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Dimanche, 21 février 2016

Tron: Legacy

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Sam Flynn, son of Kevin Flynn who had disappeard twenty years earlier, receives a message from his father. Sam finds Kevin's laboratory and is transported into the Grid, into a computer. He is quickly arrestes and condemned to participate in the Games. There he meets Clu, a digital replica of his father, who has taken over the Grid and sent a message to Sam to attract him into the Grid, inducing him to open the portal that would allow Clu to invade the real world. Sam is rescued by Quorra who takes Sam to his father, who lives beyond the Grid. Kevin explains that he creates Clu to build a perfect world, but changed his mind when he discovers the ISOs, native algorithms that are both perfect and chaotic. They were all destroyed by Clu, except Quorra. Understanding the threat posed by Clu, Sam goes back to the Grid to find Zuse who, according to Quorra, can transport him to the portal. Sam is betrayed by Zuse, but saved in the nick of time by Kevin and Quorra. They board a freight train that should take them to the portal, but they are divirted to Clu's lair where his armies are getting ready to invade the world. Sam, Kevin and Quorra fight Clu and eventually Sam and Quorra escape while Kevin stays and destroys Clu and the whole of the grid.

[ Posté le 21 février 2016 à 15:32 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mercredi, 17 février 2016


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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Coraline and hes parents have just moved to a new home. Her parents having no time for her, Coraline explores the house and finds a small door in the living room, leading (at night only) to a copy of her house where everything is as is she hopes (her “other” parents have time for her, the food is good, the garden is beautiful and the neighbours are interesing instead of boring) except that they all have buttons sewn in place of their eyes. When her “other” mother explains she must have her eyes replaced with buttons if she wants to stay forever, Coraline flees back home. But her parents have disappeared, kidnapped by the witch, her “other” mother. Coraline then goes back to the other side and challenges the witch: her parents and she are free if she manages to find the eyes of the three other children who had been captured by the witch in the past. Coraline manages to do so, saving her parents; she then loses forever the key that opens the small door.

[ Posté le 17 février 2016 à 20:30 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 14 février 2016

Despicable Me 2

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



A sequel to Despicable Me. An unknown villain has stolen a powerful mutagen. Gru is hired by the Anti-Villain League and partners with Lucy to spy on the shops in a mall, where the villain is believed to be hiding. Gru suspects Mexican restaurant owner Eduardo, who is actually El Macho, a villain who was believed dead. When traces of the mutagen are found in another shop, Gru is discredited and Lucy (with whom he's fallen in love) is sent abroad. Gru then accepts Eduardo's invitation to celebrate the Cinco de Mayo at his house, and discovers his lair, where most of Gru's minions, who have been abducted, are mutated. Gru refuses El Macho's invitation to join him in his plan of world domination and goes home. He then discovers that Lucy is prisoner of El Macho and goes to her rescue. Lucy and Gru get eventually married.

[ Posté le 14 février 2016 à 12:47 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 2 janvier 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Star Wars ]



Finn has deserted the Stormtroopers and arrives on Jakku, where he meets Rey, a scavenger waiting for her parents to return, and the droid BB-8, both chased by the First Order who wants to recovert the map, hidden in BB-8, indicatig the location of Skywalker. They escape the planet aboard the now abandonned Millenium Falcon and are caught by Han Solo, who barely escapes his creditors aboard the Falcon. Attempting to join the Resistance, they seek Maz Kanata's help. There, Rey finds in a basement Skywalker's lightsaber and discovers the Force is in her. At the same time, the First Order use their new weapon to destroy the Republic's capital. Han, Rey and Finn are attacked by the First Order and saved by the Resistance, but Rey is taken by Kylo Ren to the Order's base. Solo and Finn go to her rescue, and Solo is killed by Kylo Ren (his and Leia's son, turned to the dark side). Finn and Rey manage to sabotage the weapon; Rey then fights Kylo Ren on the surface of the planet, but are eventually separated. In the end, Rey finds Skywalker thanks to the map and returns his lightsaber.

