Sunday, December 29th, 2013
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Troy ]
L'esprit de Waha se retrouvé échangé avec celui d'une jeune humaine qui
passait en bateau sur la rivière, à cause du pouvoir, juste découvert, du
petit-frère de celle-ci. Les trolls se demandent alors pourquoi Waha aime
soudain tant l'eau et refuse de manger de la viande crue, tandis que les
humains se demandent ce qui arrive à leur fille, d'habitude bien élevée et
effacée. Parmi les humains, Waha tente de découvrir comment les esprits ont
été échangés. Elle le découvre lors de son mariage, tue sauvagement son
nouveau mari, et repart à Phalompe avec le petit-frère. Ce dernier parvient à
échanger à nouveau les esprits, et les deux humains sont autorisés à rentrer
chez eux sans être dévorés.
[ Posted on December 29th, 2013 at 23:42 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Golden City ]
Dixième volume de la série Golden City. Après la destruction de la cité
flottante Golden city, une nouvelle cité en orbite a été construite. Kumiko
est perdue en ville, où les pauvres manifestent violemment contre les nantis
qui ont construit la nouvelle Golden City. Elle est enlevée par des hommes de
mains du docteur Seed, qui expérimente des médicaments sur des SDF après leur
avoir effacé la mémoire. Mifa part au secours de Kumiko, mais est fait
prisonnière, sa mémoire effacée, et disparait avec Seed. Ses amis libèrent
cependant Kumiko. À la fin, après avoir échappé au tueur à gages lancé à ses
trousses par le conseil d'administration de son groupe, Banks revient
d'Afrique où il jouait les Robins des bois.
[ Posted on December 29th, 2013 at 23:26 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Blake et Mortimer ]
Vingt-deuxième tome des aventures de Blake et Mortimer. Un groupe de
personnes tentent de reprendre les expériencens de Septimus sur l'onde Méga et
essayent pour cela de retrouver Olrik, le cobaye original. De son coté,
Mortimer étudie lui aussi l'onde Méga et observe une interférence d'origine
inconnue. Des clones de Septimus, de plus en plus nombreux, parcourent les
rues de Londres. Enquêtant sur le cas d'anciens soldats évadés de l'asile,
Blake trouve un vaisseau spatial enfoui sous Londres, tandis que Mortimer,
piégé par les groupe décrit plus haut, s'allie à Olrik pour leur échapper et
tenter de soigner les cauchemares de ce dernier. L'entité extra-terrestre sous
Londres, influencée par l'onde Méga de Mortimer, est la source des clones de
Septimus, dont le but est l'invasion de la Terre. Blake détruit le vaisseau
spatial et les clones disparaissent.
[ Posted on December 29th, 2013 at 23:18 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Atalante ]
Sixième volume d'Atalante, paru en 2013.
L'Argo est échoué, et Atalante, Jason et les argnoautes sont attaqués par des
morts-vivants. Pour leur échapper, ils entrent dans un batiment abandonné, un
labyrinthe qui les mêne à l'entrée des Enfers. Ils y rencontrent Perséphone,
qui leur apprend qu'Hadès a disparu depuis des semaines et que les morts
parviennent à s'échapper. Atalante apprend aussi que l'eau de la source du
Styx pourra guérir Raxos, mordu par un mort-vivant et en train de se
transformer en l'un d'eux. Atalante s'enfonce dans les Enfers à la recherche
de la source. Elle découvre un géant enchaîné.
[ Posted on December 29th, 2013 at 23:01 |
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Monday, December 23rd, 2013
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Cooking/Chocolats ]
Christian, Bolivie Fèves sauvages 70% : pain frais
Christian, Pérou 75% : doux
Christian, Ghana Commerce équitable 73% : noix de coco, intense
Christian, Vietnam plantation Ben Tre 70% : acide
Christian, Pérou Puiera 70% : un peu acide
[ Posted on December 23rd, 2013 at 11:40 |
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Sunday, December 15th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema/The Hobbit ]
Following An Unexpected Journey,
Bilbo and the dwarves continue their adventure, through the forest of Mirkwood;
Gandalf has left them without an explanation. In the forest, the party is
attacked by giant spiders, and after escaping, are captured by the Wood Elves.
They soon after escape, riding empty barrels down the river. They are chased
by Orcs and protected by elves, led by Legolas. The latter is set on killing
Azog. Meanwhile, Gandalf visits the tombs of the Nazgûl and finds them empty.
He then travers to Dol Guldur. Bilbo and the Dwarves are then smuggled into
the lake town of Esgaroth by Bard, the descendant of the rulers of Dale.
Thorin promises the current ruler a share of the gold in the Lonely Mountain
in return for weapons and supplies. Meanwhile, Gandalf confronts the
necromancer at Dol Guldur and recognizes Sauron; Gandalf is taken prisoner.
Bilbo and the Dwarves reach the mountain and thanks to Bilbo manage to open
the secret door. Bilbo then seeks the Arkenstone in a huge pile of treasures,
but wakes up Smaug the dragon. Rekindling the forges, they attemtp to burry
the dragon in molten gold, but the latter escapes and decides to go and
destroy Esgaroth for having helped the Dwarves.
