Microblog: A very long article Wikipedia article on the orientation of toilet paper [Jun 7th, 22:52] [R]

Wednesday, September 4th, 2019


Categories: [ Blog ]

For years, the comments were systematically rejected on the blog because most of them were spam, and I didn't have a good way of filtering them out. A CAPTCHA would have been a solution, but I read that the ones based on warped text are easily defeated, and I didn't want to bother with images anyway.

I recently rediscovered the idea of a CAPTCHA based on arithmetics, which I now have implemented. The poster of a comment must do a simple arithmetics operation involving two single digit numbers and one operator. It should not be difficult to defeat, but arithmetics CAPTCHAs are apparently uncommon, so it is likely that most bots don't implement such solvers. It has already repelled a couple of spam comments today.

[ Posted on September 4th, 2019 at 22:34 | no comment | ]

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

Second Page

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Les résumés et les bières n'intéressent finalement pas grand monde, donc j'ai remplacé le filtre optionnel par une « seconde page » obligatoire. Pour désactiver ce filtre, il faut ajouter ?all=1 dans l'URL. Ceci s'applique aussi aux flux RSS.

Summaries and beers are not interesting to most people, so I replaced the optional filter with a mandatory “second page”. To disable this filter, add ?all=1 to the URL. The same applies to RSS feeds.

Yhteenvedot ja oluet eivät kiinnosta useimpia lukijoita, joten korvasin vapaaehtoisen suodattimen pakollisella “toisella sivulla”. Suodattimen voi pysäyttää lisäämällä ?all=1 URL-osoitteen loppuun. Sama koskee RSS-syötteitä.

[ Posted on August 25th, 2011 at 18:34 | no comment | ]

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

5 ans

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

5 ans de blog, 914 messages (plus 73 dans le microblog), 371 commentaires et 209900 spams.

[ Posted on July 14th, 2011 at 22:27 | no comment | ]

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

4 ans

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

4 ans de blog, 808 messages, 252 commentaires et 205 000 spams.

[ Posted on July 8th, 2010 at 13:26 | 2 comments | ]

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Life Subset

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Pour filtrer le contenu «  moins intéressant  » du blog, c'est à dire les résumés de livres, de films, les bières et les chocolats, il suffit d'ajouter le paramètre subset=life à l'URL du blog. Pour les plus fainéants, voici des liens directs vers les version HTML et RSS du blog.

To filter out the “less interesting” content of the blog i.e., the book and movie summaries, the beers and chocolats, you just have to append the subset=life parameter to the blog's URL. For the laziest of you, here are direct links to the HTML and RSS versions of the blog.

Jos haluat suodattaa “vähemmän kiinnostavan” sisällön pois, eli kirjojen ja elokuvien yhteenvedot, oluet ja suklaat, sinun tarvitsee vain lisätä subset=life blogin URL:iin. Tässä vielä laiskimille suoria linkkejä HTML- ja RSS- versioihin.

[ Posted on June 23rd, 2010 at 23:37 | no comment | ]

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Micro blog 2

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Il y a un an, j'ai ajouté une fonctionnalité de micro blog (RSS), que je n'ai jamais vraiment utilisée. Je ms suis dit il y a a quelques jours que je pourrais l'utiliser pour garder une trace des videos et images amusantes vues sur le web. On verra bien si je l'utiliserai davantage à partir de maintenant.

J'ai aussi fait en sorte d'afficher la dernière entrée dudit microblog dans l'en-tête du blog, histoire de lui donner un peu plus de visibilité.

[ Posted on May 30th, 2010 at 17:18 | no comment | ]

Friday, July 10th, 2009

3 ans

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

3 ans de blog, 682 messages, 188 commentaires (tant que ça ?) et 180 000 spams.

[ Posted on July 10th, 2009 at 19:02 | 2 comments | ]

Monday, May 25th, 2009

Micro blog

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Et hop, un micro-blog, parce que je le vaux bien (et le flux RSS correspondant). On verra bien si j'en ai vraiment l'usage. Ça intéresse quelqu'un, d'ailleurs ?