[ Posté le 2 janvier 2016 à 16:21 | 1 commentaire | ]

Jeudi, 24 décembre 2015

Rare Exports

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



À la suite de fouilles au sommet de Korvatunturi, tous les rennes des élevages environnants sont massacrés. Le père de Pietari creuse un piège pour tenter d'attraper la bête responsable du massacre, mais un homme porteur d'un passeport américain et d'une radio y est retrouvé mort. L'homme se réveille, sous l'oeil suspicieux des éleveurs. Un appel à la radio leur fait comprendre que le but des fouilles était de déterrer le Père Noël (que la légende dit enterré au coeur de Korvatunturi). Les éleveurs, comprenant que leur homme est le Père Noël, décident de le vendre pour compenser la mort de leur troupeaux. En même temps, Pietari se rend compte que tous ses amis ont disparu. Lors de l'échange avec l'acheteur, ce dernier est tué juste après avoir reconnu que l'homme mystérieux est en fait un des lutins du Père Noël ; les autres lutins encerlent les éleveurs, qui se réfugient dans un hangar. Là ils découvrent le véritable Père Noël, immense, prisonnier d'un énorme bloc de glace, entourés de sacs contenant les enfants, enlevés par les lutins, en attente d'être punis par le Père Noël. Les éleveurs utilisent les enfants pour attirer les lutins au loin, tandis qu'ils font exploser le Père Noël. Les lutins deviennent alors amorphes ; les éleveurs les dressent alors à se comporter en pères noëls commerciaux et les exportent dans le monde entier.

[ Posté le 24 décembre 2015 à 15:27 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mercredi, 9 décembre 2015


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Frank Moses is a retired CIA agent who is chased by assassins. Thanks to friends and former colleagues, he finds out that his name is on a list; almost all the people on that list have already been assassinated, and all but one are linked to a 30 years old secret mission in Guatemala. The last one is an arms dealer who reveals that the vice-president is using the CIA's assassins to hide the fact that the purpose of the mission was to extract said vice-president who had massacred a village. Frank and his friends manage to kidnap the vice-president to exchange him against Frank's girlfriend who got caught by the FBI earlier. During the exchange, the arms dealer reveals himself as the real mastermind, and is eventually shot by Frank.

[ Posté le 9 décembre 2015 à 22:08 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 14 novembre 2015

The Borrowers

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]


A family of three miniature people leave urder the floor of James' grandmother's house. When spotted they flee, but the parents are caught by an avid scientist. Thanks to James' help, whom she had befriended before leaving, their daughter Arrietty manages to save them.

[ Posté le 14 novembre 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 13 novembre 2015


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/James Bond ]



Following the posthumous suggestion of former M, and without knowledge of his hierarchy, Bond assassinates Marco Sciarra in Mexico City and goes to his funeral in Rome. There he learns that Sciarra was a member of SPECTRE, a global criminal organisation. Meanwhile, MI6 is to be merged with MI5 and M replaced by a single chief who has a blind faith in total surveillance. In Rome, Bond identifies the head of SPECTRE as Franz Oberhauser, presumed dead. He then gets a lead to Mr White in Austria, a former SPECTRE operative who tells Bond that his daughter will lead him to l'Américain. After saving the daughter, Madeline Swann, from SPECTRE assassins they go to L'Américain, a hotel in Tangiers, where Bond finds a secret room with White's notes on locating Oberhauser. The villain's base is in the middle of the Moroccan desert; after receiving Bond's visit and explaining that MI5's new surveillance network (linked to 8 other countries' own networks) will actually serve SPECTRE's purposes, Oberhauser (who was also revealed to be the murderous son of Bond's adoptive father and now goes by the name Blofeld) is left for dead. Back in London, M and Q work on preventing the surveillance network from going online while Bond saves Swann from being killed by Blofeld in the premature demolition of the former MI6 building. Bond then arrests Blofeld who was trying to escape.

[ Posté le 13 novembre 2015 à 23:45 | 2 commentaires | ]

Mercredi, 14 octobre 2015

The Martian

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



When the Ares III mission on Mars is forced to abort and leave in a hurry, Mark Watney is left behind, presumed dead. He is actually alive, and manages to survive on Mars by cultivating indoors potatoes that were part of the special Thanksgiving meal. Meanwhile NASA discoveres activity on the Ares III site and deduces Watney is actually alive. Watney recovers the Pathfinder probe and uses it to communicate with Earth. NASA attempts to send him food supplies so that he could survive until the arrival of the Ares IV mission 3 years later. An accident destroys Watney's crop and the supply launch by NASA fails. Then someone finds out that the rest of Watney's crew, flying back to Earth on the Hermes could actually slingshot around Earth and return to Mars to pick him up, provided that he would travel 3000 km to the Ares IV site where the return rocket is already waiting for the mission. Although not authorized by NASA, the crew immediately decides to fly back to Mars. Meanwhile, Watney manages to pack all the neede supplies in a rover and travel to the site, take all the unnecessary parts off the rocket to reach as high an orbit as possible. This is still not enough, so the Hermes has to expell most of its atmosphere, acting as a retrorocket, to slow down and successfully catch Watney.

