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Lundi, 22 juillet 2024

Brewdog Black Heart

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Brewdog ]


Roasted, chocolate, coffee flavours. Contains malted barley.

BrewDog Ltd., Ellon, Scotland. 4.1% alcohol

[ Posté le 22 juillet 2024 à 13:14 | pas de commentaire | ]


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Bromeliad ]

ISBN: 9780552546072

© Amazon.fr

Masklin (along with Angalo and Gurder) are searching for Grandson Richard, as the Thing has told him that it could call their spaceship if it could get aboard the communications satellite Richard is going to launch. The nomes first go to the airport where they quietly board Concorde and fly to Florida. After causing some trouble on the plane, they hide in Richard's luggage and end up in his hotel room. They however have to flee and end up outside where they meet a tribe of Nomes who speak a language close to ancient Nomish. They manage to communicate thanks to the Thing and the local Nomes fly them to the space shuttle's launch site on geese (thanks to which they migrate yearly between Alaska and Florida). Near the shuttle, the Thing uploads itself into the satellite and exhausts in doing so all the power it had stored. After the takeoff, Masklin decides to take it to a human building to let it recharge itself near electrical wires. He is caught (on purpose) by humans but manages to escape with the recharged Thing as the Nomes' spaceship arrives and Angalo and Gurder board it. Masklin then by chance meets Richard, with whom he discusses briefly as the Nome's spaceship, piloted by Angalo, lands again and let him board. They then fly away back to Britain after making a detour through South America where they pick up a Bromeliad flower that Masklin gives to Grimma before taking the Nomes. Gurder decides to stay on Earth to search for other Nome tribes, tell them of their origins and give them the possibility to migrate to a Nome planet the next time the spaceship would visit Earth.

[ Posté le 22 juillet 2024 à 13:01 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 20 juillet 2024


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Bromeliad ]

ISBN: 9780552546072

© Amazon.fr

The nomes have resettled in a closed quarry. When they discover that the quarry will soon reopen, they wonder what to do, and consider moving to a barn on the other side of the field. Reading a newspaper article about Arnold Bros' grandson who who is traveling to Florida on business about a communication satellite, Masklin decides to leave with a few nomes and find more about the grandson. In the meanwhile winter comes and covers the ground with snow, making it impossible for the younger and elder nomes to travel to the barn. As humans come to reopen the quarry, Grimma has to oppose a rising religious nome who promises that faith in Arnold Bros will solve all their problems; that nome is accidentally killed by humans. The nomes sabotage a truck in an attempt to prevent the humans to enter the quarry, lead by Dorcas who make them steal the battery and diesel fuel, but the truck accidentally rolls onto the railways tracks and causes an accident. More humans come to the quarry, put poisoned bait to eliminate what they believe to be rats. Dorcas and his nomes, who had been lost outside after the accident, is finally found and presents his plan: he has found and repaired a JCB digger in shed, and proposes to use it to take all the nomes to the barn. The drive out among amazed humans, but are chased by the police. The eventually get stuck on the top of a hill, when a spaceship appears above them.

[ Posté le 20 juillet 2024 à 16:59 | 1 commentaire | ]

Mardi, 16 juillet 2024

Chocolats 41

Catégories : [ Cuisine/Chocolats ]

Cachet, Costa Rica 71% : un peu amer et astringent, cacaoté.

[ Posté le 16 juillet 2024 à 21:55 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 15 juillet 2024

Who P-p-p-plugged Roger Rabbit?

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/Roger Rabbit ]

Roger hires Eddie to check if his wife indeed cheats on him with Clark Gable, as the tabloids claim. Soon after, Eddie is also hired by Selznick who want him to find a small metal box that had disappeared after a triple interview with Roger, Baby Herman and Enigman for his next film, Gone with the Wind. Eddie first suspects Enigman, but the latter gets killed with Eddie's gun as the detective is interviewing him at his home. Suspected by the police, Eddie's investigation leads him to a shady rum dealer who is later murdered. Eddie is also hired by Clarke who suspects his girlfriend Carol Lombard to cheat on him. Roger is also suspected of murder, but it's his cousin Dodger who is also after the box that framed him, only to be murdered soon after. With Roger and Clark as sidekicks, Eddie discover that the box contains the formula for the Toon Tonic that can transform a toon into a human and vice versa, and Selznick's right hand, Pepper Potts, is the toon behind the murders. Eddie recovers the box from Roger's coverall pocket (where Baby had put it to reduce the competition for Selznick's film). Roger makes some of the Toon Tonic and becomes another human in the crowd. Eddied eventually agrees with Potts to exchange the box against Jessica and her twin sister Joellyn (who is only 6 inches tall) whom Potts had abducted. During the encounter, Eddie gets wounded, Potts gets killed, but the two women are found and saved by the police. Roger decides to become a toon again and gives Eddie the leftover tonic for safekeeping, after having burnt the formula. Selznick then explains Eddie he knows nothing of Potts' dealings and that he had bought the formula from the rum dealer in the hope of making enough money from it that he would be able to produce his film; Eddie suggests he makes the film with human actors and with a serious tone instead. Jessica then explains Roger that she leaked the rumors of her infidelity to the press to make Carol jealous and open to Clark's marriage proposal; the plot succeeds. Jessica and Roger also get triplet children. There is also a side story with Eddie's lost brother Freddy who had disappeared but is actually happily living his life as a toon and Eddie's sister Heddy whom he suspects of being a toon pretending to be a human married to a toon cop.

[ Posté le 15 juillet 2024 à 23:54 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 12 juillet 2024

La baie des cochons

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Spirou ]

ISBN: 9782808501941

© Amazon.fr

En 1961, Spirou et Fantasio se rendent à New York pour interviewer Castro lors d'un discours à l'ONU. Ils y retrouvent Longplaying à qui ils donnent un GAG amélioré, sans savoir qu'il travaille pour la CIA. Deux agents utilisent Spirou, le prenant pour un groom, pour un attentat contre Castro, et les hommes de ce dernier kidnappent Spirou et l'emmènent à Cuba. Les agents y envoient alors Fantasio, armé du GAG, reprendre contact avec la rébellion pro-USA. À Cuba, Seccotine est en reportage et rencontre Guevara. Lors d'une réception où elle est invitée par ce dernier, elle rencontre Fantasio déguisé en clown. Suite à une altercation causée par le Marsupilami, les deux journalistes s'enfuient et se réfugient dans la forêt, où ils sont faits prisonniers par les rebelles. Après avoir réussi à s'expliquer, Seccotine part de son coté pour tenter de libérer Spirou en prévenant la police que les américains préparent une attaque, mais finit par être mise par Guevara en prison, dans la même cellule que Spirou. De son coté, Fantasio et les rebelles préparent une attaque contre la prison et parviennent à libérer les deux prisonniers. Ils apprennent de Guevara que Castro, qui s'est emparé du GAG, va participer à la défense contre les américains et se cachent dans son avion, faisant échouer son plan et détruisant le GAG.