[ Posted on December 15th, 2013 at 23:45 |
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Saturday, December 14th, 2013
Categories: [ Beer/Tennent ]
Very strong and sweet, better than other strong beer I've tasted, but still
not very interesting. Contains malted barley.
Tennent Caledonian Breweries, Glasgow, Scotland. 9.3% alcohol.
[ Posted on December 14th, 2013 at 22:00 |
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Sunday, December 8th, 2013
Categories: [ Beer/Clanconnel ]
“caramel sweetness of the malts with toasted biscuit notes… earthy hops”
Just another ale. Contains barley malt and wheat.
Clanconnel Brewing company, Craigavon, Northern Ireland. 4.3% alcohol.
[ Posted on December 8th, 2013 at 12:37 |
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Saturday, December 7th, 2013
Categories: [ Science ]
Terry Pratchett's Dodger
is said to take place in the first quarter of the Victorian Era. We'll assume
it is the year 1840. According to the National Archive's
currency converter, 1 £ in 1840 is worth about 45 GBP in 2005.
Moreover, the same source indicates that with 100 GBP (about 2£ 5s) you could
buy 11 days work of a craftsman wages in the building trade, 3 stones (42 lbs)
of wool or 1 quarter (28 lbs) of wheat. As a reference, a person's daily needs in
energy are equivalent to about 2 lbs of wheat (representing 2950 kcal according to
These are the coins mentionned in Dodger:
- Guinea: 21s = 252d (47.25 GBP)
- Sovereign: 1 £ = 20s = 240d (45 GBP)
- Crown: 5s = 60d (11.25 GBP)
- Half-Crown: 2.5s = 30d (5.63 GBP) (about 1.5 lbs of wheat)
- Shilling: 1s = 12d (2.25 GBP)
- Sixpence: 1/2s = 6d (1.13 GBP)
- Groat: 4d (0.75 GBP)
- Thruppence: 3d (0.56 GBP)
- Penny: 1d (0.19 GBP)
- Half-penny: 1/2d (0.10 GBP)
- Farthing: 1/4d (0.05 GBP)
A day worth of a craftman's wages is therfore 4s, which could buy 2.5 lbs of
wheat or 4 lbs of wool.
[ Posted on December 7th, 2013 at 18:06 |
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Thursday, December 5th, 2013
Categories: [ Books ]
Dodger lives in early Victoria London and makes a living as a tosher, finding
and reselling precious objects and coins in the sewers. One night he saves the
life of a young woman who was beaten up by unknown men. Charles Dickens and
Henry Mayhew, who happended to pass by help Dodger and take the woman, who
refuses to tell her name, to Mayhew's place. Dodger takes in interest in the
woman, named Simplicity by Mayhew, and promises himself to avenge her. During
his investigation, he accidentally arrests Sweeney Todd and thanks to Dickens
who writes about him in the newspaper and has opens a subscription for him, he
becomes famous and much richer than he has ever been. He learns from
Simplicity that she is the daughter of a German teacher and married to a
German prince against his father's will, and the latter is attempting to get
her killed so that his son can be married to a more politically suitable
woman. The British government, to avoid diplomatical complications with
Germany is in favour of sending Simplicity back. Moreover, the rumor has it
that the Germans have sent the Outlander, an assassin that nobody has ever
been able to identify, to kill Simplicity and Dodger. Dodger and Dickens then
hide Simplicity at Angela Burdett-Coutts place, a known philantropist. Dodger
then devises a plan to officially get Simplicity dead: taking advantage of
guiding Benjamin Disraeli, Dickens, Mayhew and Simplicity disguised as a boy
in a visit through the sewers, Simplicity is supposed to get lost and killed
by the Outlander, while the rest of the group find a disfigured body (stolen
from the Coroner's mortuary) that looks like Simplicity. During the visit in
the sewers, the real Outlander (a woman) attacks Dodger, but his is saved by
Simplicity in the nick of time. Dodger's plan can anyway proceed, and
Simplicity is now free from her awful husband. Dodger and her plan to get
married; Dodger is also hired by the Queen to become one of her spies.
[ Posted on December 5th, 2013 at 23:45 |
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Saturday, November 30th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Maxwell Smart, analyst for the CONTROL intelligence agency finally becomes
field agent 86 when all active agents have been compromised. With his partner
Agent 99, they investigate a traffic of uranium by the criminal organisation
KAOS leading them to a (fake) bakery in Moscow. Smart destroys the bakery but
further investigation by the famous Agent 23 shows no trace of uranium or
wrongdoing. Smart is put into prison under the accusation of being a double
agent. When he hears on the radio a message addressed covertly to him by an
agent of KAOS who had helped them escape from the bakery that KAOS would plant
a bomb in L.A., he escapes and goes there where he convinces his boss and 99
that hs is not the double agent, and finds proof that it is actually 23. A car
chase ensues, 86 and 99 trying to recover the bomb's remote control from 23.
