Panda


  • Préchauffer le four à 180 °C, étaler les noix de pécan sur une plaque à biscuits.
  • Mélanger (30s au mixeur) la farine, la levure chimique et le sel.
  • Battre (au batteur éléctrique équipé d'un fouet) 140g de beurre avec le sucre et l'extrait de vanille pour obtenir un mélange homogène. Ajouter l'oeuf et continuer à battre.
  • Faire griller les noix de pécan au four pendant 8 min.
  • Incorporer peu à peu le mélange de farine à l'appareil.
  • Lorsque les noix sont grillées, les mélanger à 20g de beurre et laisser refroidir un peu.
  • Hacher le chocolat au couteau en morceaux d'au plus 5mm et mélanger brièvement à l'appareil.
  • Hacher les noix au couteau en morceaux d'au plus 5mm et mélanger brièvement à l'appareil.
  • Laisser reposer 2h30 au réfrigérateur.
  • Préchauffer le four à 180 °C.
  • Placer 8 ou 9 boules de pâte grossièrement formées d'environ 35 – 40mm de diamètre sur une plaque en aluminium recouverte d'une feuille de cuisson réutilisable. Replacer le reste de pâte au réfrigérateur.
  • Cuire pendant 10 min au four à chaleur tournante.
  • Laisser refroidir 5 min puis déplacer les cookies à l'aide d'une spatule sur une grille.
  • Répéter les trois étapes précédentes avec le reste de la pâte.
  • Conserver dans une boite à biscuits en métal.

[ Posted on February 19th, 2017 at 11:45 | 1 comment | ]

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Greg is bullied by his elder brother Rodrick. Their mother decides to let them settle their differences by themselves over a week end where they are home alone. Altough forbidden to do so, Rodrick organises a party, and Greg and him lie together to their parents about it. They become forcibly friends, until the truth is discovered and Rodrick is forbidden to play with his band in the school's talent show. In the meanwhile, they spend another week end at their grandfather's retirement home, where Greg befriends the girl in school on whom he has a crush. Later at the talent show, Greg then accepts, on his mother's insistance, to replace his friend Rowley's partner who has stage fright in his magics number, on the condition that Rodrick is allowed to play with his band. The two brothers get along better from that point on.

[ Posted on February 19th, 2017 at 11:07 | no comment | ]

Fuller's Vintage Ale 2007

Categories: [ Beer/Fuller's ]


“Fuggles, Target and Super Styrian hops, Maris Otter malted barley.

Individually packed and numbered, this bottle is one of only one hundred and fifty thousand produced.”

Sweet, with a distinctive taste of dried fruits, and especially dried figs. Contains malted barley.

Bottle N° 94967. Fuller, Smith & Turner, London, England. 8.5% alcohol.

[ Posted on February 19th, 2017 at 10:42 | no comment | ]

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

Chocolats 31

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Cooking/Chocolats ]

Arctic Choc Madagascar 65% : très torréfié, pâteux

Éthicable Pérou Piura 70% : « boisé »

Éthicable Haïti Cap Haïtien 72% : « fruité », bonbon ?

Éthicable Nicaragua Wasala 75% : « noisette fraîche » ?

[ Posted on February 16th, 2017 at 20:08 | no comment | ]

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

Chocolats 30

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Cooking/Chocolats ]

Mulhaupt, Théobora 61% : noix de coco ?

Mulhaupt, Brésil 62% : chocolaté, intense, fumé ?

Mulhaupt, Pérou 63% : doux…

Mulhaupt, Papouasie 70% : un peu acide, amer, fumé

Mulhaupt, Afrique 85% : amer, sec, légèrement fruité et doux en arrière goût

Mulhaupt, Extrême 85% : amer

[ Posted on February 8th, 2017 at 22:34 | no comment | ]

Base Vénus 3 : Cache-cache

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Books/Base Venus ]

ISBN: 9782277230069

© Amazon.fr

Sparta est envoyée sur Mars pour enquêter sur la disparition de la plaque martienne, un trésor archéologique comportant un texte écrit par des extra-terrestres il y a un milliard d'années. Au cours du vol, deux personnes ont été tuées. Sparta suspecte d'abord une personne ayant subi le même entraînement qu'elle, mais lorsque tous deux manquent de mourir, elle se tourne vers le directeur de l'hôtel. Ce dernier vient d'être assassiné, et laisse un témoignage enregisré décrivant celui qu'il suspecte être son assassin. Sparta le reconnaît et devine que la plaque a été envoyée sur Phobos avec une sorte de fusée utilisée par les géologues. Elle réquisitionne un vaisseau pour se rendre sur Phobos, et est attaquée d'abord par un faux cargo surarmé appartenant à la Fraternité, avant d'affronter l'assassin lui-même. Elle parvient à récupérer la plaque, mais ses assaillants prennent la fuite.