[ Posté le 12 juillet 2024 à 13:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 8 juillet 2024


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Bromeliad ]

ISBN: 9780552546072

© Amazon.fr

A handful of nomes live in a burrow at a rest area along the motorway. Life being very hard, they decide to hop on a lorry and leave, in the hope for a better life. The lorry stops in the garage of the Arnold Bros department store where they meet a community of two thousand nomes who has been living there for generations and mostly refuses to believe there exists an Outside. The newcomers have a black box, transmitted from generation to generation, that starts to speak to them as it comes near electrical wiring; it explains that the nomes have crashed on Earth in a spaceship fifteen thousand years ago and that it is a flight recorder. The nomes had attempted to teach technology to the humans in order to get them to build a space shuttle that could fly them to their mothership, but it failed. When the nomes discover that the store is about to be closed, they plan to escape by stealing a lorry. As the closure happens faster than expected, they have to steal a lorry (thankfully loaded with plenty of useful items) in a hurry and learn to drive (with the help of numerous levers and pulleys) as they escape. They eventually find shelter in a quarry near the airport and contemplate stealing an airplane.

[ Posté le 8 juillet 2024 à 13:19 | 1 commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 5 juillet 2024

L'aigle des Highlands

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Yoko Tsuno ]

ISBN: 9782808504942

© Amazon.fr

En Écosse, Bonnie et Émilia obeservent des moines dans un monastère en ruines, mais ces derniers disparaissent. Le lendemain, un moine explique à Yoko que'ils cherchent les traces historique d'un animal satanique qui a habité les lieux au moyen-âge. Cecilia montre alors à Yoko une patte d'aigle en or, trouvée une siècle plus tôt. Plus tard, le moine révèle à Yoko les deux versions de l'histoire de l'aigle, soit tué par les moines, soit enlevé par des démons dans une machine entourée d'une spirale de lumière. Yoko contacte alors Zarkâ qui explique que l'aigle, synthétique, avait été mis en place par les Vinéens pour surveiller les moines 800 ans plus tôt. Zhyttâ vient alors chercher Yoko à la demande de la déesse Brigit. Mais Monya arrive alors avec le translateur temporel, et Yoko décide de plutôt l'accompagner à l'époque de l'aigle 800 ans plus tôt. Elles arrivent juste après l'incendie du monastère et rencontrent Sébastien, un jeune moine qui les explique que les moines sont surveillés par d'autres moines-alchimistes qui fréquentent Lucifer, apparemment un extraterrestre. Les moines confient à Yoko l'aigle qu'ils gardent prisonnier, et elles repartent vers le présent avec l'aigle et Sébastien. À leur retour, elles voient que Khâny est arrivée et repartent avec elle au temple des immortelles pour faire réparer l'aigle par Zhyttâ, qui est partie en avance. Au temple. Yoko présente Sébastien à Brigit, puis rejoint Zarkâ auprès du sarcophage où survit une créature que Zarkâ décrit comme avoir été imposé pour gérer la Terre, et qui a crée Zarkâ. De peur d'être détruite par Yoko, la créature, qui ressemble au Lucifer des moines du passé, les force à fuir.

[ Posté le 5 juillet 2024 à 15:24 | pas de commentaire | ]

Stromboli Reloaded

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Aquablue ]

ISBN: 9782413043775

© Amazon.fr

Suite à un accident, Rabah est devenu un légume. Carlo a fait construire un nouveau Stromboli, mais a besoin d'argent pour le payer. Nao et lui sont enlevés par Ragnar le pirate qui a besoin d'un courrier pour échanger de l'or contre des otages. Ragnar travaille avec un scientifique peu scrupuleux qui affirme pouvoir guérir Rabah. Nao accepte, en échange de laisser Ragnar établir une base sur Aquablue. Carlo et Nao récupèrent les otages et parviennent à garder l'or, grâce à une dissension entre deux factions des kidnappeurs, une espèce insectoïde. Rabah est soigné par le scientifique pendant que l'autre faction d'insectoïdes attaquent la base de Ragnar pour reprendre l'or. Une fois les attaqunts repoussés, Rabah se réveille et prend possession de son nouveau Stromboli.

[ Posté le 5 juillet 2024 à 13:54 | pas de commentaire | ]

Le musée noir

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Les quatre de Baker Street ]

ISBN: 9782749310107

© Amazon.fr

Patch, le roi des brigands fait enlever Puck par Scabs afin de contraindre Tom à voler, dans le musée privé de Scotland Yard, une lettre écrite par Jack l'éventreur. Lorsqu'il lui livre la lettre, Patch dit à Tom de se débrouiller avec Scabs libérer Puck. Tom s'enfuit grâce à l'aide de son ami le vieux Bailey. Billy et Charlie trouvent la cachette où Scabs a enfermé Puck et le libèrent. Holmes est cependant mécontent que Tom lui ait caché son problème et soit allé voler la lettre. Quand Tom découvre que Patch a fait tuer Bailey, il retourne chez Patch pour se venger. Ce dernier lui propose de tue Scabs, mais Tom refuse. Patch, qui vient de faire enlever Charlie, exige que Tom revienne dans sa bande de voleurs. Tom accepte pour sauver son amie. Charlier demande alors de l'aide à Watson, qui va exiger la libération de Tom. Bones, le tueur dont Patch use pour contrôler les autre brigands par la peur se fait tuer et ces derniers se débarrassent de leur roi. Holmes récupère la lettre chez un ancien policier du Yard qui revend ds relique criminelles à des collectionneurs sans scrupule, mais bannit Tom des Irréguliers pour avoir mis en péril sa réputation professionnelle.

[ Posté le 5 juillet 2024 à 13:40 | pas de commentaire | ]

L'affaire « Crâne »

Catégories : [ Livres/BD/Midi minuit ]

ISBN: 9782302093478

© Amazon.fr

Sur fond de campagne présidentielle, Belton enquête sur la source d'une drogue frelatée qui tue nombre de ses utilisateurs. Une femme masquée appelée Foudre cherche elle aussi le fournisseur, qui est un criminel masqué appelé Crâne. Josh s'infiltre dans l'organisation de Kenler, un baron de la droguer connu (aussi candidat à l'élection), tandis que Jenna devient danseuse dans le cabaret de Melvik, connu pour diffuser la drogue. Josh est fait prisonnier par Crâne au cours d'une opération de Kenler pour se débarrasser de son rival, et est libéré par Foudre. Cette dernière est capable d'utiliser les miroirs pour se déplacer. Jenna se fait inviter à dîner chez Melvik où elle est attaquée par Crâne et sauvée par Foudre. Plus tard, lorsque Marnie surveille l'appartement de Melvik, elle le voit s'échanger avec Crâne grâce à un miroir et se battre contre Foudre. Crâne est démasqué et arrêté, mais Foudre s'échappe.