[ Posté le 14 octobre 2015 à 23:45 | 1 commentaire | ]

Lundi, 21 septembre 2015


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Casablanca, 1941. Rick Blaine owns a saloon where many refugees seek authorisations to fly to Lisbon and from there to America. Such authorizations are hard to get. One day, Rick sees Ilsa reappearing in his life, after she disappeared in Paris while they were fleeing the city just before it was invaded by the Germans (because she had just learned that her husband did not die in a concentration camp after all). Rick is still in love with her, and her with him, despite being married to Victor Laszlo, one of the leaders of the resistance, whom the recently arrived German officiers want the local chief of police to arrest for them. Rick has hides in his saloon authorizations given to him by an accointance for safekeeping, just before getting arrested and killed because of having murdered the German officers from whom he stole the papers. Rick plans to flee with Ilsa using those authorizations, but eventually decides to give them to Victor, because Ilsa convinced him that many lives would be saved if Victor remains alive.

[ Posté le 21 septembre 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 8 août 2015


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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]




[ Posté le 8 août 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mardi, 28 juillet 2015

Largo Winch 2

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Largo a passé plusieurs années en Birmanie, au moment où un village proche est massacré par la junte militaire; il en est chassé par sa compagne Malunai lorsqu'il empêche les rebelles birmans de tuer un européen accusé d'être du coté de la junte, Simon Ovronnaz. Trois ans plus tard, Largo décide de vendre son groupe et de créer une fondation charitable, demandant à un ami de feu son père Nerio d'en être le directeur. À peine l'ordre de vente signé, Largo est arrêté et accusé par Francken, une enquêtrice des l'ONU, d'avoir commandité le massacre en Birmanie, grâce au témoignage (forcé) de Malunai. Il est libéré grâce à un pot de vin, et décide de retrouver Malunai, qui est conduite au camp militaire du général Min. Avec l'aide de rebelles, il délivre Malunai et, afin de libérer le fils de Malunai retenu en otage par Min afin de forcer sa mère à témoigner contre Largo, paye au général depuis un compte secret la deuxième moitié de l'argent qui lui avait été promis par la personne qui avait avait commandité le massacre. Francken surveillant le compte secret est convaincue de la culpabilité de Largo. Largo apprend que le groupe W est près d'être racheté par Nazatchov, un homme d'affaire véreux ; étant donné la chute des actions causées par les évènements récents, ce dernier a maintenant assez d'argent pour acheter le groupe W. Largo est rejoint par Simon, qui était 3 ans plus tôt le chauffeur du commanditaire du massacre, et apprend à Largo que l'homme travaillait pour Nerio, et a été tué par Min lorsque Nerio, apprenant les méthodes employées, a refusé de payer. Largo et Malunai sont ensuite attaqués par des mercenaires employés par Nazatchov et Malunai est tuée. Largo vire ensuite une petite somme de son compte secret sur celui du mercenaire afin d'attirer sur ce dernier et sa relation avec Nazatchov l'attention de Francken, puis se rend en Suisse pour rencontrer Francken et lui révéler le complot. Là, l'ami de Nerio tente de tuer Francken et de faire accuser Largo, en expliquant que le commanditaire du massacre était son fils, à qui Nerio n'a accordé aucune pitié, et que bien que Nazatchov ait fourni l'argent pour mener à bien sa vengeance, il en était le cerveau.

[ Posté le 28 juillet 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 17 juillet 2015

Groundhog Day

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Phil Connors, misanthropic weatherman, goes to Punxsutawney to cover Groundhog Day. A snow stop prevents him and his crew from leaving the town, and he has to spend one more night there. When waking up the next morning, he slowly notices that the events from the previous day are happening again, and finally understands he's trapped in a time loop. He first spends his now infinite time being annoying to other people, then going out with all the cute women around. He then gets depressed and commits multiple time suicide, without succeeding in leaving the time loop. One day he notices that he quite likes his colleague Rita, but he has only one day to seduce her. After many failed attempts, he becomes a better person, using his time to help other people (knowing in advance what will happen to them), learning to play the piano, and becoming known to the whole population. Finally, he manages to seduce Rita within the day, and he finally escapes the time loop.