They eventually prevent the bomb from exploding, and Max is definitly accepted
as a field agent.
[ Posted on November 30th, 2013 at 23:45 |
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Categories: [ Beer/Brewdog ]
“scotch ale brewed with Scottish Heather Honey… malty beer”
Strong roasted flavours, honey aroma with a hint of rye bread. Contains malted
BrewDog Ltd., Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 4.5% alcohol
[ Posted on November 30th, 2013 at 14:58 |
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Monday, November 25th, 2013
Categories: [ Books ]
Michael Yound is a Ph.D. student at Cambridge whose subject is the early life
of Adolf Hitler. He meets a physicist who bears the guilt of being the son of
a Nazi doctor in Auschwitz and who has built a device that can displace matter
in time and space. Michael sugges to poison the well of Hitler's parents in
Braunau am Inn, with an experimental permanent contraceptive for males that he
steals from his ex-girlfriend's lab. As soon as the deed is done, Michael's
consciousness wakes up in a new Michael's body, philosophy major at Princeton,
in a world that has never heard of Hitler. Another man, Rudofl Gloder, has
however take the place of the Nazi dictator, managed to anihilate USSR with
atomic weapons in 1938 and taken over the whole of Europe. A Jewish Free State
had been created in the Balkans and all jews had been deported there. Because
of asking questions about Braunau and Auschwithz (that nobody knows about),
Michael is noticed by the secret services who want to know how he knows about
these places. Michael learns that a German defector, now living in Princeton,
had revealed that after his father discovered the strange properties of a
water well in Braunau, Gloder had built a factory in Auschwitz to synthetise
the contraceptive and sterilized all the males in the Jewish Free State.
Michael finds the defector (the same physicist as in his own timeline, again
feeling guilty because his father's deeds), who has built the same kind of
machine. They send dead rats to the Hitler's well, prevening them from
drinking the water, and history goes back to its original timeline.
[ Posted on November 25th, 2013 at 20:03 |
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Monday, November 18th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
In ancient China, a soldier escapes the battlefield and ends up in a cave
where he is attacked by ghosts and saved in the nick of time by a swordsman
who quickly disappears. Their paths meet again and soon are joined by the Monk
and his disciple. The soldier undestands that the warriors of goodness cannot
unite to fight evil because they are arguing all the time. Their are attacked
by a demon and only manage to temporarily imprison its soul; to destroy him,
the two young ones must find the Lady Li I-Chi and get the two twin swords,
Purple and Green. The Monk is poisoned by the demon and must be taken to the
Fort to be cured by the Countess or he will become a double of the demon
within ten days. In the fort they are attacked by the demon but eventually
they escape. The Monk is cured, but the Swordsman is poinsoned too. The two
young ones eventually reach the border between Good and Evil territories, find
the lady who gives them the ability to unite the two swords. They thus manage
to prevent the demon to enter Evil territory and tip the balance of
Goodness/Evil in favour of the latter. They also become the new generation of
gardians of Goodness.
[ Posted on November 18th, 2013 at 21:33 |
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Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Twenty years after failing to complete the Golden Mile, a 12-pub crawl in
Newton Haven as teenagers, Gary King, an alcoholic, gathers the four friends
from his youth to attempt the pub crawl again. In the fourth pub, Gary fights
against a teenager in the toilet and discovers the kid is a robot; so are the
kid's friend, and apparently a large proportion of the town's population. The
inhabitants who are still human try and convince Gary and his friends to join
themr. Their refusal to comply causes the robots to chase the heroes, losing
two members of their group during in the process; they reappear as robots.
Despite the situation, Gary is still keen on drinking one pint in each pub,
and he and Andy eventually take cover in the last pub of the Golden Mile, the
World's End. The place is the headquarter of an extra-terrestrial entity known
as the Network (responsible for the advances in telecommunications in the past
twenty years), who explains that key locations in the world have been invaded
and a small proportion of the population replaced with robots to invisibly
take humanity on the path to world peace and to take its place in a galactic
federation (with little success currently, humans being quite set against
imposed happiness) and the possiblity to access eternal youth, as robots. Gary
refuses, causing the Network to leave the Earth and to cause global
destruction of the planet. In the end, some humans who have survived are quite
happy living a simple life with the robots, while others despise them.