[ Posted on May 25th, 2009 at 00:34 | 1 comment | ]

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

HTML in RSS and Translate — HTML dans le RSS et traduction

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

I changed my RSS feed so that it displays the stories in HTML instead of the old text-only version. Moreover, I added a link to each of the RSS items to use automatic translating services (Google Translate and Babelfish). This link only appears if the RSS feed is requested with a given language in parameter. E.g., for English, use http://users.jyu.fi/~mweber/blog/index.rss?lang=en as the RSS feed's URL. You can replace the en at the end with fr or fi for French and Finnish respectively.

J'ai changé mon flux RSS afin d'afficher les histoires en HTML au lieu de l'ancienne version en texte simpe. De plus, j'ai ajouté à chaque item RSS un lien vers des services de traduction automatique (Google Translate et Babelfish). Ce lien n'apparait que si le flux RSS est appelé avec un paramètre langue. Par exemple pour le Français, il faut utiliser http://users.jyu.fi/~mweber/blog/index.rss?lang=fr comme URL du flux RSS. On peut remplacer le fr à la fin par en ou fi pour l'anglais ou le finnois, respectivement.

Disclaimer — Désistement

I cannot be held responsible for death by fatal hilarity when reading the automatic translations.

Je ne peux être tenu responsable si vous mourez de rire en lisant les traductions automatiques.

[ Posted on November 11th, 2008 at 23:35 | no comment | ]

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

Category Menu

Categories: [ Blog ]

I implemented menus for the category list, because it was uselessly long. Items that contain subitems are in bold font. Anyway, indenting subcategories with non-breakable spaces has been annoying me for a long time, but I never had a good reason to rewrite the categorytree module to get rid of them. It seems that making a menu was a good enough reason.

The mechanism for the menu (using purely CSS) is adapted from Eric Meyer's Pure CSS Menus. I have no idea if it works with IE (at the time Meyer implemented his menu in 2002, IE's CSS engine was too crappy to render them properly), but who cares about IE users anyway.

[ Posted on September 16th, 2008 at 00:32 | no comment | ]

Friday, September 12th, 2008

Random Spam Filter

Categories: [ Blog ]

I removed the RANDOM spam filter (comparing letter frequences of a comment with statistics for English, French and Finnish). It wasn't catching much spam anyway, and the one it did catch was not random, but contained lots of medicine names, which don't follow the statistical patterns of English, French or Finnish. And also, it did filter out one legitimate comment where the author's name was Finnish and the content was in English (thus matching neither Finnish nor English statistics), which is not nice.

[ Posted on September 12th, 2008 at 16:46 | 2 comments | ]

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

Comment Spam Vs. Trackback Spam

Categories: [ Blog ]

A closer look at the spams shows that in the past 3 weeks, 100% of the comment spam has been caught. The messages that I needed to moderate manually were all trackback spam. The latter is harder to spot because there is no form that should be fetched prior to posting and that could be used for laying traps.

Comment spam represent 64.1% of the spams, whereas trackback spam represents 35.9% (with a total of 139303 spams in 795 days i.e., an average of 175 spams per day).

Given the amount of legitimate trackback I get (exactly 0 in two years), maybe I should simply disable it?

[ Posted on September 10th, 2008 at 23:25 | no comment | ]

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Spam Blocking Statistics

Categories: [ Blog ]

Out of the last 6370 spams, 5798 (91.0%) were blocked based on the IP address of the sender (IPBLACKLIST).

Out of the other 572, 394 (68.9%) were blocked by a simple trap (COIN, a field that should be left empty), 83 (14.5%) were blocked because they contained the same URL more than twice (SAMEURL), 49 (8.57%) had too many urls per word (TOOMANYURL), 15 (2.62%) were blocked by keyword (KEYWORD), 7 (1.22%) had the same values for title, blog name and excerpt (SAMETITLE), 5 (0.874%) had more than 4 URLs pointing to the same server (SAMESERVER), 3 (0.524%) contained random data (RANDOM, none of them actually did but they were spam nonetheless) and 2 (0.350%) contained only hex data (HEXDATA).