[ Posté le 5 juillet 2024 à 13:17 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mercredi, 3 juillet 2024

Forbidden Knowledge

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Gap Cycle ]

ISBN: 9781473225527

© Amazon.fr

Morn has been rescued by Nick's pirate. The ship's computer expert is killed by Nick for having attempted to rape her just after having boasted that he planted a virus in the ship's computer. Morn, needing to be useful to the ship to avoid being killed, claims she can flush the virus. To bear being raped by Nick, she accidentally sets her zone implant so that she takes pleasure in it, slowly making Nick fall in love with her. Thanks to the device, she also works continuously for days and successfully gets rid of the virus. She also discovers being pregnant (from Angus) but leads Nick to believe he is the father. As a spaceship is no place to rise a child, Nick decides to go to the Amnion outpost and trade some of his blood for getting the baby extracted and artificially grown close to adulthood. As the Amnions cannot create a new mind, the boy, Davies, receives Morn's memories. The Amnions are specialists in genetics and want to mutate humans to turn them into Amnions; until now the process is imperfect and most humans are frightened of them, but as Nick seems to be an agent of UMCP (the mining corporation's all-powerful police) he has access to an anti-mutagenic drug that UMCP has kept a secret. The Amnions notice that Nick has cheated when donating his blood and demand Davies in reparation. As Nick seems willing to agree to that deal, Morn rigs a self-destruct of the ship and threatens to blow up the Amnion's outpost if they don't leave with Davies. The pirate ship manages to leave to a human outpost but an Amnion cruiser blocks their way. Nick has locked Morn in her cabin and has humiliated her as a revenge for manipulating him in multiple ways. He agrees to transfer Davies to the Amnion ship in an escape pod, but Morn manages to escape and change the pod's programming and send it to the human outpost. Nick also sends a secret message to UMCP, who then sends Angus Thermopyle, turned into a cyborg against his will, to capture her.

[ Posté le 3 juillet 2024 à 15:56 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 24 juin 2024

Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/DC ]



Four years after defeating Enchantress, Joker breaks up with Harley Quinn. Without his protection, all the people she has wronged in the past want to kill her. At a night club owned by crime lord Roman Sionis, Harley meets Dinah, a singer who becomes Sionis' driver, the latter being impressed by her fighting skills when preventing a drunk Harley from being kidnapped. Sionis is also investigated by Gotham City PD Detective Renee Montoya, who also investigates a series of mob killing carried out by a crossbow-wielding vigilante. Sionis sends his sadistic henchman Szasz and Dinah to retrieve a diamond containing the account numbers to the fortune of the Bertinelli crime family, who were massacred years ago, but Cassandra Cain, a child pickpocket steals the diamond and swallows it as she is soon after arrested by the police. Harley is captured by Sionis' men and convinces him to release her under the promise she can retrieve the diamond from Cassandra. Harley breaks into GCPD, frees Cass and takes her to her apartment, but they have to flee when attacked by criminals, Sionis having also placed a bounty on Cass' head. Harley agrees to meet with Sionis in an abandoned amusment park to exchange Cass for his protection. Dinah, who had agreed to become an informant for Montoya, tells her about the meeting, but Szasz notices it and tells Sionis, who assembles an army of thugs to attack the meeting place. At the amusement park, Harley and Cass are joined by Montoya and soon by Szasz who forced Dinah to come with him. Szasz is killed by the crossbow killer who appears suddenly and who reveals herself as Helena, the sole survivor of the Bertinelli family and who wants to avenge their deaths. Together they fight Sionis' thugs, but Cass is captured and chased by Dinah and Harley. Sionis is finally killed by Cass. In the end, Montoya (who has left the police), Dinah and Helena form the Birds of Prey team of vigilantes thanks to the Bertinelli fortune, while Cass and Harley sell the diamond and go their own way.

[ Posté le 24 juin 2024 à 15:21 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 23 juin 2024

North Brewing Ultra Phase

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/North Brewing ]


“USA and Australia hops… honeydew melon, green grape and pink grapefruit flavour… citrus finish”

Just another ale. Contains barley, wheat and oats.

North Brewing Co, Leeds, England. 8.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 23 juin 2024 à 00:03 | pas de commentaire | ]

Jeudi, 20 juin 2024


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Alien ]



After having drifted in space for 57 years, Ripley is rescued. Her employer accuses her of destroying the Nostromo and does not believe her story about the alien, since the planet is now being colonized and terraformed and no alien ship has been found. When contact is lost with the colony, she is asked to accompany Burke, a representative of the company, and group of colonial marines to investigate. They find the colony destroyed, two alive face-huggers in vats in a laboratory and one little girl called Newt. They locate the other colonists under the fusion-powered atmospheric processor, cocooned in a sort of nest with many eggs, where some of them are still alive and waiting to be taken by face-huggers. They are attacked by several adult aliens when trying to kill a juvenile that just hatched, and some of the marines get killed. They decide to evacuate with the dropship that took them to the surface, but an alien who had climbed aboard causes it to crash; in doing so it damages the fusion reactor which will explode and destroy the colony after a few hours. The survivors barricade themselves in the colony and wait until Bishop, an artificial man and technician with the marines, is able to got outside, reach and hack the colony's transmitter to remotely pilot the second dropship from the spaceship waiting in orbit. Ripley discovers that Burke asked the colony to investigate the alien ship on in the hope to profit from turning the aliens into a biological weapon. Before she can expose him, he attempts to get her and Newt impregnated by the two face-huggers from the lab, that would allow him to smuggle the alien back to Earth. Having failed, Burke flees and is taken by the aliens that attack and kill most of the remaining marines. Ripley, corporal Hicks and Newt try to reach the dropship that is on its way, but Newt is taken by the aliens and Hicks is severely wounded. Ripley arms herself and enters the nest under the fusion reactor where she angers the alien queen laying eggs. She manages to save Newt and escape as the reactor explodes, destroying the aliens' nest, but the queen stows away on the dropship. Ripley manages to push her into an airlock by using an exosuit cargo loader. Then they all go into stasis for their return trip to Earth.

[ Posté le 20 juin 2024 à 09:21 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mardi, 18 juin 2024

Welcome to Marwen

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Five years earlier, Mark Hogancamp was beaten up and left for dead by a group of white supremacist because he admitted, while drunk, to sometimes enjoying wearing women's shoes. He has physically recovered but has lost all memory of his life before the attack. Formerly an illustrator specialized in World War 2, he cannot draw anymore and has turned to photography. Mark has constructed a model village named Marwen, set in Belgium during the war and built up a story about an American pilot, Hogie, who is rescued and later protected by the women of the village. Characters are represented by fashion dolls and each of the women of the village is imagined after a real woman whom Mark has met. The village is regularly attacked by Nazi soldiers who, despite being killed by the villagers come back to life thanks to Dejah Thoris, the village's witch. Mark photographs his fantasies to help him cope with memory loss and post-traumatic stress disorder. After a lot of hesitation, Mark agrees to appear in court to deliver a victim impact statement but upon seeing his attackers he imagines the court room is attacked by Nazi soldiers and he flees in terror; the judge postpones the hearing. When Nicol moves in the house next door and is nice to him, Mark adds a new doll named after her to the village. Hogie falls in love with doll Nicol and they get married. In real life however, Nicol turns his proposal down. In Mark's fantasies, doll Nicol is killed by a Nazi which is in turn killed by Hogie. Dejah Thoris revives the Nazi and demands that Hogie comes with her to the far future in the time machine Mark built for her, but during a struggle Hogie discovers that the witch is actually a Nazi spy and Mark learns that she is the personification of his addiction to pills that he thinks are helping him. He throws the pills away, attends the court hearing and delivers his statement. He also agrees to attend the exhibition of his work and makes a date with his friend Roberta, who is a sales clerk at the hobby store where he gets his supplies.