[ Posted on November 12th, 2013 at 23:45 |
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Sunday, November 10th, 2013
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books ]
Benvenuto Gesufal est le maître-espion (et assassin) du podestat Leonide
Ducatore, dirigeant de la république de Ciudalia. Benvenuto est envoyé en
Ressine pour négocier un accord secret entre Ducatore et le chah de Ressine
afin de mettre fin à la guerre qui les oppose. Benvenuto est aussi chargé
d'assassiner, pendant une attaque préméditée des ressiniens, Bucefale
Mastiggia, héros de la guerre et le fils du dirigeant de la faction adverse,
le plus sérieux rival de Ducatore au poste de podestat. Benvenute s'acquitte
de ces deux tâches mais est fait prisonnier par les ressiniens et finalement
libéré contre rançon. À son retour à Ciudalia, il est accueilli par les
Mastiggia comme un héros qui a combattu aux cotés de Bucefale, grâce aux
rumeurs propagées par Ducatore. Quelques temps plus tard, un rescapé de
l'attaque au cours de laquelle Bucefale a été assassiné refait surface et
accuse Ducatore et Benvenuto lors d'une assemblée du Sénat de Ciudalia. Le
podestat fait arrêter Benvenuto, mais ce dernier s'échappe et fuit la ville,
avec l'aide et en compagnie du sorcier de Ducatore, le nécromant Sassanos. Ce
dernier a pour mission d'aller chercher Belisario, le fils du podestat, parti
plusieurs années auparavant à l'étranger ; le podestat veut en faire son
successeur. Benvenuto est surveillé à distance par d'autres sorciers, et
Sassanos ordonne Benvenuto de se cacher à Bourg-Preux, où il sera invisible
aux autres sorciers, la ville étant bouillonante de magie suite à une bataille
de sorciers plusieurs siècle auparavant. Benvenuto se terre quelques temps,
mais finit par avoir le mal du pays, et surtout il se rend compte que le
podestat son patron se sert de lui. À la fin de l'hiver, Benvenuto reprend le
chemin de Ciudalia, mais est attaqué près du but par les hommes de Mastiggia.
Il apprend que la maîtresse du père Mastiggia est en fait une sorcière vieille
de plus de deux-cents ans et que son but était de devenir l'éminence grise de
Ciudalia après avoir fait de Bucefale le nouveau podestat ; Ducatore a
involontairement détruit ses plans. Benvenuto est finalement sauvé de
justesse par Sassanos accompagné de Belisario et ses hommes, et ils rentrent
ensemble à Ciudalia. Le podestat est ennuyé du retour de Benvenuto et le fait
chanter afin qu'il élimine la famille Mastiggia et aille ramener sa fille,
Clarissima, qui avait trahi son père (ce dernier ne voyant en elle qu'une
fille à marier afin de tisser une alliance) et rejoint les Mastiggia.
Benvenuto s'acquitte de sa tâche et devient aux yeux du public le héros qui a
sauvé Clarissima de ses ravisseurs.
[ Posted on November 10th, 2013 at 12:06 |
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Tuesday, November 5th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Holmes is asked by Dr. Mortimer to keep his patient, Sir Henry Baskerville,
safe from what caused the mysterious and horrific death of Sir Henry's uncle,
Sir Charles, presumably killed by the legendary ghost hound, the Baskerville
family's curse. Since Holmes cannot leave London, Watson accompanies Sir Henry
to Devon. They are warned that a prisoner had escaped from the nearby Dartmoor
Prison and is hiding on the moor. The prisoner, wearing Sir Henry's old
clothes given to him by his sister, Sir Henry's servant, is found dead with
marks of laceration on his body. Sir Henry also meets his neighbour, a
struggling farmer named Stapleton, and his daughter Cecille, who falls in love
with Sir Henry. Watson also notices another stranger on the moor, which
happens to be Holmes. Sir Henry, led by Cecille to the place where Sir Charles
had been killed, is attacked by the hound and by Stapleton, saved by Watson
and Holmes. The legendary hound has been revived by Stapleton, using a masked,
famished great dane trained to recognize Sir Henry's scent. Stapleton is an
illegitimate descendant of the Baskerville family, and would inherit the
Baskerville fortune at the death of Sir Henry.
[ Posted on November 5th, 2013 at 23:45 |
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Sunday, November 3rd, 2013
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Asterix ]
Mac Oloch, un Picte congelé dans un glaçon s'échoue sur la plage, près du
village d'Astérix. Après avoir été partiellement soigné de son aphonie, il
raconte avoir été attaché à un tronc par Mac Abbeh, le chef du village voisin
qui convoite la fiancée de Mac Oloch, et jeté dans le Loch. Astérix et Obélix
raccompagnent Mac Oloch en Calédonie ; on apprend que Mac Abbeh a conclu une
alliance avec les romains pour assurer son accession au trône de Calédonie
lors d'une prochaine cérémonie où le prétendant qui fait le discoups le plus
acclamé est élu. Mac Oloch apprend que Mac Abbeh a enlevé sa fiancée, et
tandis que le premier se rend à la cérémonie, les deux gaulois partent
délivrer la jeune femme. Ils la ramènent à Mac Oloch juste au moment où ce
dernier fait son discours et accuse Mac Abbeh. Une bataille s'ensuit, et le
chef félon et le centurion romain son soumis au supplice du tronc dans le
Loch. Astérix et Obélix s'en retournent alors chez eux.