[ Posté le 17 juillet 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 5 juillet 2015

Kahdeksas veljes

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]




[ Posté le 5 juillet 2015 à 16:47 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 25 mai 2015


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Marvel ]



Bruce Banner's father experimented on himeself in the 60s with cell regeneration. He transmitted a mutation to his newborn Bruce, and, imagining the monster his son would become, tried to kill him, but accidentally killed his wife instead. Bruce nowadays works in a genetics research lab, unaware of his real father's background; his father however reveals himself and tells him why he's special and that Bruce should help him complete the experiments that he was conducting in the past before the Army stopped him. After surviving an accidentally exposure to lethal levels of radiation, Bruce transforms under stress into a green giant with an incredible strength and ability to quickly heal. He's eventually captured by the Army, with the help of Bruce's kinda girlfriend (who's the general's daugther). Being experimented on in a secret lab in the desert, Bruce escapes and is chased by the Army and eventually surrenders when he notices the amount of damage he does when out of control as the Hulk. Meanwhile, Bruce's father is also arrested. The general decides they are too dangerous and must be executed. Father and son however start to fight during their last talk before their execution. The father, trying to absorb the Hulk's energy but discovering he cannot handle it, is killed by the army. Bruce is presumed dead as well, but is actually hiding in South America.

[ Posté le 25 mai 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 23 mai 2015

Jussi Pussi

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]




[ Posté le 23 mai 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 16 mai 2015

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Seen many times, needs no summary.

[ Posté le 16 mai 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 3 mai 2015

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



The two youngest children are back in Narnia, accidentally followed by their younger cousin Eustace. The arrive in the middle of the ocean and are rescued by Narnia's ship the Dawn Treader, where they meet Caspian, on a voyage to rescue the seven lords of Narnia. They learn about a strange green mist that makes ships and people disappear. They meet a magician who tells them they need to find the seven magical swords of the Lords to defeat the green mist. They find several of the swords on different islands. On the last one, Eustace is transformed into a dragon after wanting to loot a dragon's cursed treasure. They eventually arrive to an island where sits Aslan's table, where they must place all seven swords; three Lords are already there, magically asleep holding their swords, but one is still missing. A fairy appears and leads them the the Dark Island where they find the last sword fighting the evil (the White Queen) in the form of a sea serpent. Eustace as a dragon fight the serpen and is wounded with the seventh sword. He flies back to Aslans's table where Aslans transforms him into a boy again and heals him. Eustace places the sword on the table and all evil suddenly disappears, the disappeard people reappearing again. In the end, they go the the shore facing Aslan's world; he tells them they are too old to visit Narnia again, but that Eustace may come back some day.

[ Posté le 3 mai 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 1er mai 2015

Pohjan tähteet

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]




[ Posté le 1er mai 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Jeudi, 30 avril 2015


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



In the 1930, Carl Frederiksen dreams of adventures and idolizes the explorer Charles Muntz. He meets Ellie who is a fan of Muntz as well and they promis each other to bring her house onto a cliff in South America near a waterfall, depicted in one of Muntz's books. But the couple never got enough money and Ellie died before they could fulfill their dreams. Living alone in the house and soon to be forced to live in a retirement home, Carl attached his house to a large amount of helium-filled balloos and flies to South America, accidentally accompanied by a boy scout who was trying to get his last badge. They land near the waterfall, and fall out of the house; unable to get in again, they pull it towards their destination. On the way, they find a strange, huge bird (first discovered by Muntz who was called a fraud and leaft promising not to come back before he can bring a specimen) who is chased by a a pack of dog who can talk through their electronic collar. The dogs take them to Muntz who still lives nearby in his dirigible. Muntz discovers they have found the bird (that has followed them) and tries to capture it. They manage to escape, but Muntz then manages to capture the bird. They board the dirigible and save it, Muntz getting killed in the process. Eventually they come back home and Carl becomes the boy scout's adoptive grandfather.

[ Posté le 30 avril 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 18 avril 2015


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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]




[ Posté le 18 avril 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 28 mars 2015

Näköradiomiehen ihmelliset siekailut

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]




[ Posté le 28 mars 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 21 mars 2015

Pähkähullu Suomi

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]


© listal.com


[ Posté le 21 mars 2015 à 23:37 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 7 mars 2015


Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]



[ Posté le 7 mars 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Jeudi, 26 février 2015


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



On planet Pandora, humans are mining unobtainium and, with the help of mercenaries, attempt to reloacate the indigenous Na'vi away from the gigantic tree that is their home. To approach the Na'vi, humans are remote-controlling artificially grown, Na'vi-looking avatars through a neural connection. Jack Sully, a paraplegic ex-marine, makes contact with the Na'vi and, after receiving a sign from the local deity Eywa, and learning the ways of the Na'vi, becomes a honorary member of the tribe. His mission is to convince the Na'vi to leave their home, but he falls in love with the chief's daughter and soon sides with the Na'vi. When the mercenaries attack the tree, Jack manages to rally the other tribes and together they manage to beat the humans before they manage to destroy the Na'vi's most sacred place. In the end, Jack's mind is transferred to his avatar thanks to the power of Eywa.