[ Posté le 18 juin 2024 à 19:30 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 17 juin 2024

The Real Story

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/The Gap Cycle ]

ISBN: 9781473225527

© Amazon.fr

Angus Thermopyle is an evil an unsuccessful space pirate. When he enters a bar on a mining space station accompanied with a beautiful young woman, Morn Hyland, the patrons wonder how that happened. Another, better looking pirate, Nick Succorso, confronts Angus and somehow rescues Morn. It sounds like a classical drama of captor, victim and rescuer. The real story however is that Angus was chased by a United Mining Company Police vessel aboard which Morn was serving. Suffering from undiagnosed gap-sickness, she lost control and provoked the vessel to self-destruct. Angus rescued her, installed a zone implant in her brain (for which he could be executed if caught) to control her actions and prevent her from destroy his beloved ship, and used the implant to torture Morn into submission to him. He however unexpectedly grew emotionally attached to her. When Nick leaves suddenly the station to raid a ship in distress just before it is locked down, Angus, who has been monitoring his communications, follows him. Th ship however does not exist, it is all a trap set by Nick with the complicity of someone in station security. Nick cripples Angus' ship, and flies slowly back to the station. There Nick makes secretely contact with Morn who helps him frame Angus for stealing stations supplies. She negotiates the zone implant's remote control from Angus in exchange for her silence about the illegal installation of the device. Morn leaves in Nick's ship and Angus is arrested but his life is spared, making Morn his rescuer.

[ Posté le 17 juin 2024 à 18:06 | 1 commentaire | ]

Thornbridge Jamestown

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Thornbridge ]


“stone fruit and citrus… papaya and pineapples”

Just another ale. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Thornbridge brewery, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England. 5.9% alcohol.

[ Posté le 17 juin 2024 à 17:46 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 15 juin 2024


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Alien ]



The crew of the Nostromo ore transporter wakes up, believing they are arriving close to the solar system. Instead, they were woken up to respond to a distress signal from a nearby planet. A team crash-lands near a large alien spaceship. As part of the team repairs the shuttle, others go out and discover the long-dead body of a creature with a hole in its torso. Analyzing the signal, Ripley concludes it's a warning to stay away, not a distress signal. One member, Kane, discovers a chamber containing hundreds of eggs and as one of them opens, a spider-like creature jumps out and attaches to his face, through his helmet. When the shuttle flies back to Nostromo, Ripley insists Kane's body remains in quarantine, but science officer Ash decides to let him in the infirmary, where he tries to remove the creature from Kane's face by cutting one of its legs. The creature's blood is very corrosive and manages to drip through several floors. The creature eventually detaches itself and Kane regains conciousness, but a few hours later he dies as another creature jumps out of his chest. The crew starts hunting the creature, but, having quickly become full-grown, it kills first Brett, and then Captain Dallas who was following it in an air duct. Having to assume command, Ripley learns from Mother, the board computer, that Ash has secretly been ordered by the Company to bring alien creatures back to Earth and that the crew is expendable. She confronts Ash, who tries to kill her, but with the help of Parker they manage to kill him out and discover he's an android. Upon reactivating its head, Ash indicates the alien cannot be killed. The remaining crew decides to self-destruct the Nostromo and to escape in the shuttle. Parker and Lambert are ambushed and killed by the creature, so Ripley initiates self-destruct, and despite the alien initially blocking her way to the shuttle and a failed attempt to cancel the self-destruct, she manages to escape just in time. As she prepares for stasis, she notices the alien is hiding in the shuttle; she puts on a space suit and flushes it out of the airlock. She then prepares for the trip back to Earth.

[ Posté le 15 juin 2024 à 16:55 | 1 commentaire | ]

Lundi, 10 juin 2024

The Great Gatsby

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Nick Carraway tells his psychiatrist about his meeting of Jay Gatsby in 1922 in New York. Carraway's cousin, Tom Buchanan is a domineering man whose wife Daisy introduces her friend Jordan Baker to Carraway. Tom also has a mistress, Myrtle, wife of a garage owner in a disreputable part of the city, whom Nick meets at a party. Carraway has bought a house next to Gatsby's mansion and wonders about the mysterious man. One day, Nick is invited to one of the extravagant parties held by Gatsby, and is apparently the only person with an invitation. Gatsby asks Nick to invite his cousin Daisy for tea at his cottage one day, when Gatsby would just happen to visit his neighbour. Nick learns bit by bit that Gatsby had met Daisy five years earlier when he was in the army and had fallen in love with her. But since he was poor, he could not marry her and she then married Tom and started to throw parties in the hope she would attend. Gatsby and Daisy begin an affair, but when she ask him to run away with her he refuses, saying she must divorce Tom. Gatsby pressures Daisy to tell Tom she is leaving him, and during a dinner at the Buchanan Tom becomes suspicious of Gatsby and his wife, but Daisy changes the subject, suggesting they all go into town, at the Plaza Hotel. There Gatsby tells Tom that his wife never loved him (which is not quite true) and Tom reciprocates exposing Gatsby as a nobody who made his fortune through bootlegging with mobsters. Gatsby and Daisy leave and on the way back home they pass by Myrtle's garage and accidentally kill her but do not stop. Nick eventually deduces that Daisy was driving that night but Gatsby protects her by letting people believe is is responsible. He then waits for Daisy's phone call where she would tell him she has finally left Tom, but he is instead killed by Myrtle's husband. Nobody attends Gatsby's funeral except Nick, as now that his past is know and he is still thought to be Myrtle's killer, he has become an outcast from the society of the wealthy. In the end, Nick reflects on Gatsby's ability to hope.

[ Posté le 10 juin 2024 à 21:03 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 9 juin 2024

Marble Extra & Special

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Marble ]


“toffee, caramel, biscuits and toasted nuts… tangerine marmelade and citrus… grapefruit zest bitterness”

Just another ale. Contains malted barley and malted wheat.

Marble Beers Ltd, Manchester, England. 5.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 9 juin 2024 à 15:05 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 7 juin 2024

Vivre et laisser mourir

Catégories : [ Livres/James Bond ]

ISBN: 9782221049242

© Amazon.fr

Des pièces d'or anciennes entrent en contrebande aux États-Unis et financent l'organisation de Mr. Big. Ce dernier, à la tête d'un réseau criminel, est un agent de l'URSS, originaire de Haïti et possède une grande influence sur la communauté noire américaine qui le considère comme le Baron Samedi du Vaudou. Le yacht de Big va régulièrement de la Floride à la Jamaïque pour y chercher des poissons exotiques et des coquillages, vendus par un grossiste local. Comme l'or semble provenir de la Jamaïque, Bond est envoyé à New York pour enquêter avec Felix Leiter, agent de la CIA. Dans une boite de nuit de Harlem, Bond est enlevé et interrogé par Big qui fait appel à une jeune femme, Solitaire, capable de détecter le mensonge. Bond s'échappe et part ensuite en train en compagnie de Solitaire qui veut échapper à Big. Ils échappent de peu à un attentat et arrivent en Floride mais sont rapidement repérés par un agent de Big. Solitaire est enlevée par Big, tandis que Leiter, allé enquêter seul chez le grossiste, finit à l'hôpital, mutilé. Bond y enquête à son tour, découvre que l'or est caché dans le sable au fond des aquariums de poissons venimeux. Il est attaqué par le propriétaire du magasin qui finit à travers une trappe dans le bassin à requins dont Leiter a été victime. Bond part alors pour la Jamaïque et se prépare pour une expédition sur l'île, privée, où mouille le yacht de Big. Il parvient à l'île en scaphandre autonome et place une mine sur la coque du navire, mais est ensuite repéré et arrêté, tenant compagnie à Solitaire. Les hommes de Big sont en train de vider la caverne contenant le trésor du pirate Henry Morgan. Leur départ est prévu le lendemain matin, juste au moment où la mine doit exploser et Big prévoit de tuer Bond et Solitaire en les trainant derrière le yacht à travers le récif de corail pour attirer les requins et barracudas qui les achèveront. La mine explose heureusement juste à temps et Bond et Solitaire sont sauvés par Quarrel.