[ Posted on November 3rd, 2013 at 17:16 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Les forets d'Opale ]
Huitième volume de la série Opale publié en 2013. Sleilo est convaincue
qu'elle peut contrôler l'esprit de la pierre noire. Elle convainc Darko est
ses amis de travers les Enfers et de libérer Ghörg du onzième cercle, afin de
combattre Kamphre d'Yrkhone. Les Klapotèques les guident au premier cercle et
leur permettent de chevaucher des démons ailés qui les emportent au neuvième
cercle. Ils y rencontrent les cousins de Ghörg qui les accueillent
chaleureusement et acceptent de les accompagner au dixième puis au onzième
cercle. L'emplacement de ce dernier est défini par l'endroit où se trouvent
les démons du onzième cercle, qui se trouvent en ce moment au Havre. Ils y
retrouvent Ghörg, puis se replient dans la forêt pour y lever une armée
d'hommes libres.
[ Posted on November 3rd, 2013 at 17:03 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Aquablue ]
Quatorzième volume d'Aquablue. Une île-cité flottante a été construite sur
Aquablue. Nao et son entourage, ainsi que nombre de personnalités terriennes
sont invitées pour l'inauguration. Un commando de natifs d'Aquablue prend
possession de l'île et menacent de tuer leurs otages si la Terre ne procède
pas immédiatement à l'évacuation des colons terriens.
[ Posted on November 3rd, 2013 at 16:50 |
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Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books/Comics/Alpha ]
Douzième volume de la série Alpha. Une tueuse à gages, Scala, est envoyée
sur les traces d'Alpha, tandis que l'ancienne partenaire de ce dernier
parvient à le retrouver en Alsaka. Le FBI suit cette dernière et Scala,
informée des mouvements du FBI, trouve aussi la trace d'Alpha. Lors de sa
fuite, Alpha est retrouvé par Scala qui, au lieu de le tuer, l'emmène en
hélicoptère, simule un crash en mer et fait croire à sa disparition.
[ Posted on November 3rd, 2013 at 16:35 |
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Saturday, November 2nd, 2013
Categories: [ Beer/Fuller's ]
“…the finest Fuggles and Super Styrian hops, floor malted Optic malt and
our unique yeast…
Individually packed and numbered, this bottle is one of only one hundred
thousand produced.
…will improve with age for many more years.”
Very sweet and very strong, tastes like sherry but much sweeter, with hints of prunes. Made
of malted barley.
Previously tasted in 2007.
Bottle N° 49425. Fuller, Smith & Turner, London, England. 8.5% alcohol.
[ Posted on November 2nd, 2013 at 23:39 |
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Thursday, October 31st, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Three cheap musical boxes (each one playing a subtly different version of "The
Swagman"), manufactured in Dartmoor Prison, are sold at a local auction house.
However, a criminal gang is determined to steal and recover all three. The
first is stolen from a collector, friend of Watson's, murdered in the attempt.
Sherlock Holmes is to late to prevent the theft of the second one, but manages
to recover the third from the shop where it was re-sold. The maker of those
boxes had stolen printing plates from the Bank of England and never revealed
where he had hidden them before being arrested. Holmes discovers that a
message is coded in the variations of the tune played by the boxes, and
manages to decode it partly. The gangsters manage to steal the last box and
manage to lure Holmes with a planted clue. Holmes escapses death and guesses
the end of the message (the place where the plates are hidden, a small
museum); Holmes and the police manage to catch the gangsters in the act.
[ Posted on October 31st, 2013 at 21:56 |
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Monday, October 28th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema/Marvel ]
Thor, son of Odin and future king of planet Asgard wants to prove himself by
attacking the Frost Giants of Jotunheim (a commando of which had manage to
enter unnoticed in Odin's castle and approach the source of their power, the
Casket of Ancient Winter, taken from them by Odin when he had defeated the
Giants long time ago). The attack is a failure and Thor, his brother Loki and
their friends are saved in the nick of time by Odin. As a punishment for his
rash actions, Odin banishes Thor to Earth. His war hammer Mjolnir is thrown to
Earth as well and remains attached to the ground in the desert until someone
worthy of it lifts it up. Thor meets a group of scientists studying strange
phenomenons in the sky (due to the use of Bifrost, the rainbow that allows
travelling between the nine realms), whose work is confiscated by S.H.I.E.L.D
after the discovery of Mjolnir. In Asgard, Odin reveals to Loki that he has
actually been adopted, and that is is actually a Frost Giant. Odin the falls
into a coma to recover his strength and Loki, who considers himself the new
king, lets Thor believe that Odin is dead. He then sends an indestructible
robot to Earth after Thor, who, having learned humility is able to recover
Mjolnir and protect the town from the robot. Loki is the one that has left the
Winter Giant's commando in the castle; he kills the king of the Giants and
then uses Bifrost to destroy Jotunheim. His plan is foiled by Heimdall,
guardian of Bifrost, and Bifrost is subsequently destroyed by Thor who has
returned to Asgard. He then fights Loki, who disappears into space.
[ Posted on October 28th, 2013 at 23:45 |
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Sunday, October 27th, 2013
Categories: [ Beer/Clanconnel ]
“traditional Irish dry stout… roasted malts with hints of chocolate, coffee
and dark fruit… earthy hops”
Quite bitter with a definite coffee flavour. Contains barley malt and wheat.
Clanconnel Brewing company, Craigavon, Northern Ireland. 4.3% alcohol.