[ Posté le 26 février 2015 à 22:26 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mercredi, 25 février 2015

The Imitation Game

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



In 1939, Alan Turing is hired to work in Bletchley Park on decrypting the most complicated cipher of the time, Enigma, used by Germany in the war. He soon understands that only a machine will be able to beat Enigma, and despite the resistance from the commander of the research center who resents Turing naive, but actual intellectual superiority, he manages to build a computer nicknamed Christpher (the name of his best friend and first love when he was in school). He receives help from Joan Clarke, hired because she solved a crossword puzzle faster than Turing and when she is forced by her parents to leave the mostly-male Bletchley Park, Alan proposes to her so as to keep her close to him, despite his homosexuality. After the war, Turing is arrested for being an homosexual (while being suspected of being a Soviet spy), and despite convincing the police detective that his top-secret work during the war has probably saved millions of lives, he is sentenced to chemical castration which he chose over prison in order to continue working on the first generic computer. The treatment however robs him of his mental faculties and he soon after commits suicide.

[ Posté le 25 février 2015 à 22:43 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 21 février 2015


Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]



[ Posté le 21 février 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 13 février 2015

Noin 7 veljestä

Traduction: [ Google ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Spede ]



[ Posté le 13 février 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 2 janvier 2015


Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



In a not-so-distant future, cereal species are getting extinct one by one by the blight, and sand storm happen regularly. Cooper, an ex-astronaut and now farmer decodes a message appearing in his daughter Murphy's room as gravitational anomalies, leading him to what is left of NASA. Scientists there work in parallel on anti-gravity and on sending manned exploratory probes through a wormhole that had appeared near Staturn fifty years earlier; plan A is to make space stations and take humanity away from the surface into space and plan B is to send frozen embryo to a suitable planet in the other galaxy. Cooper is asked to travel through the wormhole to another galaxy, finding out what happened to the three probes that are still emitting pings back to Earth. Cooper leaves his children in the care of their grandfather, knowing that because of relativity, they will age much faster than he will. In the other galaxy, they have three planets to visit. On the first one, there is only the wreckage of the probe, destroyed by gigantic waves and barely escape with their lives, losing one crew member. On the second planet, they find a survivor ,Mann, who tries to kill them to take their ship and escape back to Earth. Cooper learns from him that he had faked the data about the planet (it's not inhabitable) to attract rescuers and that anti-gravity cannot be discovered without measurements taken from the inside of a black hole, and that plan A is just a scam to get people working while plan B is applied. Cooper and Brand manage to escape from the planet and save their orbiter from Mann's wrong docking maneuvres that almost destroyed it. They then split, Brand going to the third planet while Cooper jumps into the black hole. He discovers there an environment when he can survive, showing a 2-dimension view to his daughter's room and where he can travel time as a dimension of space. He then understands he can send messages by generating gravitational anomalies. He also sends the measurements taken from inside the blackhole by his robot sidekick, leading his daughter to discover anti-gravity. His environment then collapses and he's spit out of the wormhole. He eventually wakes up in a space station years later, seing his now elderly daughter for the last time. She convices him to go back and search for Brand, who is implementing plan B on the last planet (that happens to be habitable).

[ Posté le 2 janvier 2015 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mardi, 16 décembre 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Traduction: [ Google | Babelfish ]

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/The Hobbit ]



After having been woken up by Bilbo in in The Desolation of Smaug, Smaug attacks Laketown. He is defeater by Bard, who leads the survivors to the Dale, while the dwarves who had stayed at the town rejoin Thorin, Bilbo and the other inside the Lonely Mountain. Thorin has gone mad because the gold is tainted by the dragon and because he cannot find the Arkenstone (actually found and kept hidden by Bilbo); he also refuses to help the human refugees. Meanwhile, Gandalf is saved from Dol Guldur by Galadriel, Elrond and Saruman; Sauron is sent back to Mordor. Overnight, an army of Elves appears in front of the gates of the Kingdom under the Mountain, demanding their share of its treasures. Because of Thorin's refusal to share anything, the humans side with the Elves and are about to attack when King Dain arrieves with an army of dwarves. Gandalf finally joins them, announcing that the orcs, lead by Azog are about to attack. Nobody cares to believe him until the orcs actually attack. The allies are outnumbered but Thorin is finally convinced by Bilbo to walk out of the mountain and lead the dwarves. With a few other dwarves, they attempt to bring down Azog, who is coordinating the attack from Ravenhill. They are however ambushed by Bolg, who has been leading a second army of orcs. Azog and Bolg are finally killed, but Thorin is killed as well. The orcs now being defeated, Gandalf and Bilbo travel back to the Shire.