Overall, 14 spams had to be hand moderated, which makes a false negative percentage of 0.22%.

The false positives I've had were because of the TOOMANYURL filter, but it also catches a lot of spams. In most of these, the URLs were not real but made of random letters.

[ Posted on September 9th, 2008 at 13:02 | no comment | ]

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

Filtrage des articles en fonction de la langue – Filtering articles based on language

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Les articles peuvent être filtrés en fonction de la langue dans laquelle ils sont rédigés en ajoutant simplement le paramètre filterlang à l'URL.

Exemple: http://users.jyu.fi/~mweber/blog/index.rss?filterlang=en+fr n'affiche que les articles écrits en anglais ou en français dans le flux RSS.


Articles can be filtered based on language, simply by adding the filterlang parameter to the URL.

Example: http://users.jyu.fi/~mweber/blog/index.rss?filterlang=en+fi would display only the articles written in English or in Finnish in the RSS feed.

[ Posted on August 27th, 2008 at 23:51 | no comment | ]

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

1 an

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Et hop, un an de blog, 270 message, et même quelques commentaires. Et aussi presque 42000 spams.

[ Posted on July 11th, 2007 at 17:51 | 2 comments | ]

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

Even Faster!

Categories: [ Blog ]

I dug again into my hacked blosxom to find more ugliness, such as opening files for all the stories, including the ones that are not going to be displayed. This divided the time spent in blosxom::generate by 3.

Surprisingly, replacing the look-behind assertions in interpolate_fancy::__ANON__'s regexps didn't made as big a difference as in textrite::rite (1.11 ms against 0.813 ms), probably because there wasn't that many of them and weren't called that often

Profiling results are now like this:

Total Elapsed Time = 1.236275 Seconds
  User+System Time = 1.066275 Seconds
Exclusive Times
 %Time ExclSec CumulS  #Calls sec/call Csec/c Name
  10.2   0.109 0.127     134   0.0008 0.0010 interpolate_fancy::__ANON__
  7.50   0.080 0.178      13   0.0061 0.0137 blosxom::BEGIN
  5.06   0.054 0.428       1   0.0540 0.4283 blosxom::generate
  4.41   0.047 0.098     368   0.0001 0.0003 entries_index::__ANON__
  3.75   0.040 0.040       7   0.0057 0.0057 CGI::_compile
  3.75   0.040 0.054       9   0.0044 0.0061 CGI::import
  3.75   0.040 0.040      40   0.0010 0.0010 textrite::rite
  3.66   0.039 0.039     690   0.0001 0.0001 File::Basename::fileparse
  2.81   0.030 0.060       8   0.0037 0.0074 Net::SMTP::BEGIN
  2.81   0.030 -0.000     62   0.0005      -  Exporter::import
  2.81   0.030 0.030      40   0.0007 0.0007 magiclink::story
  1.88   0.020 0.020       5   0.0040 0.0040 autotrack::BEGIN
  1.88   0.020 0.030       7   0.0029 0.0042 IO::File::BEGIN
  1.88   0.020 0.089       8   0.0025 0.0111 writeback::BEGIN
  1.88   0.020 0.020      41   0.0005 0.0005 writeback::real_path

The User+System Time is lower, but for some reason the Total Elapsed Time is about the same.

[ Posted on May 8th, 2007 at 22:42 | no comment | ]

Profiling 2

Categories: [ Blog ]

Profiling results for the new blog engine (main page):