[ Posted on February 8th, 2017 at 18:59 | 1 comment | ]


Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]



Maleficent is the guardian faerie of the Moors. The king of the neighbouring kingdom, failing to invade the Moors, promises the crown to whomever gets rid of Maleficent. Stefan, a stableboy who had developed a romantic relationship with Maleficent, gives in to his greed and treacherously cuts Maleficent's wings and gives them to the dying king. Some time later, the King becomes father of Aurora, who is blessed by three fairy godmothers, and cursed for revenge, by Maleficent. She observes how Aurora grows up and becomes fond of her. As Aurora turns sixteen, Maleficent fails to prevent the curse from happening, and Aurora falls into a the announced death-like sleep, from which she can only be awoken by true love's kiss. A kiss by a prince that Aurora had briefly met earlier fails to wake her up, but she does wake up after being kissed on the brow by Maleficent. The latter then fights the king, who eventually dies. Aurora then becomes queen of both the kingdom and the Moors, and marries the prince nonetheless.

[ Posted on February 8th, 2017 at 18:45 | no comment | ]

Sunday, February 5th, 2017

SSH access to a Buffalo LS210 NAS

Categories: [ IT ]

My old NAS that I use for backups is now over 10 years old, and while it still works and faithfully backs-up my files every night, it has an always increasing probability to fail.

I decided to replace it with a Buffalo Linkstation 210, that offers 2 TB of space for 140 EUR, making it cheaper than building my own device, at the risk of not being able to use it the way I want it, being a commercial device that wasn't designed with my needs in mind.

The way I want to use the NAS is that it boots automatically at a given time, after which the backup script on the desktop starts, transfers the needed files, and puts the NAS to sleep mode again. That last feature was available on my previous device, but not anymore on the LS210. Hence the need to make it do my bidding.

Moreover, the Web UI for administrating the LS210 is horribly slow on my desktop due to bad Javascript code, so the less I have to use it, the better.

The device

The way to gain SSH access seems to vary depending on the exact version of the device and the firmware. Mine is precisely a LS210D0201-EU device with firmware version 1.63-0.04, bought in January 2017.

Initial setup

I found instructions on the nas-central.com forum. It relies on a Java tool called ACP_COMMANDER that apparently uses a backdoor of the device that is used for firmware updates and whatnots, but can apparently be used for running any kind of shell command on the device, as root, using the device's admin user's password.

Let's assume $IP is the IP address of the device and "password" is the password of the admin user on the device (it's the default password).

You can test that ACP_COMMANDER works with the following command that runs uname -a on the device:
java -jar acp_commander.jar -t $IP -ip $IP -pw password -c "uname -a"
It will output some amount of information (including a weird message about changing the IP and a wrong password ), but if you find the following in the middle of it, it means that it worked:
>uname -a
Linux LS210D 3.3.4 #1 Thu Sep 17 22:55:58 JST 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux

Starting the SSH server is then a matter of

  • enabling the SSH feature (which, on this cheap model, is disabled by default),
  • starting the SSH server,
  • changing root's password to "root" so that we can login (the password can be changed to something more secure later).
This is achieved through the following commands:
java -jar acp_commander.jar -t $IP -ip $IP -pw password -c "sed -i 's/SUPPORT_SFTP=0/SUPPORT_SFTP=1/g' /etc/nas_feature"
java -jar acp_commander.jar -t $IP -ip $IP -pw password -c "/etc/init.d/sshd.sh start"
java -jar acp_commander.jar -t $IP -ip $IP -pw password -c "(echo root;echo root)|passwd"

On some older version of the firmware, root login was disabled in SSH, and needed to be allowed with

java -jar acp_commander.jar -t $IP -ip $IP -pw password -c "sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin/PermitRootLogin/g' /etc/sshd_config"
but that is not the case on my device.

Once this is done, I can run
ssh root@$IP

and login with password "root" (which was set earlier).

One nasty feature of the device is that the /etc/nas_feature file gets rewritten on each boot through the initrd. One last step is then to edit /etc/init.d/sshd.sh and to comment out near the beginning of the file the few lines that check for the SSH/SFTP support and exit in case SSH is not supported:
 #if [ "${SUPPORT_SFTP}" = "0" ] ; then
 #        echo "Not support sftp on this model." > /dev/console
 #        exit 0                                               

According to a comment on the nas-central forum,

“The /etc/nas_feature is restored on each reboot, so sshd does not run on boot. Even if you change the init script.”

but I found this not to be true.

I checked that this setup really resists reboots, by logging in as root and typing reboot. SSH access was still possible after the device had restarted.

Going further

It was then possible to setup SSH access using keys; RSA and ECDSA are supported but not ED25519.

One missing feature is the sudo command, but I can live without it I guess.

I have then setup the device to wake up at a given time (through the “Sleep timer” feature in the administration Web UI). It is then possible to put the device to sleep by running as root
PowerSave.sh standby
The command is located in /usr/local/sbin, and this path is not available for non-interactive logins, so I wrote the following wrapper script to shutdown the device:
ssh root@$IP 'bash -l -c "PowerSave.sh standby"'

After having been put into standby, the device will then start automatically on the set time, or when the “function” button on the back is pressed.

[ Posted on February 5th, 2017 at 12:52 | 6 comments | ]

Fuller's Montana Red

Categories: [ Beer/Fuller's ]


“American style ale… Galaxy hops… passion fruit plate”

Quite fruity, with a whiff of rye bread. Contains malted barley and malted rye.

Fuller, Smith & Turner, London, England. 4.5% alcohol.

[ Posted on February 5th, 2017 at 11:03 | no comment | ]