[ Posted on October 27th, 2013 at 15:22 |
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Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Holmes and Watson have been hired to guard a famous diamond, the Star of
Rhodesia, and her owner, Lady Margaret, by her son Roland, during their train
journey from London back to Edinburgh; Lestrade is on the train as well.
Roland is killed and the diamond is stolen. The suspects are a grumpy
professor of mathematics, an old couple (whose husband admits having stolen a
teapot at an hotel), a young woman, Vivian Vedder, accompanying her mother's
coffin back to Scotland, and Watson's friend, Major Duncan Blake. Questioning
the suspects leads nowhere. Holmes is then pushed out of the train and
miraculously manages to return into the car; he hypothesizes that the thief is
Moriarty's partner, Colonel Sebastian Moran. Watson and Homes then inspect the
coffin and discover a hidden compartment where the killer had been hiding;
Miss Vedder admits she had been paid to take the coffin on the train. Lestrade
is then found knocked-out next to the body of the killer. The train makes an
unexpected stop to pick up several scottish policeman, and Holmes tells them
that Blake is Moran. The latter stops the train with the emergency brake and
fights to escape but is arrested by the policemen and taken out, his head
covered with a coat. Holmes then reveals to Watson that the policemen were
fake, that they have actually taken Lestrade out, and that the real Moran is
handcuffed and hidden below a seat.
[ Posted on October 23rd, 2013 at 14:44 |
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Sunday, October 20th, 2013
Categories: [ Beer/Hogs Back ]
“a classic Traditional English Ale… English malt… local Fuggle hops”
An ale with a strange taste, not really metallic, that I can't describe.
Contains malted barley.
Hogs Back Brewery Limited, Tongham, Surrey, England. 4.2% alcohol.
[ Posted on October 20th, 2013 at 11:44 |
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Tuesday, October 15th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Women are found dead, their forefinger removed. Sir George Fenwick's daughter
asks Sherlock Holmes for help when she finds out her father has burried a box
containing a finger. Sir George, after an evening with his girlfriend had
awaken in an unknown place with the finger in his pocket, and is being
blackmailed for having presumably killed a woman. Sir George is killed before
Holmes has a chance to talk to him, but leaves a clue about a restaurant where
Holmes had spotted him earlier in the company of a woman. Moriarty (whom
Holmes believe is behind the murders) then visits Holmes and threatens to kill
Watson unless he gives up on the case. Holmes conjectures that Moriarty is
using hypnosis to make his victims believe they have commited a murder. Soon
after, a hypnotised sniper attempts to kill Holmes from the empty house across
the street. Holmes then investigates London's club of hypnotists where he
meets and befriends Sir George's girlfriend. Back in her appartment, she and
Moriarty attempt to hypnotize Holmes and force him to commit suicide, but
he is saved in the nick of time by Watson and the police. Moriarty falls from
the building's balcony in an attempt to escape.
[ Posted on October 15th, 2013 at 16:29 |
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Monday, October 14th, 2013
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books ]
Un pensionnat situé dans une zone désertique et peu propice à la vie. Les
pensionnaires s'adonnent aux joies de la drogue et du sexe, pour oublier la
fadeur du quotidien et de l'enseignement. Marquis invente un jour un nouveau
genre de musique, et les pensionnaires se mettent à créer des groupes et à
jouer d'abord clandestinement, puis plus officiellement. Mais à force d'abuser
des drogues inventées par l'un d'entre eux, les moniteurs finissent par
remettre de l'order. On apprent que les pensionnaires ne sont que des clones
servant de banque d'organes à leurs parents. Marquis s'enfuit pour ne pas être
cannibalisé par son « père ». On le retrouve plus tard dans les caves de Shanghai,
ville dominée par les tours où vivent les riches. Il est recueilli par un
groupe de paumés comme lui, et finissent par se retrouver dans l'universtié de
la Suburb, qu pied des tours. À nouveau des groupes de musique se montent et
marquis devient une célébrité. La drogue coule à flot, et domine les besoins
des habitants (avant l'eau, l'oxygène et la nourriture). La musique engendre
la révolte dans la Suburb, et les groupes finissent par se disloquer, leurs
membres mourant dans la guerre civile. Delange, en quelques sortes
l'impressario de marquis, vend ce dernier à son « père » génétique en échange
d'une place dans les tours.
[ Posted on October 14th, 2013 at 21:42 |
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Saturday, October 12th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
The four children are back in Narnia,
drawn there by young Prince Caspian who has sounded a horn (belonging to
Susan, it had stayed behind when the fourn children had left Narnia, 1300
years ago). Caspian is chased by his uncle Miraz's men; being the last
obstacle on Miraz's path to the throne. Caspian meets the Narnians, hiding in
the forest after having been almost exterminated when Caspian's ancestors (the
Telmarines) had invaded Narnia. Soon the four children meet the Narnians and
Caspian and organize a revolt against Miraz, helped by an army of Narnians.
Their first attempt at taking the castle fails and causes the loss of many.