Total Elapsed Time = 1.245757 Seconds
  User+System Time = 1.235757 Seconds
Exclusive Times
 %Time ExclSec CumulS  #Calls sec/call Csec/c Name
  14.9   0.185 0.586       1   0.1851 0.5857 blosxom::generate
  12.0   0.149 0.187     134   0.0011 0.0014 interpolate_fancy::__ANON__
  6.47   0.080 0.158      14   0.0057 0.0113 blosxom::BEGIN
  5.66   0.070 0.070      40   0.0017 0.0017 textrite::rite
  4.53   0.056 0.095     367   0.0002 0.0003 entries_index::__ANON__
  4.05   0.050 0.059       8   0.0062 0.0074 Net::SMTP::BEGIN
  3.24   0.040 0.108       8   0.0050 0.0135 writeback::BEGIN
  2.43   0.030 0.030       7   0.0043 0.0043 CGI::_compile
  2.43   0.030 0.043       9   0.0033 0.0048 CGI::import
  2.27   0.028 0.037     317   0.0001 0.0001 interpolate_fancy::_resolve_nested
  1.62   0.020 0.020       1   0.0200 0.0200 archives::filter
  1.62   0.020 0.019       4   0.0050 0.0048 entries_index::BEGIN
  1.62   0.020 0.030       5   0.0040 0.0060 autotrack::BEGIN
  1.62   0.020 0.020      27   0.0007 0.0007 vars::import
  1.62   0.020 0.010      62   0.0003 0.0002 Exporter::import

The problem in textrite::rite came from the use of look-behind assertions in Perl regexp. I've changed all of them so that look-behind is not needed anymore. The same problem occurs in interpolate_fancy::__ANON__, but I'm not going to look into it yet.

The other problem was that textrite::rite was called for all the stories, including the ones that were not displayed (which was most of them). I changed the internal structure of the main script so that the processing of the story happens after discarding the non-displayed ones.

[ Posted on May 8th, 2007 at 12:25 | no comment | ]

Thursday, April 26th, 2007


Categories: [ Blog ]

Profiling results for the blog engine (main page):

Total Elapsed Time =     3.74 Seconds
         User Time =     2.99 Seconds
Exclusive Times
 %Time ExclSec CumulS  #Calls sec/call Csec/c Name
  26.0   0.780 0.780     253   0.0031 0.0031 textrite::rite
  18.0   0.540 0.800     876   0.0006 0.0009 interpolate_fancy::__ANON__
  9.03   0.270 2.540       1   0.2700 2.5400 blosxom::generate
  7.02   0.210 0.260    1911   0.0001 0.0001 interpolate_fancy::_resolve_nested
  3.68   0.110 0.110    3663   0.0000 0.0000 IO::File::open
  2.34   0.070 0.160      11   0.0064 0.0145 blosxom::BEGIN
  2.34   0.070 0.070   11867   0.0000 0.0000 UNIVERSAL::can
  2.34   0.070 0.140     741   0.0001 0.0002 lang::__ANON__
  2.34   0.070 0.290     253   0.0003 0.0011 writeback::story
  1.67   0.050 0.070     253   0.0002 0.0003 magiclink::story
  1.34   0.040 0.070       9   0.0044 0.0078 CGI::import
  1.34   0.040 0.040     254   0.0002 0.0002 writeback::real_path
  1.34   0.040 0.040     253   0.0002 0.0002 translate::story
  1.00   0.030 0.030    1052   0.0000 0.0000 UNIVERSAL::isa
  1.00   0.030 0.080       8   0.0037 0.0100 writeback::BEGIN

That's what you get when you abuse of Perl regexp. Maybe caching of the HTMLized stories would help a bit?

[ Posted on April 26th, 2007 at 16:04 | no comment | ]

Monday, March 26th, 2007

Spam Blocking

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Wez Furlong suggests to use RBL to reject blog spam.

I submitted my collection of spam to Spamhaus's Zen service, but only 40% of my spammer's IP addresses were recognized. Checking for the existence of the URLs in these spams takes much more time, since most of them don't exist anymore and you waste time waiting for DNS to timeout. Testing with the last 40 ones didn't return any match, maybe they are too recent to be already in the RBL.