[ Posté le 7 juin 2024 à 17:18 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 1er juin 2024

Casino Royal

Catégories : [ Livres/James Bond ]

ISBN: 9782221049242

© Amazon.fr

Le Chiffre est un agent de SMERSH en France. Il a perdu de l'argent de ses commanditaires dans de mauvais investissements et tente de gagner de l'argent en jouant au casino de Royal-les-Eaux. James Bond, sous la couverture d'un riche fils de planteur de la Jamaïque, est chargé de lui faire perdre son argent au Baccara afin de le discréditer auprès de ses supérieurs. L'opération est un succès, mais sa collègue Vesper Lynd avec qui il dinait est enlevé par Le Chiffre. Bond les poursuit en voiture mais est enlevé à son tour quand sa voiture est forcée à sorti de la route. Le Chiffre torture Bond pour lui faire révéler l'endroit où il a caché le chèque que lui a remis le casino. Il doit son salut à un assassin de SMERSH qui exécute Le Chiffre mais qui n'a pas d'instructions à son sujet. Bond se réveille à l'hôpital quelques jours plus tard et songe sérieusement à changer de carrière. Il passe sa convalescence avec Vesper, mais leur relation se détériore au bout de quelque jours, cette dernière devenant mélancolique et distante; elle est effrayée et voit des ennemis partout. Bond décide de la demande en mariage, mais il la retrouve morte le lendemain. Dans un lettre expliquant son suicide, elle révèle être une agente double. En colère de s'être fait manipuler, Bond décide de poursuivre sa carrière d'agent secret.

[ Posté le 1er juin 2024 à 20:00 | pas de commentaire | ]


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/Canopus in Argos ]

The civilization of Canopus colonizes the planet Shikasta and expects to keep it under its positive influence, but a cosmic event reduces that influence to almost nothing. Johor, emissary of Shikasta reports that the Giants, installed there to guide the evolution of the Natives disappear slowly under the ambiguous influence of agents of Sirius and under the negative influence of the emissaries of Shammat, the moral opposite of Canopus. The Natives themselves are less and less benevolents towards each other. Johor reports the typically miserable lives of a few individuals between World Wars 1 and 2, and History books cite the diary of a young woman telling the story of her brother George in the time leading to World War 3. Very charismatic, George organizes Youth groups that turn into Youth Armies in various parts of the world, who take care of providing refuge to children orphaned by the various conflicts that erupt everywhere. Reports by Chinese agrens indicate that at some point George is chosen to represent non-white people in a mock trial of the white people regrding the colonization of Africa and the Americas. This event seems to mark the beginning of the third World War.

[ Posté le 1er juin 2024 à 15:43 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 26 mai 2024

Northern Monk Guava Have Faith

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière ]


Strong fruit flavour, probably guava. Contains malted barley and wheat.

Northern Monk Brew Co., Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. 4.0% alcohol.

[ Posté le 26 mai 2024 à 14:55 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 24 mai 2024

Wonder Woman 1984

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/DC ]



As a child, Diana participates in a competition that she almost win by cheating, only to be stopped before the finish line by Antiope, who explains that anything worthwhile must be obtained honestly. In 1984, Diana works as the Smithonian Institution and befriends Barbara Minerva, a shy geologist and cryptozoologist with whom she tries to identify stolen antiquities by request of the FBI. They notice a Latin inscription on a large yellow crystal, claiming it can grant one wish. Barbara wishes she would be more like Diana and soon gets more self-confident, noticed by other people and develops super powers. Diana, yearning for Steve Trevor, discovers that her dead lover has resurrected in the body of random man; he seeks her and they are reunited. In the meanwhile, failed businessman Max Lord steals the crystal and wishes to become it. He thus can grant anyone else's wish and take something from them in return. This soon results in worldwide chaos, destruction, and instability. Diana and Barbara discover that the crystal was created by the God of Lies and grants exactly what is asked, but in a way that is always detrimental to the wisher, and has caused the downfall of many civilisations throughout History; the only alternative would be that all wishers renounce their wishes, but neither Barbara nor Diana are willing to do so. Max then visits the US President who wishes to have many more nuclear missiles than the USSR; in exchange Max gets access to a US satellite system that allows to broadcast to anyone in the world. Max thus plans to steal the wisher's life force to compensate for his body's decay due to granting wishes. Diana tries to stop Max, but Barbara sides with him and they escape together. Steve then convinces Diana to renounce her wish, which restores her full strength. She then flies to the island from which the broadcast system is controlled and again battles Barbara, who is turning into a humanoid cheetah. Having won, Diana confronts Max and uses her Lasso of Truth to communicate with the world through him, persuading everyone to renounce their wishes. Seeing a vision of his son searching desperately for his father, Max realizes his error, renounces his wish, cancelling most of the changes that occurred due to people's wishes.

[ Posté le 24 mai 2024 à 18:57 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mardi, 21 mai 2024

Marble Stout

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Marble ]


Indeed roasty. Contains malted barley, malted wheat and malted oats.

Marble Beers Ltd, Manchester, England. 5.7% alcohol.

[ Posté le 21 mai 2024 à 08:28 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 11 mai 2024

Teerenpeli WBA

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ Bière ]


“hedelmiä, vaniljaa… tammea, karamellia… Bourbon-tynnyreissä”

Makea, väkevä, vähän savua, hedelmäinen. Sisältää ohramallasta.

Teerenpeli panimo, Lahti, Finland. 10 % alkoholia.

[ Posté le 11 mai 2024 à 23:26 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 10 mai 2024

Who Censored Roger Rabbit?