They then fall back in an underground temple, soon under siege by Miraz's
troops. While Lucy escapes in the hope to find Aslan she had seen several
times in visions and dreams, Peter challenges Miraz to a duel for the throne,
buying Lucy time. Peter wins and spares Miraz's life; but one of the latter's
followers kills him and blames the Narnians for having cheated, causing the
troops to attack. Aslan arrives in the nick of time and saves the Narnians. He
later offers whoever wants to go back to Earth (which is where the Telmarines
came from originally). The four children take the opportunity to leave Narnia
[ Posted on October 12th, 2013 at 21:15 |
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Categories: [ Beer/Hook Norton ]
“strong pale ale… plenty of Golding hops”
Just another ale. Contains barley malt.
Hook Norton Brewery, Hook Norton, Oxon, England. 5.0% alcohol.
[ Posted on October 12th, 2013 at 20:57 |
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Monday, October 7th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
The bishop sends Father Brown to carry a antique cross to Rome, but is
warned by Scotland Yard that the famous antique thief known as Flambeau will
attempt to steal the cross. In Paris, the priest identifies the thief and
attempts to make him give up stealing and become an honest man; Flambeau
however steals the cross and disappears. Father Brown attempts to bait him by
putting an antique chess set (belonging to Lady Warren, one of his
parishoners) to the auction; flambeau bites and steals the set, but returns it
to its owner, a beautiful widow, and escapes the police with her and the
priest's help. Flambeau still refuses to give up stealing antiques, but Father
Brown gathers enough information (the crest on Flambeau's cigarette case) to
track him to his castle in Burgundy with the help of an old heraldist and the
owner of a Café in Paris. He discovers the secret room hidden behind the
kitchen's fireplace where Flambeau has collected the product of all his
robberies. Again, he helps Flambeau to escape the police; the collection is
however taken and exposed in the Louvre. Seeing that his collection can now be
admired by everyone in the museum, Flambeau returns to England and joins Lady
Warren in Father Brown's church.
[ Posted on October 7th, 2013 at 22:40 |
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Sunday, October 6th, 2013
Categories: [ Beer ]
“Ginger root, water, sugar, pear juice and yeast”
Sweet but not too much and tastes of ginger. Very nice.
Fentimans Ltd, Hexham, Northumberland, England. 4.0% alcohol.
[ Posted on October 6th, 2013 at 20:59 |
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Monday, September 30th, 2013
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Books ]
Sur un monde où le vent souffle en permance plus ou moins fort et toujours
dans la même direction, les hordes se succèdent génération après génération
pour remonter le vent et découvir ce qui se cache en Extrême-Amont. La 39ème
horde, composée de vingt-trois membres, est probablement la dernière, étant
donné que les véhicules modernes semblent plus à même de remonter le vent
qu'un group de marcheurs. La horde est en outre poursuivie par des tueurs
commandités par une faction du gouvernement qui s'oppose à l'exploration de
l'Amont. La horde perd des membres lors de la traversée à la nage d'une mer
intérieure peu profonde, souffre du retard imposé par un potentat local (à la
solde des opposants aux hordes) qui contrôle l'accès à un point clef sur le
chemin, puis dans les montagnes glacées, encore inexplorées par les hordes
précédentes. Un group de sept parvient en Extrême-Amont, et se retrouvent
devant un précipice et une mer de nuages. Le vent est provoqué par une sorte
de volcan d'air, un peu en aval dudit précipice. Apparemment, en
Extrême-Amont, il n'y a rien. Six des membres survivants se perdent ou
meurent, et seul le scribe de l'expédition survit. Il descend une plante
géante qui remonte du précipice, et finit par se retrouve en Extrême-Aval.
[ Posted on September 30th, 2013 at 18:42 |
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Sunday, September 29th, 2013
Translation: [ Google | Babelfish ]
Categories: [ Beer/Fuller's ]
“double hopped pale ale… blend of american hops including Liberty,
Willamette, Cascade and Chinook… zesty beer… citrus flavours… bitter
Very flowery, quite nice. Contains malted barley.
Fuller, Smith & Turner, London, England. 4.5% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 29th, 2013 at 21:12 |
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Saturday, September 21st, 2013
Categories: [ Beer/Cairngorm ]
“high proportion of wheat… perle hops and elderflower… fruit and citrus
Little bitterness, maybe even a bit sweet, with grapefruit flavour. Contains
barley and wheat.
Cairngorm brewery Ltd., Dalfaber, Aviemore, Scotland. 4.3% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 21st, 2013 at 19:22 |
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Tuesday, September 17th, 2013
Categories: [ TV/Cinema ]
Ray, a serious sci-fi geek, and his friends Pete and Toby are at a pub. Ray
meets Cassie, who claims to be a time traveler whose job is to find and repair
“time leaks” and stop “editors” who kill famous artist just after they
produce their best piece to prevent the downfall part of their career.
The guys have some trouble believing her, but they end up traveling back and
forth through time within the pub, the “portal” being in the toilets. They
see themselves in several times, and discover that they somehow become famous.