[ Posted on March 26th, 2007 at 15:24 | no comment | ]

Sunday, March 11th, 2007

User-Agent Statistics

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

2006-07-25 11:24:57 -> 2007-03-11 14:03:25


  • MSIE: 4074 (62.7%)
  • Firefox: 1855 (28.5%)
  • Safari: 246 (3.8%)
  • Mozilla: 154 (2.3%)
  • Opera: 143 (2.2%)
  • Konqueror: 20 (0.3%)
  • Lynx: 8 (0.1%)


  • Windows: 5769 (88.8%)
  • Mac OS: 382 (5.9%)
  • Linux, *BSD: 260 (4.0%)
  • ???: 89 (1.3%)
W3Schools statistics

[ Posted on March 11th, 2007 at 14:14 | no comment | ]


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

[ Posted on March 11th, 2007 at 14:12 | no comment | ]

Friday, January 19th, 2007

Spam (bis)

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Since I had an increasing amount of spam going through my spam filter, I decided in mid-December to block all comments until I come up with a better solution. From now on, sending comments is possible again, but the content will not be displayed immediately if it contains any URL, or if an URL has been input into the the URL field.

De plus en plus de spam parvenait à se faufiler à travers mon filtre à spam, j'avais donc décidé à la mi-décembre d'interdire les commentaires jusqu'à ce que je trouve une meilleure solution. À partir de maintenant il est à nouveau possible de poster des commentaires, mais le contenu n'en sera pas affiché immédiatement s'il comporte des URL, ou si une URL a été saisie dans le champ URL.

Joulukuun puolivälissä estin blogin kommentit, koska sain liikaa roskapostia suodattimesta huolimatta. Nyt on taas mahdollista lähettää kommentteja, mutta niiden sisältö ei näy heti, jos kommentissa tai sen URL-kentässä on linkkejä.

[ Posted on January 19th, 2007 at 11:34 | no comment | ]

Friday, September 22nd, 2006


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

[ Posted on September 22nd, 2006 at 00:19 | no comment | ]

Saturday, September 9th, 2006

User-Agent Statistics

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

2006-07-25 11:24:57 -> 2006-09-09 16:30:25


  • MSIE: 324 (55.0%)
  • Firefox: 212 (36.0%)
  • Safari: 23 (3.9%)
  • Mozilla: 17 (2.9%)
  • Opera: 5 (0.9%)
  • Konqueror: 6 (1.0%)
  • Lynx: 2 (0.3%)


  • Windows: 489 (83.0%)
  • Linux, *BSD: 55 (9.3%)
  • Mac OS: 37 (6.3%)
  • ???: 8 (1.4%)
W3Schools statistics

[ Posted on September 9th, 2006 at 16:54 | no comment | ]

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Spam Sausage Spam Spam Bacon Spam Tomato and Spam

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]


© spam-UK.com

Got my first spam comment today. Those bastards are fast, the blog's been up only one and a half month and I have less than ten visitors a day (search engines included)…

J'ai eu mon premier spam aujourd'hui. Ces enfoirés sont rapides, le blog n'existe que depuis un mois et demi et j'ai moins de dix visiteurs par jour (en comptant les moteurs de recherche)…

Sain minun ensimmäisen spamin tänään. Ne paskiaiset ovat nopeita, blogi on ollut olemassa vain puolitoista kuukautta ja minulla on alle kymmenen kävijää päivässä (sisältää hakukoneet)…

[ Posted on August 25th, 2006 at 17:22 | no comment | ]

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

La plupart des images du blog viennent du Web. J'ai fait des copies locales de ces images, qui servent à leur tour de liens vers les sites d'origine. La provenance de l'image est indiquée sous celle-ci.

Most pictures of the blog come from the Web. I made local copies of them, which in turn act as links to the originating website. The name of the source is printed below the picture.

Suurin osa blogin kuvista on peräisin muualta webistä. Olen tehnyt kuvista paikalliset kopiot, ja kuva toimii linkkinä alkuperäiselle sivustolle. Kuvan alla mainitaan sen lähde.

[ Posted on August 15th, 2006 at 21:53 | no comment | ]

J'ai cédé aux sirènes...

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]


© Alexandre Alapetite

Ça y est, j'ai cédé aux sirènes du Web 2.0 et j'ai ouvert mon blog. Je ne suis pas sûr qu'il sera utile ou vivant, mais on verra bien.