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres/Roger Rabbit ]

Roger Rabbit, a toon, hires private investigator Eddie Valiant to get him out of his contract with the DeGreasy brothers, where he plays second role to Baby Herman in a comic strip shot by photographer Carol Masters. Rocco DeGreasy is soon after found shot dead at his desk and Roger is found shot dead at his home, with evidence pointing at his estranged wife Jessica. Eddie is then hired by Roger's doppelganger (which toons can create at will for a limited time) created just before his death to solve the mystery of his death. The police quickly concludes that Rocco has been killed by Roger and that the latter by Jessica. But as the investigation progresses, DeGreasy's brother Dominick, Jessica and Roger mention a teakettle that all three claim belongs to them. Eddie discovers a parallel plot where Rocco's son has had perfect duplicates of Carol's strips' negatives made, to sell multiple “originals” to various collectors. Carol has witnessed part of Roger's murder, seen the kettle fly out of the rabbit's home and taken it. Tracing the origin of the kettle, through a prop master who bought it for cheap for a set where Roger was acting to Roger stealing it as a souvenir, Eddie discovers that the kettle is in reality a magic lantern containing a genie that grants wishes only to toons. The kettle had first been used by the DeGreasys, originally toons, to turn them human and give them a comic strip syndicate. Eddie leaves Dominick alone with the lantern as the remaining brother needs his third wish to remain a human, but he gets shot by the genie who, embittered by thousand of years of imprisonment has decided to kill the toons that call him. Eddie then talks to the genie who explains that Roger accidentally activated the lantern when wishing that he could marry Jessica, as the required words are part of a song that he sings often. Getting a contract with Rocco was his second wish, twisted by the genie so that he would only ever be a second role and would not be able to get out of the contract. Roger's marriage was also made to last only for a year, explaining why the marriage ended as inexplicably as it had started. Salt water being the genie's weakness, Eddie coerces him to grant him a wish of finding a suicide note from Dominick confessing to both Rocco's and Roger's murders. The detective then drops the lantern in the salt water fish tank. Eddie however concludes that the original Roger has killed Rocco, whom the rabbit believed had stolen Jessica from him, using his doppelganger as an alibi and planning to plant the murder weapon at Valiant's office to make him the fall guy but was shot by the genie after accidentally summoning it. Roger's doppelganger finally disintegrate.

[ Posté le 10 mai 2024 à 13:59 | pas de commentaire | ]

Jeudi, 9 mai 2024

The Game

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Wealthy and ruthless San Francisco investment banker Nicholas Van Orton receives from his brother Conrad for his birthday a voucher for a “game” organized by Consumer Recreation Services. Intrigued, Nicholas decides to visit their offices and take the irritatingly long psychological and physical examinations. He later receives a phone call informing him that his application is rejected. Upon his return home in the evening, he finds a wooden clown outside and receives instructions from CRS through his television, telling him not to try and figure out the object of the game. The next day at the restaurant he gets a waitress, Christine, fired because she spilled wine on his shirt, only to be handed a message to not let her out of his sight. Following her outside, they both help a man who just collapsed, are ushered into the ambulance by the police and driven to what looks like the ER's entrance. There they find themselves suddenly alone, manage to take a locked lift thanks to a key found earlier in the clowns mouth, discover they are in CRS' offices and are chased by security. They manage to escape and go their separate ways. Later Nicholas receives a message about a hotel room where he is supposed to have spent the night and when going there finds drugs and erotic polaroid pictures. He's convinced that he's being setup by an investor he just fired, but finds out it's not the case. Nicholas is then contacted by Conrad who tells him that CRS is trying to kill him despite having played their game over a year ago. They part on bad terms when Conrad finds CRS-marked keys in his brother's car. Later Nicholas escapes a murder attempt by a taxi driver throwing the locked car into the harbour thanks to the crank found earlier in his attaché-case that allows him to open the window. Nicholas manages to find where Christine lives and visits her there. He noticed her apartment is fake, and she tells him that they have to flee and are soon shot at by men coming out of a CRS van. Christine reveals that CRS has profiled him and has stolen all of his company's money. Nicholas calls his Swiss bank, giving his password over the phone, and the bank confirms the balance is zero. Nicholas is later drugged by Christine and wakes up in Mexico. He manages to go back to San Francisco and discovers the man who welcomed him at CRS in the beginning is an actor. His home is foreclosed and most of his possessions removed, but he gets a gun from a hidden place. Nicholas then manages to trace the actor through his agent, takes him hostage and forces him to help him enter CRS's premises. He is shot at, and ends up on the roof with Christine who tells him it was all part of the game, but notices that his weapon is a real one. When the roof's door is forced open, Nicholas shoots Conrad who is standing there in a tuxedo and with a bottle of champagne. Desperate because he has shot his brother, he jumps from the roof, crashes through a skylight and lands on a giant airbag. All his friends are there for his birthday party.

[ Posté le 9 mai 2024 à 21:13 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mardi, 7 mai 2024

Watchers of the Evenfall

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Livres ]

ISBN: 9798986268613

Sixteen-year-old Hazel is resurrected by a mage. First held by the Inquisition she is released thanks to the influence of the king and invited to join Alistair the vampire, Lara the werewolf and Lyvaelan the dark elf warlock and become the new special members of the Evenfall Vigil, dedicated to protect the kingdom from nocturnal supernatural threats. They first investigate the disappearance of bluecap workers, extremely fast moving, small fae creatures participating to the construction of the city walls. They soon have a first encounter with aufhockers, creatures made of shadows that seem to swallow the bluecaps without killing them. Hazel, despite being the target of the cult of Semeleme the goddess of death, is not a conventional undead as she has premonitory dreams and, thanks to the guidance of Lyvaelan she develops psychic abilities and the capacity to communicate with plants and make them grow. Mortally wounded during the encounter with the aufhockers she manages to heal herself in a few minutes, and when burned alive by the cult of Semeleme she heals in a few days. Hazel also announces a prophecy about a lich of half a day that deeply troubles her colleagues. While investigating, they discover that the aufhockers work for the Alchemist, a person rich enough to have handsomely paid a dozen men to attack them with the help of a blue potion that makes one of them very fast. Pursuing that line of investigation they talk with the head of the university of magic who introduces them to a professor of alchemy. The latter makes a list of alchemists who could be the Alchemist. The professor also advise them to visit Paxton Averly, a very nice alchemist who helps then narrow down the list of suspects. The eventually find a pair of suspects, but it is an obvious setup. Hazel is then set up to notice dead bluecaps in Averly's laboratory, giving him the excuse to attack the team with the support of his aufhockers. Averly's bluecap potion makes him almost invincible, and they manage to vanquish him only because Lyvaelan's warlock side concentrates so much magic that he is close to killing himself while destroying the whole city (a risk of which he is well aware and causes most people to fear warlocks).