They meet a second time traveler, named Millie, an editor. Millie wants to
take the piece of scrap paper containing the idea that will make them famous,
but that will eventually lead to their death. They refuse, and Millie kills
everyone in the pub. Ray manages to destroy the paper by spilling beer on it,
causing all the events to not have happened, but the paper is still soaked.
The three friends walk home wondering about the events in the pub when Cassie
appears through a big glowing portal. She reveals that they have only fourteen
hours to save the Earth, and urges them to go with her to a parallel universe.
[ Posted on September 17th, 2013 at 18:38 |
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Sunday, September 15th, 2013
Categories: [ IT ]
I have a list of files in a text file, and I want to load this list into some
kind of data structure. The list is quite long, and requires to instantiate
100,000 objects in Python, all of the same type. I found out that depending on
what kind of object is used, the time it takes to instantiate all these can
vary greatly. Essentially, each line of the file is composed of tab-separated
fields, which are split into a list with Python's str.split()
method. The
question therefore is: what should I do with that list?
The object must hold a few values, so basically a list or a tuple would be enough.
However, I need to perform various operations on those values, so additional
methods would be handy and justify the use of a more complex object.
The Contenders
These are the objects I compared:
A simple list
, as returned by str.split()
. It is not very handy, but will
serve as a reference.
A simple tuple
, no more handy than the list
, but it may exhibit better
performance (or not).
A class named
that inherits from
class List(list):
def a(self): return self[0]
def b(self): return self[1]
def c(self): return self[2]
A class named
that inherits from
class Tuple(tuple):
def a(self): return self[0]
def b(self): return self[1]
def c(self): return self[2]
A class named
that inherits from
and adds a custom
class ListCustomInitList(List):
def __init__(self, *args): List.__init__(self, args)
A class named
that inherits from
and adds a
class TupleCustomInitTuple(Tuple):
def __init__(self, *args): Tuple.__init__(self)
A class named
that inherits from the
basic type but
has the same features as
instead of inheriting them from
the custom
class ListCustomInit(list):
def __init__(self, *args): list.__init__(self, args)
def a(self): return self[0]
def b(self): return self[1]
def c(self): return self[2]
A class named
that inherits from
basic type but has
the same features as
instead of inheriting them from
the custom
class TupleCustomInit(tuple):
def __init__(self, *args): tuple.__init__(self)
def a(self): return self[0]
def b(self): return self[1]
def c(self): return self[2]
A class named
that is made from the
type in the
NamedTuple = namedtuple("NamedTuple", ("a", "b", "c"))
A very basic class named
and that inherits from
class Class(object):
def __init__(self, args):
self.a = args[0]
self.b = args[1]
self.c = args[2]
A variant of the previous that uses the
class Slots(object):
__slots__ = ("a", "b", "c")
def __init__(self, args):
self.a = args[0]
self.b = args[1]
self.c = args[2]
A old-style class, named
, that does not inherit from
class OldClass:
def __init__(self, args):
self.a = args[0]
self.b = args[1]
self.c = args[2]
The Benchmark
Each class is instantiated 100,000 times in a loop, with the same, constant
input data: ["a", "b", "c"]
; the newly created object is then appended to a
list. This process it timed by calling time.clock()
before and after it and
retaining the difference between the two values. The time.clock()
method has
quite a poor resolution, but is immune to the process being set to sleep by
the operating systems's scheduler.
This is then repeated 10 times, and the smallest of these 10 values is
retained as the performance of the process.
The Results
The results from the benchmark are shown relatively the speed of using a
simple list
. As expected, the use of a simple list
is the fastest, since
it requires not additional object instantiation. Below are the results:
- 1.000 list
- 2.455 tuple
- 3.273 Tuple
- 3.455 List
- 4.636 Slots
- 5.818 NamedTuple
- 6.364 OldClass
- 6.455 Class
- 6.909 TupleCustomInit
- 7.091 TupleCustomInitTuple
- 7.545 ListCustomInit
- 7.818 ListCustomInitList
One can draw several conclusions from this experiment:
- Not instantiating anything is much faster, even instantiating a simple tuple
out of the original list increases the run time by 150%
- The slots feature makes object instantiation 28% faster compared to a
regular class
- Deriving a class from a basic type and adding a custom
that calls the parent's __init__()
adds a lot of overhead (instantiation is
7 to 8 times slower)
[ Posted on September 15th, 2013 at 15:13 |
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Sunday, September 8th, 2013
Categories: [ Beer/Cairngorm ]
“nutty roast flavour… four colour of malt make up the grist”
Sweet stout, with a strong roast and caramel taste. Contains barley and wheat.
Cairngorm brewery Ltd., Dalfaber, Aviemore, Scotland. 4.4% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 8th, 2013 at 10:28 |
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Sunday, September 1st, 2013
Categories: [ Beer ]
“Calypso & Pacifica hops offer a hint of tropical citrus… upfront
bitterness… light malt body”
Just another ale. Contains malted barley.
Sunny Republic Brewing Co., Blandford, Dorset, England. 4.4% alcohol.
[ Posted on September 1st, 2013 at 21:03 |
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