[ Posted on August 15th, 2006 at 13:48 | 2 comments | ]

Sunday, August 13th, 2006


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Les sections blog qui contiennent plus de 40 entrées sont divisées en pages. Ceci a nécessité de changer la manière dont Blosxom génère le HTML. Je suppose que mon moteur de blog n'est plus vraiment Blosxom, bien qu'il soit compatible avec Blosxom V2.

Blog sections containing more than 40 entries are divided into pages. This required to change the way Blosxom generates the HTML. I guess that my blog engine is not really Blosxom anymore, although it is compatible with Blosxom V2.

Blogin osat joissa on yli 40 artikkelia on jaettu sivuihin. Sitä varten täytyi muuttaa tapaa jolla Blosxom tuottaa HTML koodia. Luulen että minun blog-moottori ei enää ole Blosxom, mutta se on yhteensopiva Blosxomin kanssa.

[ Posted on August 13th, 2006 at 22:41 | no comment | ]

Friday, August 11th, 2006


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Le blog supporte enfin plusieurs langues (français, anglais, finnois).

The blog supports at last several languages (French, English, Finnish).

Blogi on vihdoin monikielinen (ranska, englanti, suomi).

[ Posted on August 11th, 2006 at 14:48 | no comment | ]

Thursday, August 10th, 2006


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

MaxMind provides a free database that maps IP numbers to countries and possibly cities, as well as other geographical informations. The country and the city (when available) of the people posting comments is now shown next to the person's name.

MaxMind met à disposition une base de données qui fait le lien entre les adresses IP et les pays, voire les villes, et fournit encore d'autres informations géographiques. Le pays et la ville (si elle est disponible) des personnes qui postent des commentaires sont maintenant affichées à coté du nom de la personne.

MaxMind tarjoaa ilmaisen tietokannan joka yhdistää IP osoiteet maihin (ja mahdollisesti myös kaupunkeihin). Kommentteja postavan henkilön maa ja kaupunki näkyvät blogissa nimen jälkeen.

[ Posted on August 10th, 2006 at 21:01 | no comment | ]


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

wannabe_hacker_emblem J'ai trouvé un logo pour le blog: l'emblème de l'aspirant hacker. Il est en noir et blanc et cryptique à souhait.

I found a logo for the blog: the wannabe hacker emblem. It's black & white and pretty cryptic.

Löysin blogille logon: wannabe-hackerin tunnuskuva. Se on mustavalkoinen ja sopivan salaperäinen.

[ Posted on August 10th, 2006 at 20:56 | no comment | ]

Saturday, August 5th, 2006


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Switched from RSS 0.91 to 2.0, in order to have guid elements. The feeds are now valid (crossing fingers).

Passé de RSS 0.91 à 2.0 pour avoir des éléments guid. Les flux sont maintenant valides (on croise les doigts).

RSS 0.91:stä 2.0:an, niin että niissä on guid elementteja. Syötöt ovat nyt oikeellisia (pidetään peukkuja pystyssä).

[ Posted on August 5th, 2006 at 20:38 | no comment | ]

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006


Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

RSS (0.91 and 1.0) feeds should be valid; items have individual publication dates.

Les flux RSS (0.91 et 1.0) sont valides ; les items ont chacun leur propre date de publication.

RSS (0.91 ja 1.0) syötöt ovat nyt luultavasti oikeellisia; nimikkeillä on nyt omat julkaisupäivämäärät.

[ Posted on August 2nd, 2006 at 00:59 | no comment | ]

Sunday, July 30th, 2006

Multiple Categories

Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Categories: [ Blog ]

Les articles peuvent être associés à plusieurs catégories en utilisant des liens symboliques (Unix seulement).

Articles can be associated to multiple categories by using symbolic links (Unix only).

Artikkelit voivat kuulua useaan kategoriaan, symbolisia linkkeja käyttämällä (vain Unixissa).

[ Posted on July 30th, 2006 at 23:43 | no comment | ]