[ Posté le 16 décembre 2014 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Vendredi, 28 novembre 2014

Faut pas prendre les enfants du Bon Dieu pour des canards sauvages

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Rita trahit son fiancé Fred, gangster ayant volé une fortune en lingots, au profit de M. Charles qui lui a promis la moitié du magot. Ce dernier la trahit cependant à son tour. Rita décide alors de raconter son histoire (embellie) à sa tante Léontine, qui remonte à Paris pour punir Charles. Rita rencontre Tiburce, le neveu de Charles et en tombe amoureuse, ce qui retient Léontine de froidement assassiner Charlse. Ce dernier, suite à des négociations avec Léontine, vend l'or contre du liquide, pour acheter la paix entre elle et lui, mais les billets étant des bolivars, personne ne veut les reprendre (surtout que Léontine a empêché la transaction). De son coté, Fred essaye de récupérer son magot et fini perdu dans un sous-terrain. Le jour du mariage, Rita dit « non » à la mairie, et Léontine finit par assassiner Charles.

[ Posté le 28 novembre 2014 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 23 novembre 2014

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Irene Adler is killed by Moriarty after having failed to deliver a letter that Holmes had intercepted. Holmes, investigating apparently unrelated crimes commited by Moriarty's gang, meets Simza, the recipient of the letter, at Watson's bachelor party, and prevents her assassination. After Watson's wedding, Holmes meets Moriarty, and the latter threatens to kill the young couple if Holmes continues interfering in his business. Watson and Holmes follow Simza to Paris, looking for her brother Rene, sender of the letter. They discover that the anarchist group to which Rene used to belong had been forced to place bombs for Moriarty. Holmes incorrectly deduces the presence of a bomb at the Opera, while it was actually at an hotel, where the explosion was meant to cover the assassination of Alfred Meinhard by a sniper. Ther latter's death grants Moriarty ownership of Meinhard's arms factory in Germany. Holmes and his companions travel there following clues in Rene's letter. Holmes, captured and tortured by Moriarty, describes his plot to start a war in Europe after becoming the owner of various industries that would become very profitable in a war. Watson frees Holmes and they then traver to the peace conference in Reichenbach, Switzerland, the logical place where an assassination by Moriarty would start a war. Simza and Watson manage to identify Rene, disguised as one of the ambassadors and prevent the assassination, while Holmes fights Moriarty on a balcony. Holmes, injured, cannot win the fight, so he decides to throw himself and his opponent into the waterfall below. In the end, Holmes is presumed dead, but Watson receives a parcel that indicates he is actually still alive.

[ Posté le 23 novembre 2014 à 11:56 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 16 novembre 2014

The Pirates! Band of Misfits

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



The Pirate Captain once again hopes to get the Pirate of the Year Award, but gives up when he seens how much plunder his opponents have gathered. He then attacks severa ships, none of which contained any riches, until he meets Charles Darwin. The latter recognizes the Captain's parrott for what it really is: a dodo bird, a species long extinct. Darwin wants to present the bird to the royal society but the Captain insists on presenting it himself, and the pirates travel to Victorian London where the Queen hates pirates. After a failed attempt to steal the dodo by Darwin's “manpanzee” butler, the pirates disguised as scientists present the dodo to the Royal Society. They are soon after identified as pirates, but the Queen eventually exchange the the dodo for a large treasure, which allows the captain to win the Pirate of the Year Award; his royal pardon is however discovered and he is banished. The crew soon discovers the disappearance of the dodo, feeling betrayed, abandon the Captain in London, where he lives as a peddler. One day at the zoo, he meets Darwin in front of the dodo's empty cage, and learns that the Queen is part of a secret society of the world's most powerful people who eat extremely rare animals for dinner. With Darwin, the Captain boards the Queen's steamboat and after a long battle eventually sink the ship, saves the dodo and regain the trust of his crew which had arrived just in time to save them.

[ Posté le 16 novembre 2014 à 11:07 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 26 octobre 2014

Captain America: The First Avenger

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/Marvel ]



In 1942, Steve Rogers wants to fight in the war, but is unfit for duty. Being smart, he is eventually accepted in a special unit and accepts to be the guinea pig for an experiment. His body is enhanced and gains superhuman abilities. The scientist who conducted the experiment is killed by a spy soon after, but Rogers manages to catch the spy. The latter works for Hydra, an organization originally working for Hitler and researching supernatural phenomena. Its head, Schmidt, the first guinea pig for body enhancement, has found an infinite source of energy and has built new weapons in order to take over the world. Now stronger, Rogers wants to fight in the war but he is instead ordered to perform in a show promoting war bonds, as character Captain America. While touring on the front, Rogers learns his friend has been captured by Hydra and attacks alone their base and frees the prisoner. With the help of Howard Stark, he becomes Captain America the super soldier, armed with an indestructible circular shield. Along with a small group of soldiers, they attack other Hydra bases. They eventually manage to capture Schmidt's mad scientist and locate Hydra's last base, from which Schmidt plans to attack American cities with a gigantic wing-shaped airplane. Rogers manages to board the airplane, fights Schmidt, removes its magical power supply and crash lands in the Arctic and is considered lost. 70 years later the crash site is dicovered and Rogers, who was asleep, awakes in the modern world where he joins S.H.I.E.L.D.