[ Posté le 7 mai 2024 à 23:11 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 5 mai 2024

Pulp Fiction

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



A young couple prepares to rob the diner where they are eating. Earlier the same day, Jules and Vince, two hitmen dressed in a black suit and working for Wallace retrieve a briefcase containing something shiny and kill most of the young people who were hiding it in their shared apartment. Later, Vince appears alone at Wallace's night club with the briefcase, wearing a grey t-shirt. Wallace is giving money to Butch, a boxer, to lose his next match. Wallace then tells Vince that he must take Mia, his wife, out to dinner the same evening. The dinner, at a 1950s-themed restaurant goes well, they even win a twist contest. Mia asks Vince to come back with her to her place. While Vince is not looking, she mistakes heroin found in Vince's jacket for cocaine and overdoses on it. Vince takes her to his dealer's place, they fumble with an adrenaline kit but manage to save her life. In the meanwhile, Butch not only wins his match but kills his opponent. He then joins his girlfriend Fabienne in a motel and they plan to flee by train the next morning. But Fabienne has forgotten to pack his gold watch, inherited from his great-grandfather. Butch does not want to lose his watch, so he goes back to his apartment where Jules is waiting to kill him on Wallace's order. Butch manages to kill the hitman and then drives away. By pure coincident, he's seen by Wallace, whom he runs over. Both can still run and chase each other on foot; Butch finds refuge in a pawn shop whose owner, Maynard, kidnaps them. Maynard and his accomplice rape Wallace, but Butch manages to escape his ties and kills them, freeing Wallace, who tells Butch to keep quiet about the incident and leave Los Angeles. He picks up Fabienne and they drive away. Earlier, at the apartment where they are retrieving the briefcase, Jules and Vince take one person hostage, but Vince kills him in the car by accident. The find refuge at a friend of Jules' and as they don't know what to do but have to do it before the friend's wife comes back home from her night shift, they call a fixer for help that tells them how to clean and hide the gore in the car. They change their bloody black suits for t-shirts and shorts and take the car to a junkyard. On their way back to Wallace's they have lunch at the diner. Jules wants to give up his life as a hitman. He manages to convince the couple to take his own cash, give up on the robbery and to go away.

[ Posté le 5 mai 2024 à 12:10 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 21 avril 2024

Vocation Life & Death

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Vocation ]


“fruit… citrus Citra and Mosaic hops”

Just another IPA. Contains malted barley, wheat and oats.

Vocation Brewery, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England. 6.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 21 avril 2024 à 11:51 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mercredi, 17 avril 2024

Prince du Chaos

Catégories : [ Livres/Les 9 princes d'Ambre ]

ISBN: 9782207304709

© Amazon.fr

Après le couronnement de Luke, Merlin apprend le décès de Swayvill, roi du Chaos. Il ne reste plus que deux prétendants au trône du Chaos avant Merlin, qui risquent eux aussi de se faire assassiner sous peu, probablement par une machination de Dara et Mandor qui veulent faire couronner Merlin afin d'en faire leur marionnette. Lors d'une visite dans la demeure où il a passé son enfance, Merlin découvre une chapelle secrète dédiée à son père, Corwin. Ces chapelles sont apparues après la défaite du Chaos par Ambre, et fait penser à Merlin que son père pourrait être encore vivant, retenu prisonnier par la personne qui a construit la chapelle (en l'occurrence, Dara). Plus tard, pendant les funérailles de Swayvill, Merlin et Jurt (avec qui il s'est réconcilié) s'éclipsent et profitent du décalage temporel pour aller sauver Corail, reine de Kashfa, qui a été enlevée par des agents du Chaos afin de s'emparer du joyau du Destin que le Logrus et la Marelle tentent de s'approprier. À leur retour peu avant la fin de la cérémonie, les deux autres prétendants au trône se font assassiner. Des envoyés de la Marelle tentent ensuite d'enlever Corail, mais Merlin dissuade cette dernière en menaçant de la détruire en y versant de son sang. Merlin compte protéger Corail à la fois du Logrus qui veut sa revanche sur la Marelle et de la Marelle qui veut maintenir sa supériorité actuelle. Merlin parvient ensuite à découvrir où son père est gardé prisonnier et à le libérer. Merlin affronte ensuite le Logrus et Mandor et gagne grâce à l'aide de sa roue spectrale. Mandor abandonne alors l'idée d'en faire sa marionnette politique, ce qui incite Merlin à accepter de monter sur le trône.

[ Posté le 17 avril 2024 à 19:11 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 15 avril 2024

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



A geology expedition in the Amazon finds the fossilized, webbed hand of an unknown creature. Its leader, Carl Maia convinces a few friends and colleagues from the marine biology institute to mount an expedition to try and find the rest of the skeleton. When they arrive back at the camp on a ship, they find it destroyed and Maia's assistants, who stayed there, dead. After days of excavation, the find no trace of the skeleton, but get a hint that it may have been transported by the river to the “black lagoon”. A first dive in the lagoon provides no trace of the fossil, but the amphibious creature who killed the two assistants and has been observing the scientists accidentally leaves a claw behind, revealing its presence. Multiple encounters with the creature lead to the death of a couple of sailors and attempts to abduct Kay, the girlfriend of Maia's colleague David. They decide to leave the lagoon but the creature has blocked its exit with dead trees and repeated attacks prevents them from removing the blockage. While the men are busy trying to move the trees, the creature manages to abduct Kay. David fights it, chases it to its cavern lair and rescues his girlfriend. They leave the wounded creature flee into the depth, manage to finally remove the trees and leave.

[ Posté le 15 avril 2024 à 20:36 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 14 avril 2024


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Trolls are small colorful, happy creatures who like to sing, dance and hug all day. When the much larger Bergens discover that eating trolls makes them happy, they build a cage around the trolls' tree and eat them once a year. But on the Trollstice day when prince Gristle is meant to eat his first troll, they discover that they have escaped. The Bergens' Chef is banished and she vows to find them. After 20 years of peace, princess Poppy organizes a party, despite Branch's (the only grey and perpetually unhappy troll) warning that the noise may be noticed by the Bergens. It indeed happens, some trolls are kidnapped by Chef. Poppy decides to follow her and rescue her friends, followed in the distance by Branch. At Gristle's castle they witness the prince apparently eat one troll, Creek. They then find the other trolls guarded by a scullery maid, Bridget. She is in love with the prince, and accepts to free the trolls in exchange for their help in being noticed by the prince. Under a false name, Bridget and the prince indeed go on a date at a roller rink/arcade restaurant, and Poppy discovers that Creek is a prisoner of the prince, inside a hollow jewel. During the night, the trolls sneak into the prince's bedroom to free Creek but they are captured by Chef in a big cooking pot. She reveals that Creek has betrayed them to save his own life. Desperate, all trolls turn grey as Creek steals Poppy's cowbell and rings it to attract all the other trolls. While the Bergens sit down to eat and celebrate Trollstice, Branch sings and turns himself and the others to bright colors again. Bridget secretly releases the trolls and Poppy reveals to the prince who Bridget is. This makes the prince happy despite not having ever eaten a troll. The Bergens realize they don't need the trolls to be happy and joy and colors are brought to Bergen town. Chef and Creek are sent rolling out of town and into the woods on a cart and get eventually eaten by a monster.

[ Posté le 14 avril 2024 à 15:03 | pas de commentaire | ]

Wicklow Wolf Heff Bezos

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ Bière/Wicklow Wolf ]


Fruity, a bit sour, quite good. Contains barley and wheat.

Wicklow Wolf Brewing Co., Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 6.5% alcohol.