[ Posté le 26 octobre 2014 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 28 septembre 2014

The Adventures of Tintin

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Tintin buys a model ship at the flea market, that several people try to buy from him. After being broken in a fight between Snowy and a cat, the ship gets stolen and Tintin investigates Sakharine, one of the insistent buyers who happen to own a replica of the same ship. Back at his place, Tintin finds a scroll, that was hiddent in the ship. Tintin is soon after abducted by Sakharine and taken prisoner on board of the freighter SS Karaboudjan. During his escape, Tintin meets Haddock, the ship's captain, a drunkard who is also prisoner of Sakharine; Tintin also discovers that Sakharine is heading to Bagghar where the third model ship is owned by Omar ben Salaad. They escape on a lifeboat, are gunned by a seaplane from the freighter; they manage to steal the plane and evetually crash in the Sahara desert, where Haddock starts telling the story of his ancestor, Sir Francis Haddock, captain of the Unicorn, transporting a fortune in gold. The ship was boarded by Red Rackham's pirates but the captain managed to make it explode after having taken a small part of the treasure with him. Three model Unicorn ships contain each a scroll which, when combined, would lead to the treasure. Tintin and Haddock are rescued from the desert by French légionnaires; they eventually reach Bagghar where the Castafiore is having a recital for ben Salaad. Her voice breaks the bullet-proof glass case containing the model ship and Sakharine then steals it. A lengthy chase ensues but Sakharine escapes with the scrolls. Thanks to Thomson and Thompson, they reach Europe before Sakharine and attempt to arrest him when he leaves his ship. After another lenghty fight, Sakharine, who reveals being the descendent of Red Rackham, is finally arrested. Haddock and Tintin following the scrolls' indications, finally find the treasure in a hidden cellar of Marlinspike's castle.

[ Posté le 28 septembre 2014 à 15:00 | pas de commentaire | ]

Samedi, 13 septembre 2014

Despicable Me

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Gru is a super-villain who plans to steal the moon. For that purpose, he needs the shrinking ray that his opponent, Vector, stole from him. His attempts to enter Vector's fortress fail until he notices three little orphan girls selling cookies whom Vector invites in. Gru then adopts the three girls and uses them to introduce himself into Vector's house and steal back the shrinking ray. He then builds the rocket that will take him to the moon, but gets distracted by the three girls whom he slowly grows fond of; his associated mad scientist forces him to return the girls to the orphanage. He then flies to the moon, reduces it and steals it, and darts back to Earth in the hope of arriving in time for the girl's ballet recital. But the girls have been kidnapped by Vector who wants to exchange them for the Moon. The latter takes the moon but flies away with the girls. Gru chases them, noticing that the Moon is growing quickly back to its original size, eventually shooting back into its orbit, taking Vector with it. In the end, Gru definitely adopts the girls.

[ Posté le 13 septembre 2014 à 20:54 | 1 commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 24 août 2014

The Tuxedo

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Jimmy Tong, the fastest taxi driver in town, is hired to be the driver of the mysterious Clark Devlin who happens to be a secret agent. When Devlin is seriously wounded, he tells Jimmy to continue his mission to investigate the Banning Corporation who plans to take over the world's drinking water supply to sell its own brand of bottled water. Jimmy wears Devlin's special tuxedo that gives him extraordinary physical abilities. Together with his partner Delilah Blaine (who thinks for quite some time that Jimmy is Devlin), they find Banning's laboratory where the villain breeds waterstriders that would pollute the water supplies with bacteria that instantly dehydrate their hosts. They manage to stop the plot in the nick of time.