[ Posté le 14 avril 2024 à 12:08 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mardi, 9 avril 2024

Chevalier des ombres

Catégories : [ Livres/Les 9 princes d'Ambre ]

ISBN: 9782207304693

© Amazon.fr

Merlin, Jasra et Mandor dinent dans le donjon des Quatre-Mondes et Jasra raconte comment elle a participé à la formation de Julia à la sorcellerie. Plus tard, Merlin se retrouve transporté dans un univers en noir et blanc et en négatif où il est abordé par divers personnages, dont Dworkin, Obéron… Il se rend rapidement compte que ce sont des constructions fabriquées par la Marelle et par le Logrus, deux puissances fondamentales qui s'affrontent et cherchent à le manipuler dans cet univers situé entre les ombres. Il y rencontre un double de Jurt qui lui propose de bonne foi son aide en échange d'une chance de rejoindre le monde réel avec Merlin. Après avoir volé le joyau du jugement au palais d'Ambre à travers un portail apparu pour l'occasion, Merlin finit par parcourir une ombre de la Marelle, abimée, qu'il répare à l'aide du joyau, comme l'avait fait autrefois Obéron avec celle d'Ambre. Il retrouve Corail au centre de la Marelle, puis cette dernière les transporte au palais d'Ambre. Merlin cherche alors une manière de retourner le joyau à sa place sans avoir à s'explique avec Random, mais il est interrompu par une apparition de la Licorne et du Serpent, symboles d'Ambre et du Chaos, qui s'affrontent pour la possession du joyau dans le palais, le détruisant en partie. Corail est blessée à l'½il et Dworkin la soigne, remplaçant l'½il par le joyau. Merlin apprend ensuite que Luke avait arrangé son combat avec Dalt afin que ce dernier l'emmène dans le royaume de Kashfa d'où lui et Jasra sont originaires et où il devient roi au cours d'un coup d'état. Le roi et la reine l'envoient ensuite à Kashfa représenter officieusement Ambre au couronnement de Luke.

[ Posté le 9 avril 2024 à 13:11 | 1 commentaire | ]

Samedi, 6 avril 2024

Le signe du chaos

Catégories : [ Livres/Les 9 princes d'Ambre ]

ISBN: 9782207304686

© Amazon.fr

Merlin se rend compte que la présence de personnages d'Alice au pays des merveilles sont des hallucinations de Luke, qui a été drogué. Après avoir échappé à un Jabberwocky et à un ange igné, Il lui donne de quoi se soigner puis contacte son demi-frère du chaos, Mandor qui lui apprend que son père est mourant et que leur frère Jurt est jaloux du fait que Merlin est avant lui dans la succession au trône du chaos. Plus tard en Ambre, Merlin est chargé de faire visiter la ville à Corail, l'une des deux filles d'un ambassadeur en visite. Durant leur promenade, ils croisent le chemin de Jurt et les blessures de ce dernier font comprendre à Merlin qu'il est le sorcier transformé en loup monstrueux qui l'avait attaqué plus tôt, en association avec le sorcier au masque bleu, surnommé Masque. Corail avoue être une fille illégitime d'Obéron, et convainc donc Merlin de la laisser traverser la Marelle avant de disparaitre avec la promesse de le contacter bientôt. Luke, guéri, vient voir Merlin et lui explique que Masque compte probablement utiliser la Fontaine de Puissance du donjon des Quatre-Mondes pour transformer Jurt en «  atout vivant  » comme l'avait fait Brand autrefois. Durant le dîner en compagnie de l'ambassadeur et de sa suite, la seconde fille de ce dernier, Nayda, tente de séduire Merlin. Merlin et Luke sont ensuite envoyés par la reine, Vialle, à la frontière où se tiennent les troupes de Dalt. Ce dernier accepte de ne pas attaque à condition de pouvoir se battre en duel contre Luke. Dalt gagne et emmène Luke avec lui en repartant. De retour en Ambre, Merlin va voir Nayda et se rend compte qu'elle est habitée par l'entité qui avait précédemment possédé Vinta. Avec l'aide de Mandor qu'il a appelé à l'aide, il apprend qu'il s'agit d'un démon qui cherche effectivement à protéger Merlin, mais qu'il lui est impossible de lui expliquer pourquoi. Après de longues délibérations, Luke réveille Jasra et la convainc de les accompagner, Mandor et lui, au donjon afin d'empêcher Masque de rendre Jurt tout-puissant. Ils arrivent cependant trop tard et perdent le combat. Jurt et Masque s'enfuient, mais Merlin reconnait derrière le masque Julia, son ex-petite amie qui s'était initiée à la sorcellerie et qu'il avait trouvé morte chez elle.

[ Posté le 6 avril 2024 à 18:49 | 1 commentaire | ]

Lundi, 1er avril 2024

Le sang d'Ambre

Catégories : [ Livres/Les 9 princes d'Ambre ]

ISBN: 9782207304679

© Amazon.fr

Merlin parvient à s'échapper de la caverne où Luke l'avait enfermé et, après un passage par l'appartement de son ex-petite amie à San Francisco où il trouve une porte magique, il se retrouve dans une Ombre où il assiste de loin au siège du Donjon des Quatre-Mondes. Le donjon appartient à un sorcier qui tient en otage Jasra, une reine et sorcière et mère de Luke, qui a déjà attaqué Merlin à deux reprises. Les assiégeants sont dirigés par Dalt, un homme qui a déjà attaqué Ambre par le passé. Merlin retourne ensuite en Ambre où, au cours d'une sortie, il est attaqué par plusieurs hommes. Vinta Bayle, ex-maîtresse de Caine lui vient en aide, lui explique qu'il est marqué magiquement par des pierres bleues qu'il a croisées plusieurs fois par le passé, que cette marque permet à ses adversaires de le retrouver, et que seul le passage par la Marelle d'Ambre effacerait cette marque. Elle lui propose alors de se réfugier dans sa propriété, ce que Merlin accepte. Vinta tente de lui soutirer des informations et Merlin tente de même, sans rien apprendre d'utile. Merlin reçoit ensuite par Atout un appel à l'aide de Luke, blessé, qu'il fait venir à lui. Ce dernier lui apprend que seules les premières tentatives d'assassinat des 30 avril sont de son fait et que les suivants ont été perpétrés par Jasra. Luke lui promet aussi une information capitale pour la sécurité d'Ambre si Merlin fait évader sa mère du donjon des Quatre-Mondes. Merlin finit aussi par comprendre que Vinta est possédée par une entité qui l'a déjà aidé par le passé de nombreuses fois à travers des personnes diverses. Quelques jours plus tard, suite à une attaque nocturne sur les chiens de gardes de la propriété, Luke demande à Merlin de l'emmener vers une Ombre où le temps passe plus vite afin d'accélérer sa guérison. Merlin l'emmène alors dans la caverne où il avait été gardé prisonnier. Il repart ensuite pour Ambre. En chemin il est attaqué par un loup monstrueux, en réalité en sorcier transformé, qui, sur le point de perdre le combat, s'échappe par une porte magique. Merlin arrive finalement en Ambre et traverse la Marelle, ce qui lui permet d'aller dans le donjon des Quatre-Mondes. Il y trouve le corps paralysé de Jasra, combat le sorcier au masque bleu qui est l'actuel occupant du donjon, et repart avec Jasra en Ambre à l'aide d'un Atout. Il est plus tard contacté par Luke à l'aide d'une magie inconnue. Ce dernier lui révèle que Dalt est en possession de fusils fonctionnels en Ambre, puis Merlin est soudainement attiré vers Luke et il se retrouve alors dans le monde d'Alice au pays des merveilles.

[ Posté le 1er avril 2024 à 15:32 | 1 commentaire | ]