[ Posté le 24 août 2014 à 23:45 | pas de commentaire | ]

Mardi, 1er juillet 2014

Le conte de la princesse Kaguya

Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



Un coupeur de bambou, Okina, trouve une princess minitature dans une pousse de bambou. Cette dernière se transforme en bébé, adopté par Okina et sa femme; le bébé grandit en un été pour devenir une fillette de 10 ans qui joue avec le enfants des voisins. Okina découvre une autre pousse de bambou remplie d'or et une autre pleine de riches tissue. Il décide que c'est le signe que sa fille doit devenir une princesse et vivre à la capitale. Il y fait construire une demeure, déménage avec sa femme et sa fille; cette dernière y reçoit une éducation digne de la noblesse, c'est à dire qu'elle se doit de rester cachée sans rien faire d'utile, mais continue à ses heures perdues à cultiver son jardin et travailler dans la maison. Lorsqu'elle atteint la puberté, elle se fait baptiser Kaguya et attire l'intérêt de cinq nobles qui veulent l'épouser. Sans l'avoir jamais vue, ils la comparent à des trésors mythiques. Kaguya annonce épouser le premier qui ramènera le trésor qu'il évoquait. Trois ans plus tard, certains reviennent avec des faux, mais leurs mensonsges sont percés à jour. L'empereur décide alors qu'il veut faire de Kaguya une des épouses. Alors que ce dernier cherche à l'embrasser de force, Kaguya disparaît et réapparaît un peu plus tard. Elle explique alors qu'elle a invoqué la Lune, d'où elle est originaire, de l'emmener loin de cette vie qu'elle n'aime pas, et que le 15 du mois elle sera obligée d'y retourner; son apparition sur Terre état une punition pour avoir voulu connaître autre chose que la vie parfaite et monotone sur la Lune. Kaguya fait alors une dernier visite dans la montagne où elle a passé son enfance, et comprend qu'elle aurait pu avoir été heureuse si elle y était resté et avait épousé son ami d'enfance. Le jour dit, une délégation de la Lune arrive et enlève Kaguya à sa famille; on lui passe de force le manteau de plumes qui lui fait tout oublier, mais elle verse tout de mêne une larme en voyant la Terre s'éloigner derrière elle.

[ Posté le 1er juillet 2014 à 13:40 | pas de commentaire | ]

Lundi, 23 juin 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma/X-Men ]



In the near future, mutants are exterminated by invulnerable robotic creatures names Sentinels. They have been developed by Trask from the 1970s, and his assassination by Mystique in 1973 has convinced the government of the mutant threat and the need to eradicate them. Thanks to Kitty Pride's ability to send someone's mind back in time into ones own body, Logan wakes up in his 1973 body with the task, set by both Professor X and Magneto, to prevent Trask's death and the development of Sentinels. He manages to convince Charles Xavier of the veracity of his story and knowledge of the future, and thanks to the help of young Evan Peters they free Magneto from his cell in the middle of the Pentagon. The then track Mystique to the Vietnam War peace conference in Paris and prevent her from killing Trask, but she is wounded and thanks to her blood Trask manages to progress with Sentinel. During Traks presentation of Sentinel at the White House, Magneto flies a stadium around the building and uses the Sentinels to fire on the guards. He then extracts the saferoom containing President Nixon, his staff and Trask from the White House's basement and prepares to kill the President. Finally convinced by Xavier's arguments, Mystique prevents Magneto from doing that. Nixon is then convinced that mutants don't need to be exterminated, and Logan wakes up nowdays in his current body but in a new timeline; he and Xavier then exchange their knowledge of history since 1973.

[ Posté le 23 juin 2014 à 23:45 | 1 commentaire | ]

Dimanche, 15 juin 2014

The Grand Budapest Hotel

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Catégories : [ TV/Cinéma ]



The story takes place in a fictional alpine country in 1932. Gustave H. is the concierge of the Grand Budapest Hotel and (among others) the lover of Madame D. After her sudden death, he inherits a valuable painting, but decides to steal it after being threatened by the children of Madame D. Soon after, he is accused of the murder of Madame D. and arrested. The lawyer of Madame D. is murdered after having announced to the family that a document is missing from the numerous amendments to her will. Thanks to his lobby boy and protégé Zero, Gustave escapes prison and try to find Serge X., Madame D.'s butler, who had been forced to testify against Gustave. They find him in a monastery, but he is murdered by a killer working for Madame D.'s son Dmitri. Back at the hotel, now general quarters of the army since the beginning of the war, they recover the painting hidden in the hotel's safe and discover the missing document in the back of the painting, placed there by Serge X. who had helped Gustave stealing it. Gustave is named sole heir of Madame D., and thus becomes owner of the hotel. But Gustave is soon after killed by a grumpy soldier who attacked Zero. Based on a deal Gustave and Zero had made just after stealing the painting, Zero inherits from Gustave and becomes the owner of the hotel.

[ Posté le 15 juin 2014 à 20:40 | pas de commentaire | ]